basoranno Member


  • Good Morning! Spring/summer weather here now finally! I tried a little running yesterday. My knees have been sore so I probably pushed more than I should. Kept my distance down because we were doing outside work yesterday also. I ended up with over 17,000 steps yesterday and let me tell you, my body felt it! I really need…
  • Good afternoon! Sun is shining but it’s so windy. Took the dogs for their walks. I hate IPhones! I wish the screens would lock. Somewhere along the way, my I stopped my walk so I had to walk extra to be able to log in what I needed. I got well over the 3.15 miles I logged. Oh well. My little dog got quite a workout. We’re…
  • Good Morning! Our weather has been awful. We ended up getting 10 inches of snow but it was gone within a couple of days. We’re having a hard time getting out of this colder weather now. Plus we’ve had so much rain, sleet and it’s been windy. I haven’t been able to get down to the lake to walk or jog/walk. Hopefully one of…
  • Good evening! We’re having a taste of summer. 80’s yesterday and today. More tomorrow and Friday. It’s a little too warm today. At 86 I would typically have the A/C on but no way am I turning it on in April. The evenings are too warm for sleeping. But by the weekend we could see 40’s and a few snow showers. Typical MN! The…
  • Good morning! A lot has changed since the last time I was on here. My mom is now in a nursing home as of last Thursday. She is not happy and I really don’t blame her. She’s not in town. A lot to get used to for her. I know she feels like I put her far away so I wouldn’t have to deal with her. It’s only 30 min away and it’s…
  • Good evening! Spring is just around the corner but you’d never know here. We keep getting snow. We’ll get snow and then most of it melts and we get dumped again. At least the temps are in the 30’s and 40’s. Gloria-Glad to hear you’re out running. Slow is better than not running. Hopefully you’ll get your pace back up there…
  • It’s finally March! Counting down to the 1st day of Spring now. Weather is slowly warming now. I I’m still dealing with the after effects of the stomach flu. Luckily my mom has remained in the hospital but is coming home today. Quite stressed about that. We’ve enjoyed having our lives back again. The treadmill has been…
  • Good Evening! I’ve been having a difficult time getting on track these past few weeks. My eating is way off due to my moms eating habits. Her schedule is proving to be a challenge for me to get my exercise in plus everything else. I’ve been having major stomach issues. Feeling like a possible ulcer. NSAIDs and nerves.…
  • Good Evening! My mom did well with Covid. The rest of us got Covid but it wasn’t serious. My sons girlfriend due to endometriosis had it the worst. I had the worst sore throat. Never had one that painful. Even strep wasn’t that bad. Luckily it only lasted a couple of days. My life has been a mess. My mom is now staying…
  • Good evening! How is everyone doing? Things haven’t been great here. I thought things were going in the right direction and then my mom fell again. We couldn’t get her to go to the hospital. It took us a week to get her there. She laid in bed. Needed help getting up and moving around. We thought we were losing her. Turns…
  • Good Morning! It’s nice to hear from everyone. Sounds like everyone has some very good New Year’s plans. I’ve been trying to make some goals. Some days are really good, others not so good. The treadmill is not my fan. I struggle with mileage on it. Ive always disliked the thing but I could usually get up to 5 miles on it.…
  • Happy New Year! 🎉 I hope everyone had a nice holiday! Sharon-you look so cute in your outfit! I have to say I’m glad the holidays are over. I overindulged and my body let me know it. I’m back with a clear head and now it’s back to eating healthy again. Sometimes these holidays are good to make you realize how good it feels…
  • Happy Holidays! Our weather has been extreme for the past few days! Blizzard conditions around us and we’ll below zero wind chills. No outdoor activities for me. I still can’t believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I guess I’m just not into it this year. I had wanted everyone to pitch in and help. Not really happening. My one…
  • Good Morning! It’s so nice to hear from you guys. Gloria-MI had more snow than we did here. The Twin Cities had gotten a decent amount also. We are seeing the cold though. So glad your job is going well. There’s just something about office jobs and food. I always found it tough too. Always goodies in the break room.…
  • Good Morning! The holidays are upon us. Can’t say it feels like the holiday season. The temps have been up and down. We had a few nicer days again. Got one last walk in outside yesterday. Today it’s very windy, blowing snow and icy. We maybe had a half inch of snow but we had sleet for quite awhile before it changed to…
