Daily Check In



  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning!

    Gloria-sounds like you’re on the right track though. I always read that you’re supposed to slow down when the weather is like that. I think I remember also reading an article on Spark.
    The smoke was here for a few days. Thru the weekend. It was bad. Gone now. Morning temps have been in the low to mid 50’s. Love them!

    My mom passed away last Thursday. She started to really decline last week. I asked for hospice to come in. She had been begging me, my son and daughter in law to take her home so I knew something was happening. I wanted to so bad but when hospice came in, they gave her up to 3 days. It wouldn’t have been enough time to get her home. On Tuesday she wanted me to take her for a walk outside. It was a perfect day. I joked with her about getting my exercise in. She sat in her wheelchair for quite awhile when we got back and she seemed good. By Wednesday she had gone way down. They say you have that one good day before you pass and I think that was it. I’m glad I was there and able to do that. Now we have to deal with her estate. Fun!

    I’m still doing just dog walks. My dog has lost just over 8 lbs. Guess where they went! I need to eat like a dog so I can lose those extra lbs.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Quiet day today. I have lots to get done!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    edited July 2023
    Becky, I have put on some pounds too, that is probably why I am so much slower with my running! I am eating pretty well but can't seem to lose an ounce, and I even keep gaining. Frustrates me so. I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. Did you already sell her house? Or is that all part of her estate? We had smoke again here, pretty bad, but it really only lasted about a day. Now we are dealing with a lot of thunderstorms. I woke up this morning to a lot of lightning, but I didn't hear thunder, so I got up and checked the weather - the storms were pretty far easy by then, so I was able to get out and do my run! Mornings here have been in the 70s, 50s would seem very cold but much better running weather!!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning!
    It’s been awhile I see since I last posted.
    We are still working on my moms estate. What a headache. I’ve learned a lot of things that I wish I would’ve known sooner. I know now though and I can pass these things on to my boys.
    I’ve also learned a lot about my mom’s dementia. I just don’t understand why Dr.s aren’t eager to talk to the family about it. Even the nursing home didn’t. We were on our own. If only I would’ve known, my moms transition to the nursing home or better yet a memory care facility, could’ve gone much smoother. I would’ve known how to talk to her and understood why she was so combative. I have to let it go and just learn from it but there are days of regret.
    No running yet. Just dog walking. It’s just been so darn humid here. Now with the days getting shorter, we’re heading out a bit later. Haven’t even gotten on the bike. So sad.
    Gloria-how is your running going? I imagine it’s been hot where you are. Seems like it’s hot everywhere.
    Things are so dry here. We did have a quick storm go thru last night. It didn’t help though. It came down hard and it was windy so not much to really soak in.
    It’s time for breakfast and then to get moving. I’m so determined to get this weight off. Have a colonoscopy on Wed. Can’t wait! Ha! Ha!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Becky, it is great to hear from you! I don't think you need to feel guilt or regret for what happened with your mom. It's a real shame the healthcare people didn't share things with you to make the transition easier, but there is no way you could have known and you did the best you could.

    It is definitely hot here, but that is normal. It is also super duper humid here. It is normal for it to be very humid in the summer, but I really think maybe it is worse this summer than usual. We have been having a lot of thunderstorms too. We have had a lot of trees, and gigantic parts of trees, down in our yard, and it has been a real struggle to keep up with that. Back in March we had this crazy wind storm, sustained winds for a whole day of 60 - 80 mph, and we had some trees down in our yard, so we had those taken out, along with some other trees - but there are still some left and, HUGE limbs have fallen in the past three weeks. We have spent so much time cutting and hauling that stuff to the road. We don't have a truck or a trailer, and the yards around here are over an acre (so it is far to the road), so hauling this stuff by hand or with a wheelbarrow has simply been exhausting. Two weekends ago we spent all day Saturday and a good part of Sunday doing clean up, and then last week another one fell, so we spent hours on Saturday and Sunday, and then even into the week, cleaning up that one. Doing that kind of work in this kind of heat and humidity is very difficult and I was worried for my husband's health, like he might have a heart attack or something. Last Saturday (or maybe it was the weekend before that) he got very ill from the work. I am in better shape than he is, so I kept at it. But I was so fatigued and exhausted after that. Then I got a cold (or something, not sure) and was just so exhausted from that. I ended up having to sleep a lot and missed one of my long runs. But I am still at it, still working with the running coach. Still slower than all get out. I was hoping he would help me get back to my old pace, and he thinks it is possible, but so far I am not getting any faster. I had a 5K today and the humidity was so oppressive, so along with the hills, the lingering cough that I still have, and that heat and humidity, I was not too thrilled with how it went. But oh well, I am still going and it won't be too long now before I start to whine about the cold, lol.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning!

