Daily Check In



  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,050 Member
    Happy Thursday All.

    Becky and Gloria, you both are doing great. I wish I had a treadmill for those not so great days. It has been so cold, rainy and sleet/snow these past few weeks.. Probably the same this coming weekend.

    My husband had extreme tooth pain so got in for emergency with the Dentist on Monday. He took x-ray and saw my husband had a sinus infection, which is causing the tooth pain. He now is taking pain pills with antibiotics. He was not tested for Covid, but thinking if it was, the antibiotics should help knock it out. My son will be arriving this evening, fingers crossed that his flight will not be cancelled as many are across the Country due to this Winter storm. They had quite a bit of snow yesterday, but streets are now clear.

    I ran two 13.20 miles Monday and Wednesday this week. Monday was to make up for last weekends missed long run and I did not want to chance missing long run this weekend, again due to bad weather. If it ends up being OK out, I will go ahead and run maybe 8-10 miles on Saturday. We shall see.

    So far today, I got my strength, cardio and toning done. Had to stop for more coffee and now will finish up with some Yoga. If I have some time I may walk around the block just to get a walking mile in.

    Wishing you all a Wonderful Day and Kepp that Body in Motion.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Becky, yes, you ARE getting there! You are making progress and even with those crazy weather conditions you are making it happen. I am impressed with your determination and perseverance.

    Sharon, thank you for your encouragement! It is a blessing to have a treadmill though I have to say, this one is old and rickety. I got my money's worth out of it though, I can't remember how long I have had it but I would say 20 years! I am so glad you got your runs in, I hope one day I can do that again. Did your son get here okay? The weather is crazy in some places. We have only gotten rain, and too much of it (standing water in places). It is a very cold rain too, in the 30s, but not freezing rain (we might get some tonight but hopefully not bad like west of here). It is supposed to be super cold here again after that and I am not looking forward to running in that.

    I've been able to get some crafting done, did some counted cross stitch last night. I don't do it enough so something that should take five hours will take five months, ha! I did get my strength training in today, focus was on upper body. I can tell I am doing better because I am able to do the planks for longer and hold the bear/beasts for longer. One of the exercises I had to modify was a version of dead bug that was very hard, was supposed to hold my legs straight and off the ground an inch while I held a dumbbell straight up from my chest and pulled it back down over my head. Nope, couldn't do that one without my lower back lifting off the floor and so I had to bend my knees. It's okay, little by little, I am seeing improvement.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Hey ho! How is everyone doing? I didn't do a long run this morning. It was about 20 degrees I think and the wind....so I did a short one with BFF. Pace not great BUT my feet and back didn't hurt at all so I was thrilled! But we did and out and back and on the way out the wind was blowing straight in our faces. I was bundled up and had my head covered and a buff for my face and neck but still that wind was blowing straight at my forehead and it gave me the most awful headache, sort of felt like brain freeze. It finally went away after a while but yikes, that was so unpleasant. I'm going to do some cardio later on and this routine usually has some jump rope in it. I have a cordless one but I rather use real jump rope so I got one - I hope there is enough room to do that in here. Well, if not, back to the cordless one (cordless ones are kind of silly to me, might as well jump with light dumbbells in my hand). Tomorrow I am going to run with my other friends and they usually walk a lot more. I hope maybe we can try some 1:1 intervals but I think they will want to walk the hills. We are going to do a very hilly route. Hot Chocolate 15k is next weekend.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hi All!! My son made it in Thursday night. Flight was just a bit late due to weather but not bad at all.
    We just picked up some Bojangles for dinner on the way home. Of coarse, I do remove the breading on the Chicken Breast but do leave it on the wings. So good. I spent a lot of time on on Friday's Dinner. I made Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast. OMGosh, it turned out so good. I use cream cheese, uncured Bacon and Green onions for the stuffing. It turned out perfect. Last night was Baby Back Ribs. Tonight is my sons 32nd Birthday, so we will be having Beef Tenderloin and Ice Cream Cake..

