DaniG_1987 Member


  • I've lost 83 pounds since January. It definitely takes dedication but honestly it hasn't been hard (after the first two weeks). If you stick to a workout schedule and mostly follow MFP's calorie guidelines (sometimes I eat more, sometimes I eat less but mostly I try and stick to the calorie goal), it works like a charm.…
  • Starting weight : 264 Current weight : 188 August goal : 178 Ultimate goal : 140ish Potential challenge: going to see my family this weekend and going to the state fair with them. Traveling and a friend coming to town threw off my schedule a bit last month, so I am going to make a conscious effort to eat better and…
  • BAAAAAH. I reached 186 3 weeks into the month but then a friend came to town and stayed with us for a couple of days. It threw off my schedule and while I still worked out the same amount, I ended up eating out more than normal. Then last weekend we had to go to the city we are moving to in a few months to look at…
  • Updating! I reached 489,739 steps!
  • Yaas! Starting weight (Jan 9, 2017): 264 July 2017 starting weight: 196 July 2017 goal weight: 185 Ultimate goal: 140 (then reassess) July final weight: July pounds lost:
  • Updating! I didn't reach my ultimate goal (thanks pre-shark week plateau!) but progress is progress. Original starting weight - 264 June starting weight - 206.8 (May 31) June goal weight - 193 Ultimate goal weight - 140 June 30th weight: 196.0 Total lbs lost this month - 10.8
  • Drink a lot of water and stick to your calorie goal set by MFP. You probably consumed a lot more salt while on vacation if you were eating things that you did not make at your house. Most restaurants put a lot of salt in their food and it can cause you to balloon up, even to 4 pounds. Give it a few days of lots of water…
  • I find that when I work something like a burger into my calories for the day, I enjoy the burger more. It is something special now, whereas before I could eat a Juicy Lucy anytime I wanted and even multiple times a week if I wanted so there was nothing special about it. In theory I could still do that now, it would just…
  • One thing you can do is start taking family walks after dinner. It will at least help him burn off a couple hundred calories so over eating will be less bad, it will help you guys build a bigger bond and set a good example for your kids, and it will slightly help with the situation without bringing up the difficult subject…
  • Yes, I am counting the calories in (CI) and the calories I burn (CO) to lose weight. Once I get to my goal weight I will then still use CICO to maintain my weight but I will adjust the amount of CI to a higher number and possibly adjust CO to a lower number to stay close to the weight I want to be...so I am using the idea…
  • From my experience people don't want to the put in the work that comes with CICO. I've lost 59 pounds since January using CICO and I still have people tell me that CICO doesn't work and that it is too much work / not worth it. I've literally had someone tell me they wish they could lose as much weight as I have and asked…
  • What type of food are you eating? I just had two weeks of completely plateauing even though I was eating ~ 1000 calories and was working out for about an hour a day 6 days a week. I noticed my eating habits had stopped including a lot of veggies during lunch so I added those back in and the weight has started falling off…
  • Just in time!!! Original starting weight - 264 June starting weight - 206.8 (May 31) June goal weight - 193 Ultimate goal weight - 140 Total lbs lost this month -
  • A lot of my steps come from zumba and since I track that as cardio in my watch I don't get the mileage for it. So I am going to go with a steps challenge with the goal of beating my highest monthly step count within the last year. Last month I reached 442,842 steps, so my goal for June will be 450,000 steps! (In fairness I…
  • I've always been bigger but relatively healthy, then I gained about 60 pounds on top of my normal obese weight after starting a desk job and after my father passing away. My blood pressure was dangerously high and my doctor just said, that's okay, we'll just get you started on some meds. I realized it was a turning point…
  • Just posting this for people that come here later after googling if you can lose weight using Sudafed and find this thread. A common side effect of Sudafed is an increase in blood pressure and heart rate while taking the meds. Using Sudafed to try and lose weight is not a good idea, especially if you have high blood…
  • La Croix. Still gives you the bubbles without the calories, sugar, or salt.
  • Original starting weight (Jan 9, 2017)- 264 April starting weight - 226.8 (March 31) April goal - 215 (Also my personal first weight loss goal since starting!) Ultimate goal - 140 Total loss for April - 214.6! 12.2!
  • Checking in at 218.4 this morning :) 8.4 down so far for April.
  • I use to do a vinyasa yoga class 3 days a week (an hour a session) where I was dripping sweat to the point that I would slip on my mat... I still only burned about 80 calories and this was when I was 250+ lbs. I did this for about a year and I was feeling more limber but did not really lose any weight from it. I now do…
  • As others have said make a grocery list and stick to it, don't even bother going down the aisles that don't have the food you are looking for. I also pop some headphones in and play some of my gym work out music when I'm grocery shopping by myself. It helps me to focus on getting in and out, makes me walk with a little…
  • Original starting weight (Jan 9, 2017)- 264 April starting weight - 226.8 (March 31) April goal - 215 (Also my personal first weight loss goal since starting!) Ultimate goal - 140 Total loss for April - TBD
  • Next time call the police and get a restraining order. Everything he is doing is *kitten* up but that is taking it to the next level.
  • I didn't say ALL vitamins and nutrients but she is definitely going to be lacking. Based on the McDonalds nutritional info on their website this is what she would be eating (the calories differ from what she mentioned but I couldn't find a chicken sandwich or breakfast item that matched what she stated --so these are the…
  • Are you weighting all the food you are eating and tracking all of it? Are you tracking everything you drink? Is it all staying within your MFP calorie goal? Saying that you are going to mess it up again tomorrow gives you a negative start and with that attitude you are more likely to slip up the next day. Do one solid week…
  • In terms of drinking, one thing you could do is pull the waitress or bartender aside and kind of explain the situation. In the past I have just said I'm the DD for my friends and they think one or two drinks is fine for the DD but I'd rather not or I've had enough to drink tonight but my friends want us to keep going, can…
  • One thing I've done that has really helped me is to eat breakfast and then plan my week of meals out on a Saturday or Sunday and write out the ingredients and the exact amount I need. (I also use this time to double check that I don't already have those ingredients at my house first.) Then I take the list and go shopping…
  • That person sounds awful. I'm sorry you are dealing with that, hopefully you are just writing it off. You should be proud of your hard work and her insecurities are something she needs to worry about, not you.
  • We cut open our frozen packages and let them go down the drain over night. We have been doing this for several months and have not had any issues with plumbing. We do have to run a little water every once in awhile and stir up the goop to help it go down but I read that is was just plant material, so should be fine for the…