    Gloria- that stinks about all of the trees. They aren’t fun to have to take down and haul away.
    Our heat right now sounds a lot like yours. We have excessive heat warnings out this week. The feel like temp at 6 this morning was 86 and let me tell you, my short walk this morning felt like it. Also no rain in the forecast.

    We need rain badly. We haven’t had a decent rain for awhile. Everything is so dry. So I had my colonoscopy last week. Everything went fine. Later that day I got a huge bulge on my hand where the IV was. I guess it didn’t clot well. I iced it and had a compression bandage on it so it didn’t take long for it to go down but unfortunately now my hole hand is bruised. Looks horrible. I got the results from the polyp they removed and of course it was pre cancerous. No worries because it was caught very early and they removed everything and it was a very slow growing one. I will repeat in 7 yrs. I really have to thank my mom though because my Dr had given the ok to do Cologuard and when my mom went to the ER, the Dr did an abdominal CT scan which showed a mass in her colon. I talked with the surgeon and he highly recommended the colonoscopy instead.
    Still no running here. I’m probably going to wait till I can go to the Y in the fall and start building up to doing some running. I’ve been enjoying my walks with my dog. Just wish I could get my eating under control. It’s not bad but it’s also not great.
    I hope everyone is doing well and is surfing this heat. Hard to believe we’ll be saying good bye to August soon!

    Take care!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Becky, ugh on that IV and the issue with that. I think icing is probably the best thing to do, and I hope it is fully healed now. I agree on the weather, it is miserable. I am trying to run but running being so humid is just working for me. I just keep getting slower and slower. I have the running coach now, doing speedwork and all, but still, like today, I was actually for the first few miles, but my pace was almost as slow as my walking pace. It is really humbling because I have lost so much time and just can't seem to get it back. We are going to have some cooler less humid weather next week, I will see how it goes. I have gained 10 pounds in the past year, which stinks tremendously, but I am not overweight, and I don't think it can be the only explanation for my slowing down. My eating is not so bad but not so great, but obviously I need to improve a little. I don't think I am doing too bad but I can't seem to drop the pounds I put on, no matter what I do. It's frustrating!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good evening!
    We’re having a touch of Fall here. After 90’s and 100’s, it’s a welcome change. We could use a bit more sunshine though.
    Last week between the heat and working on my moms house, exercise wasn’t great. There were a few rest days which I can’t do. My rest days should just be shorter walks. Not any walks!
    This week we’re back on track. This time of year my inflammation gets worse and then add cleaning and packing and my body hurts especially my hands. Goal is to have everything done by the end of the weekend.
    I have learned to clean your house and get rid of stuff you don’t use. Don’t leave it for someone else to have to deal with. Plus with my mom being a smoker for years, we tossed a lot of perfectly good stuff. Who wants it though when it stinks. Things yellowed and it wouldn’t come out. We have boxes here that need to go to storage now. I’ve got a wedding coming up in less than a month and I have so much to do.
    The one thing I will keep doing is exercising! It’s perfect running weather right now. Sadly it’s just walking weather with the dog.
    Gloria-how are things going? Has your running improved any? I read about all of these runners that have had hip replacements and they’re actually running faster now. So many older people too. I just don’t want to deal with my other hip. It feels good now.
    Sharon-I hope things are going well for you. I remember you had a health concern. I hope it turned out ok.
    Everyone have a nice evening!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I hope all is well.
    It has been a busy and stressful month. As much as I hate for October to come, my life should slow down then. Particularly the 2nd week.