    I was very luck to get out for another 13.12 mile run yesterday. Originally it was suppose to rain bringing in another cold front. Well, temps were in the 30's but very windy. Weatherman was off by one day. Cold front arrived this Sunday morning.. So proud I ran 13.12 or more every run day, this past week. I remember when I first started running, when my son was a baby. Our 1st house backed up to Shelley Lake. I use to run about 12 miles every day. Let's just say the weight gained during pregnancy was gone within a few months. Unfortunately, weight does not leave me that quickly anymore. Today I have a Workout with Gilad and then will do my Yoga. His 45:00 workouts are cool. Starts out with a great warm up, toning with lots of lunges and squats and arms, then 10:00 Cardio and then strength the rest of the DVD.

    Well, got to get this day started. We will be visiting SIS later this afternoon. Have a Great Day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Happy birthday to your son Sharon! Sounds like you have been having a great time! I am really glad he was able to come and visit. And look at you go with running all of those distances, you are doing GREAT! So impressive!

    I met one of my friends that had Covid last month for a walk/run. Our route was very hilly (it is the same route that my 10K was on in January) and it is super hilly. She was hoping for some 1:1 run walk intervals and we did that some but it depended on the hills and toward the end we walked more. We stopped near Johnny Cash's old house for a bit because there is a fenced in area where there are reindeer and antelope (I guess that is what they are, antelope) and also some albino deer. I don't know what these animals are doing here, but I have heard that they belong to Johnny Cash's son. The house is not owned by them anymore and actually burned down a few years ago but the property where the animals are at might still be theirs. Anyway, my feet and my back were okay today - no pain until we got back to the cars and then I realized that my hips are a bit tight but all in all feeling okay and I hope it stays that way for my 15k next weekend! I'll try some yoga later on this evening.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Did my strength training in the morning (lower body and I went lighter on the weights this time because last week I was sore for days). I waited until afternoon to run, and it is just gorgeous out there. This is the normal temperature for us but it feels like a heatwave since it has been so unusually cold lately. It was 50 with a pretty strong wind, sunny with beautiful blue skies - perfect running weather. I did three miles, first mile I walked for the first few minutes and then I did run walk run intervals and I was soooo very happy with my pace. Just three miles but why can't I do this all of the time? Still a lot slower than the old days but so much better than what I've been able to do lately. My back and my feet feel fine today! None of the terrible pain that I get lately. I have to say though, usually afternoon runs do go better for me and I wonder if that is because of the arthritis junk - I am very stiff and swelled up in the mornings. Plus being warmer makes such a huge difference. We are supposed to have pretty good weather all week and I will try to get out more for some walking and running!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon!
    I had a nice walk this morning. Knees hurt but I’m pushing thru that. I’m glad I decided not to wait for the 40’s. It’s cloudy and gloomy now. It was sunny this morning and felt warmer than it was. DH set up my bike trainer but instead of the road bike, he put up my mountain bike. Much easier to ride for me at the moment. I now have 1 more option to work with it.
    Gloria-your weather sounds nice. I’d love a 50 degree temp right now.
    DH is headed to FL Thursday to help out his parents. His mom is getting out of rehab after suffering a spiral fracture of her femur. Still non weight bearing so they’re going to need some help. I will be on my own for a bit. Glad I’m able to pretty much do everything I did before now. Makes life easier.
    I hope everyone is enjoying their Tuesday!
    Keep moving!🏃🏾‍♀️
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Oh gosh Becky, a spiral fracture is bad. How long will your DH be gone? It is nice here - 52 is about average for us for this time of year but it has been so cold lately that this feels like a heatwave. I had continuing professional education for most of the day and by the time I got out to walk it was getting kind of late so I didn't go far - but at least I got out and enjoyed some fresh air. I got the race packet for my 15K today, bib and the jacket. I swear they make these jackets so tiny but this one does fit and it is cute. I think it will be good for running if it is very cold here - otherwise I can just wear it for day to day when it is chilly.