  • Good Morning! After a very cold stretch, we’re finally seeing a slight warm up. Should be almost 50 today. The snow we got is melting away. Everything is clear and dry. I can’t believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I’ve been watching what I eat closely. Exercise is so so. The cold and snow threw me back a bit. It’s really…
  • Hello! I haven’t posted much either Gloria. So many things going on here. My head has just been in a different place lately. The snow arrived yesterday and continued this morning. I needed to go to the clinic for blood work before my Dr appt tomorrow. I was a little nervous how slippery it would be. It was just slushy.…
  • Good afternoon! Gloria-Sounds like everything is going well for you. Knee pain is so familiar for me. One time I’m fine. Then one knee will hurt. Then the other one and then sometimes both. When I join the Y, I’m also going to sign up to work with a trainer at least a couple of times in hopes that he gives me some things…
  • Congrats Gloria on the new job! I hope things work out! My pain went away. I now just have my reg. aches and pains. Still doing the same old with exercise. Last Sat we hiked up a bluff. The challenges were rocks and roots. I took my hiking poles which ended up coming in handy. Beautiful view of the river valley from up…
  • Good afternoon! Gloria-how did the trail run go? I was doing well last week until I went to sit down (on the toilet to be exact), when I stood up I had a sharp pain go down the back of my thigh thru the back of my knee. It was extremely painful. I tried stretching, icing, foam roller and walking. It got a little better but…
  • Good Morning! Fall is here in MN! Cooler temps and yes the Fall colors are starting to show. It’s been extremely dry and so the leaves on a lot of the trees look really dry. We need rain! I’ve been pretty much staying on track with my exercise but last week I got thrown off with my eating. Couldn’t really log my dinners…
  • Good Morning! Gloria-those temps would be way too warm for around here. We’ve had 60’s and 70’s. Most of my exercise this week has been doing work. I’ve gotten on the elliptical and 1 dog walk and that was it. I spent a lot of time deep cleaning my sons house and yesterday everyone pitched in to clean up the outside. My…
  • Way to go Gloria! It looks like you’re making progress. Today is a warm and humid day but starting tomorrow, fall temps will arrive. Lows in the 40’s which is perfect sleeping weather and highs in the 60’s. Perfect running weather even though I’ll most likely be walking. My stomach muscles are still sore from that walk I…
  • Good Morning! It’s feeling like Fall! Evening temps in the 50’s. Highs are generally in the 70’s. We do have a few 80’s coming up. No humidity though. I made the 1 yr mark with my hip! I can’t believe it’s been a yr. Although I feel great, I still have issues. I wish PT wasn’t so expensive even after insurance. Yesterday I…
  • Good Morning! Gloria-how was your run on Labor Day? Your weather is way too hot for me this time of the year. I’m so over sweating so much. Monday I finally made it around the lake. My knee was behaving for once. I will admit I didn’t enjoy the walk. It took too long and after running it, it was tough. A couple of times I…
  • Good Morning! The end of summer is coming fast. I will be honest, I’m ready for fall and the cooler temps. Although we haven’t been seeing the extreme temps., we’ve had our share of humidity this year. I’m tired of going out to walk the dogs only to come home wet from sweat. The dogs don’t enjoy the heat either. The…
  • Good Morning! Our weather has been ok. Sometimes humid but the temps aren’t too bad. It’s just feeling a bit like Fall right now. The College students return this week and in a few weeks school will begin for the public schools. August has flown by. I’ve been pretty happy with my energy level lately. Little by little I’m…
  • Good evening! Gloria-How did your 5k go? Our weather has been crappy the last couple of days. No rain showing up on radar but we got it. Dark and cloudy. Really hard to make any plans. The Celebration of Life I went to yesterday was at my Aunts house. She lives in the Valley and everything was held out in her flower…
  • Good Morning! After 2 awfully humid, miserable days, we’re having a touch of fall. 80 during the day and 50’s at night. Feels so good! This weather gives me extra energy. Gloria-I know it’s hard to follow a plan that’s slower than you’d like. C25K program was that for me. It was so hard to stop running when I felt I could…
  • Hello! It’s another hot day here. Sharon-my Garmin didn’t work with a treadmill. I had to manually enter my workout. I’m glad surgery went well. Gloria-cute pic. That stinks with your shoes. I really need to switch to my new Brooks. I think my shoes are causing part of my knee pain now. I can’t believe it’s August already.…