    My sons wedding is next weekend. I really had a reality check this week. Trying to find a dress and really taking a good look in the mirror. It brought me to tears. Although I’m a ways away from my largest weight, I’m at a weight that I swore I’d never be at again. This week has turned into a pretty good and healthy week. I’m really focusing on what I’m putting in my mouth and yes the guilt is back is I think about treating myself. I think
    It is needed at this point though. I exercise daily but I need more. I got on the elliptical the other day and my calves are still feeling it.
    We’ve had so much rain lately. Makes it hard to get out and do anything other than dog walking. I so want to run. As soon as life slows down, I’ll plan more me time for exercise. Till then it’s run, run, run for this and that.

    Gloria-I hope you’re doing well. I haven’t heard from you in awhile. I’m sure you’re busy with work.

    Sharon-I hope you are doing well also. I know you had health concerns before. I hope everything is good now.

    Time to get going here. I just wanted to jump
    On here and see how everyone was doing!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Good Morning! Sorry I haven't popped in! Work keeps me so busy. I am still running, still have the running coach. He has me doing something similar to heart rate training, where I have to keep my heart rate in a certain range, at least for easy runs, so it seems like I am just getting slower. But I do speedwork too, and now hill repeats. It is expensive and I should probably stop doing it, but I feel like it is helping me somewhat. For a while I was having such a rough time with my runs, all of them were bad, and I just was struggling, but the past couple of weeks there has been some improvement. Part of it is my bad hip. I'm strength training a few times a week too.

    Becky, we haven't had that much rain, but we are hearing it could be very wet this winter, so just like every year, I am contemplating whether or not I should get a new treadmill. DH just wants to get this one fixed, but gee, it is like 20 years old. I haven't done anything yet because I really don't use it enough to justify spending money on it, but every winter I wonder if I will use it more. Are you still getting and walking your dog? Hope things settle down for you soon! It's been a crazy year and I can't believe it is already October.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Life has finally slowed down. This week has been pretty much a normal week. I’m walking the dogs most days. I like to take Sat. off and just enjoy the morning. Go to the Farmers market. When I’m not walking them due to rain or something, I try to get on the elliptical. I’m trying to save the treadmill for Winter.
    The weather is still affecting my joints. My Dr told me to try Osteo bi flex. I was taking it for awhile but I found I was having major stomach pains. I was just about to go to Urgent care but decided to do a little research on the Osteo bi flex. Turns out side effects can be stomach pain, gas and bloating. I stopped taking it and the pain went away. I just have to learn to live with the aches.
    Gloria-that’s great that you’re using a coach to help you run. I know it’s frustrating that you’re slower but you can run. What is wrong with your hip? Be careful. You don’t want to over work it and end up needing a new one.
    Weather should continue to be mild so there will continue to be outside walks. If I could get out by myself, I’d attempt a run or jog but I’m thinking it’s going to be a winter thing and with the help of a personal trainer.