    Better go, I have laundry in the washer - a lot of it is running gear that I hang to dry, so need to get that taken care of and I still need to do my strength training. I didn't have time this morning with the classes I was taking. Of course now I am tired and don't want to but I will do it because I am doing a 14 week thing and I am on week 6 and so far haven't missed a day - don't want to mess that up!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    For strength training today it was mobility and stability. I felt so good doing that! Later I walked with my friend...just a short walk. I had to meet someone from one of the running clubs to give her my sequin skirt - she is going to try it to see if it works for her because she is doing Disney Princess in a couple of weeks. I wish I was doing Princess again!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Got my upper body strength done this morning. Feeling good today and I did a three mile run in the afternoon. I have had two good runs this week after the disaster on Saturday. Not that anything hurt on Saturday but my pace on Saturday was so much slower than Monday and today. By a lot! I don't expect all of my runs to be good but it just doesn't make sense. Anyway, I really enjoyed my run today. I wish I could run this way for the 15k on Saturday. They were saying the weather was going to be very very nice, but now the forecast has changed and it doesn't sound like it will be great. I got my packet in the mail with the awesome jacket and the bib. I am having a lot of trouble with my asthma that only seems to kick in during the winter, and after I run I cough a lot. It isn't as bad when the weather is good like today but Saturday with that cold, it might be a challenge.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Full body strength this morning and then a walk this afternoon. It was very warm but oh so windy. I wasn't even sure if I should go because the wind was so fierce. I have my 15k tomorrow and of course it is going to be cold. It wasn't supposed to be that way but the front came through and changed the forecast. I am being very careful about eating sugar and gluten but tomorrow after the Hot Chocolate race, I WILL be drinking the hot chocolate and eating the chocolate fondue.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    I did not have a great 15K but the good news is that I DID finish it. Tripped/collided with a woman at 1.5 miles and after that I couldn't get myself going. It was very chilly and windy. One of my friends stayed with me the whole time, so sweet of here and I appreciated that so very much. At the end I spilled the hot chocolate all over. Also, my good Smart Wool mittens got a hole in them when I fell so that is a bummer but at least my Athleta tights are fine!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hi All! Happy Monday.

    I have a lot of catching up to do. I stopped by one time while my son was here, but did not have enough time to post. I am really playing catch up now. Gloria, looks like you have been doing great keeping up with your fitness activities and running. Congrats on your race this past weekend too.
    Becky, I saw you also have been doing great on your fitness activities. Way to Go! You are so lucky you were able to get your surgery done. My brother was scheduled after Christmas, and his got postponed due to Covid patients.

    I will have to come back to catch up on reading your posts. Trying to get some fitness and yoga in today and then after clean up having my son here.

    Wishing all a fabulous day and week.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    I did a cardio workout late yesterday and lower body strength today. I am hoping the weather will be good for a run maybe tomorrow. It's actually quite nice today but I didn't want to push my luck just yet and try anything.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Gloria-I’m sorry you had a rough 15k. I’m glad you were able to finish. That sounds like the kinda race I would have right now.
    Sharon-so many have had their surgeries cancelled due to Covid. I was worried mine would be but the nurse told me they didn’t want to cancel them because the last time they cancelled surgeries they got way behind. Hopefully he won’t have to wait too long.
    Our weather here has been up and down. When the temps warm up it gets so darn windy that it never feels any warmer. I’d love to be walking outside again. At least I have the Elliptical which really helps. I get a much better workout on that than I do the treadmill. Bike trainer will have to wait a bit. At least until I see my Dr again to make sure it’s ok to ride it. It was very uncomfortable. Both for my knee and my groin area. I was only on there for a couple of minutes. Didn’t want to push it.
    It’s hard to believe that February is almost over. Looking forward to Spring. Eating hasn’t been good. I need to somehow snap back into healthy eating again. I’ve got the right foods just not the willpower. I need to work out a plan. I’m
    Officially retired now. Took early retirement due to health. When I finally am back to normal I will seek out a part time job but until then, I can just concentrate on getting stronger.
    DH comes home today. In fact my son picked him up and they should be on their way home. Love these longer days now.
    Well, just wanted to check in. Take care and have a wonderful evening.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Hi Becky, I am always so glad to hear from you! Congrats on retirement. I don't know if I will go back to work or not but I sure am enjoying this "semi-retirement." Not working has done a world of wonders for me, the stress is gone, I sleep better, and my mood is so much better. I am sure we don't have enough saved to retire but this has been a good thing for me. I hope it helps you too to get stronger and feel better. Our weather has been up and down too - the season started out so warm and then it just got so cold in January and has stayed that way but now we are seeing signs of spring, which has been wonderful.

    Today was warmer, so I met my BFF. She was going to do her track workout so I figured I could do my own thing while she did hers. But there were a ton of kids on the track so she and I ended up running together (not on the track), which was fine. Slowish but okay. I got there before she did and got four miles in. I am going to try to run again tomorrow if I can but both cats have to go to the vet so I will have to figure out the best way to make that work. It's supposed to be warm again tomorrow but very very windy - then the cold comes back. It will warm up again soon but then we are supposed to have a lot of rain. It's always something with this weather isn't it? I never used to let the weather bother me for my runs, this year sure has been different.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Did a short little run this morning, about the same pace as yesterday but didn't feel as easy. I do better in the afternoons I think after my joints have time to loosen up. It was not too bad out for morning, around 50, but very windy. We've got a wind advisory. Tomorrow is supposed to even warmer but possibly stormy for a good part of the day, then cold will be back. I still need to do my strength training. Today's is focused on stability and mobility. We are taking the cats to the vet this afternoon (which is why I did my run early instead of later) and so I will do the strength thing later today.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Yesterday was very stormy and I didn't get outside. Today is cold! But it is so pretty out. I am trying to make plans to run tomorrow with some friends but it is like herding cats. I don't want to be the decision maker either - we need to plan this together. Plus it seems like someone is always unhappy with whatever is planned. I did my strength training today and yesterday. Joints are a little whiny today, I hope that everything feels better for tomorrow's run. We are talking about going to the big park in Nashville. I want to run trails. They think it will be too muddy. Well, our trail race is in just a few weeks and we haven't been running trails and we need to practice. Next week we are supposed to get a lot of rain too, so it isn't going to be any better next weekend. I've been doing my strength training and last night I jumped on the rebounder for a little while just to get some cardio in. They say ten minutes on the rebounder is like 30 minutes of running. I don't think that is true at all.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Hi Everyone! I did a very slow five mile run this morning. Started with BFF and then told her to leave me and go her own pace, which is the pace I used to be. I didn't want to hold her back. After five miles of running, I continued to walk for another four miles - she joined me for part of that and walked with me. At times it was very cold and windy - but when we were not in the wind and we were in the sun, it was very nice. I needed ten miles but with back pain and stuff, not gonna happen. I won't be ready for the half in March but then neither will some of the others that I am going to be doing it with. I'll be honest, I am wondering if I need to quit running. Until I can get this psoriatic arthritis under control, I am afraid I am going to continue to have too much pain. I have two more half marathons coming up, then the 10k for Memorial Day. After that I will probably work on pace and shorter distances again and see how that goes. That is what I did last summer and I was doing pretty good for 5k and 10k distances.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,266 Member
    Just got back from my run. It's about 63 degrees and the wind is about 17 mph. It's so sunny and nice. I only did three miles but it went really well. How come I can't do that on Saturdays when it matters? For my five mile run yesterday I just got slower and slower and slow. Today each mile got a lot faster. Geez, it is so frustrating. Today I still need to do a cardio workout - that will take 45 minutes. We've got a bunch of rain forecast for the upcoming week so I am not sure how much I will be able to get out - I really need a rest day tomorrow but with the iffy weather, I am tempted to try to do a short run again. We will see how I feel. I don't want to push my luck but it also seems like if I do more short but EASY runs during the week, I tend to feel better in general. It's when I start adding harder runs (like speedwork) and longer runs that things go down the drain.