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    Take care!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Hello, just stopping by to say hello. My father-in-law died on Thursday and I am exhausted. We've been going back and forth between here and there (2.5 hours one way) and I am working too. I didn't get my long run in on Saturday but I did do my hill repeats yesterday. Becky, the osteo bi flex upset my stomach too, but my arthritis is not osteo so it seemed pointless to take it. I have psoriatic arthritis. But my hip, the running coach thinks it is tendinopathy and he is kind of monitor things to see if we need to adjust any of my workouts. Weather here was pretty nice, but then suddenly it got quite cold. Of course Becky, your weather is probably a lot colder than here, but you know, I don't like cold. As happens every winter, I am still thinking I should get myself a new treadmill.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Gloria-I’m sorry to hear about your father in law. It’s tough to lose a parent.
    I have not had any stomach issues since I stopped the Osteo bi flex except for the fact I still can’t eat any tomato based foods. Meaning pizza, spaghetti, etc. I can eat tomatoes though. Good thing there’s pizza now that is made without pizza sauce.
    So my sweets eating is bad. I’m struggling. I need to have a talk with that voice in my head. It’s slacking.
    I’m still exercising but it’s hard to be outside when it’s so cold. It’s usually not this hard but since our temps have been going up and down, we just aren’t able to adjust. Luckily we didn’t get much snow. There’s still a little here and there but it should all be gone today. We didn’t even get an inch here. The weather was enough to keep the kids away though. I’m getting rid of candy so that temptation won’t be here. I have to get this under control especially since it’s the start of the holiday season. I need to focus on my health again. Easier said than done.
    I hope everyone had a nice Halloween. I hope you’re enjoying nice weather. I’m ready to go where it’s warm. I would love to see those 70’s again!
    Have a wonderful Thursday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Oh gosh Becky, snow already. Ugh. The high here on Saturday was 84. The high here on Monday was 49. With very cold nights - our first freezes/frosts. And so yep, I get it about not being able to acclimate. I've been struggling anyway, but this didn't help. I run on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday but by Thursday I am too tired to get up to run in the mornings so I have been doing it at lunch time, which isn't exactly ideal. I did run on Tuesday morning but I was so cold! We are going to KY to help out my mother-in-law this weekend so I am skipping my 5K - I will do it virtually later on. My eating is also out of control and I have literally gained 20 pounds in less than a year, and that is after maintaining for like 10 years, so I am not too happy about this.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning!
    We’ve been having early fall weather. 60’s! 50’s for the weekend and then a drop to winter temps next week. Those 60 degree temps have been great! I have so much energy.
    I’ve finally gotten back on track. I’ve cut out sweets except for any occasion treat and I’m watching everything else I eat and I’m feeling much better. I know I’ll probably go
    Overboard with thanksgiving but I plan on giving much of it to my kids to take home with them.
    It is not feeling like the holidays. I’d like to do the holidays different this year anyway but we’ll see. We most likely won’t see any snow which I won’t complain about. It means that I can continue to get outside and walk.
    Gloria-I’d take those temps. I hope everyone is doing ok since your father in law passed. I’m thinking maybe that’s what is making the holidays more difficult for me this year. I have to go thru all of the firsts.
    Sharon-I hope all is well with you.
    I do miss Spark. I often wonder how everyone is doing.
    My DH and son are hunting this weekend so it’s a shopping weekend. Lots of little sales going on around town. We’re planning on going to the vineyard this afternoon.

    I hope everyone is doing well and I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Hello!!!!! We just got back from our annual Thanksgiving trip to Michigan. It is always so cold and windy there! I don't like it. I did get out and do one run while I was there, but then the other time that I ran, I went on the treadmill, because it is just too hard to go outside in that cold - and also, it gets light out so late in the morning, and I am usually out and about with my parents by the time it is light enough to be outside (at home I will run in the dark, but I won't in a place that I am not used to). Becky, I imagine you are having much colder weather by now. My friend is out that way for the holidays and said she is coming home early because it looks like winter precip is coming. Did you have a good Thanksgiving? I think we are going to do things differently next year too. I usually cook for all of us at my parents' but maybe next year we will do it at my sister's house.

    Overall I have felt out of kilter, these dark mornings and short days (and cold, even though here it is not that cold, but for me, it is cold), make me not want to get out. I did order another pair of Athleta Altitude tights - I wasn't going to because I have enough, and they seem to last a long time, but the Black Friday sale was so good, I didn't want to pass it up. I have put on several pounds in the past few months, but my old ones still fit, so I hope the new ones do too.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Gloria-I’m glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. We did too. I don’t like late meals though. I don’t sleep well. It’s hard to not eat too much when you’ve pretty much been fasting all day. I managed to get my walking in but took Black Friday off because we were all going out for breakfast. Sadly I was still full from the night before but managed to eat. We are in a cold spell right now but we’re supposed to warm up by Wed.
    I really have been enjoying the temps for the most part. 50 isn’t bad. 40’s really aren’t either. I still wear my running layers. I did put a winter jacket on when I walked the dog the other day but when I got home I had to change my shirt because I was sweating so bad. What I like about the weather right now is that my joints aren’t hurting as bad as they were. There’s just something about breathing in that cooler air too. Makes me feel so much better. We did get a little snow Sat. night into Sunday . Less than an inch luckily. I had to be extra careful on my walk yesterday so I didn’t slip on ice. Today it’s bitter so I did my workout inside but I still need to walk the puppy. She’s a Pointer so she requires alot of exercise. So does the dog I walk daily but he’s ok with 1 day off.
    My head wanted me to run this morning but I’m thinking I’m going to go back to the C25K again. I’ve got a little Vertigo happening right now so I need to be careful. All the Christmas stuff is up now. Finished cleaning this morning so now I can sit back and relax a bit. Then it’s baking season😟. I’ve been doing so well. No candy even though I’ve got a jar of it sitting here. The sugar cravings have finally settled down and the guilt has kicked in. About time! Now if I could start dropping this weight.
    I guess I’d better get moving and get the little one out for her walk. It’s not going to warm up any more than it is so I need to suck it up.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Gloria-I hope you’re ok and weren’t in the path of the tornados today.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Merry Christmas!
    I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Although cloudy and at times rainy, it was nice here. Couldn’t beat the 50 plus degree days. It’s cooled down today and the rest of the week will be cooler but that’s ok. No snow! Since my hip replacement I’m ok with not having the snow. It means I can continue to exercise safely outside instead of having to hop on my machines.
    This year has flown by. It hasn’t been a great year. Lots of ups and downs but I’ve managed to make the most of it. Hopefully the New Year will be a bit brighter.
    I don’t make New Year’s resolutions so my goals for the new year is to continue to improve on my health and continue to make positive choices.

    I hope everyone is doing well! Have a wonderful week
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,206 Member
    Hi, I haven't checked in here in a long time, so sorry! Becky, I WAS in the path of the tornadoes! But I got out of the way in a nick of time. I was out doing Christmas shopping and was on Main Street (which was very hard hit) and saw the sky out the window. Warnings were starting to come over the phone and I high tailed it home (about three miles away from where I was). I got a blanket and a flashlight and went to shelter in our interior bathroom. Within a few minutes the power went out. That was Saturday late afternoon - power was out until Monday morning. We had no damage at all at our house, but Hendersonville took a hard hit. There are some businesses that won't reopen, ever, some that might, after a while, some that had to be bulldozed. The YMCA was closed for a while, just reopened yesterday but half of it is damaged badly so sections are closed for now, like the gym and the indoor track. A Holiday Inn Express won't reopen for a few months. Lots and lots of damage to homes, mostly roof damage, and no deaths, so we are very lucky. A couple of buildings collapsed, a roof caved in on a bowling alley with around 200 people in it.

    But anyway, I had a great Christmas. We are still going to Kentucky most weekends and it is exhausting, plus I have been working a bit extra and it is a stressful time with year end. I still have my running coach. I am running straight now, up to eight miles without walking, but super slow. It is like the running coach tore it all down and is rebuilding it from zero. I hope I can get my pace back. I was never fast but was about an 11:00 min/mile. Then I was like a 12 or 12:30 min/mile and I felt so slow. Now I am more like a 13 min/mile, so now I feel REALLY slow, lol

    Becky, I hope that the new year brings better days for you. It is unbelievable that 2024 is just around the corner. I hope the weather stays pleasant - it has been good here too, mostly mild, sometimes cold, but so far not any slow. That could change soon but it won't be enough to matter, if it does snow at all.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Morning!
    Gloria-so glad you made it home safe. That sounds very scary and so sad that so much was lost.
    Way to go on the running! It sounds like things are going well. I hope it continues for you.

    I can’t believe that tomorrow starts a new year. Christmas was nice for the most part. I did break down a couple of times. Went to the cemetery and had a good cry on Christmas Eve. The kids kept me going. I don’t know what I would’ve done without them.
    We don’t have any big plans for tonight. Just going to my sons to watch football. I don’t really care but everyone else does. We got a bit of snow overnight. Maybe a half inch but before that we had freezing drizzle which put a glaze of ice on everything. So today will be an indoor workout. I need to do more of those. We’re taking our Christmas stuff down today also. Time to declutter and have a fresh start to the New Year.

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years Eve!