Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    We got a ton of snow! Like 9" or something! Unheard of for around here, and it is cold so it isn't going anywhere. Since they don't clear the snow here, it will be here for a while I think. It will be very cold tomorrow so unless the sun melts it, it's here to stay. If it does melt, it will likely refreeze in the night. I think my 5K will be canceled on Saturday. I didn't go to the track this morning and then I was going to use the treadmill but it was screeching and just awful, and my Garmin wouldn't register the run. The treadmill is old and so I don't know how fast I am going on it either, and I just got frustrated with it and didn't run. I did however do strength training (full body but focus was on core and upper body) and yoga. Legs are feeling really good today so I am disappointed not to run and probably can't tomorrow either.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    Happy Friday All!

    Gloria, hope you had a good rest day. I saw all the snow you all got. WOW!!
    My son called yesterday. He started getting sick the night before and was hoping he would feel better by the time he was to fly out. Well, he is very sick. I told him he should wait until he feels better. I hope he does not have Covid. He did have his vaccinations and booster and the flu shot. He is going to reschedule for his birthday in early February.
    Silly me, I went to the goals thread first and copied pasted your numbers, by accident, Gloria. I just could not figure out why my numbers were not adding up Then I saw your name. I always liked posting goals just to keep an eye on my mileage for the month. Last year was the most I had ever done since running only 3 days a week.
    2021 1,259.39. The only way I got there was increasing my Saturday run back in May to 13.12 every Saturday. This year I decided to run 7 miles two days a week and 13.12 -17+ miles on Saturday. I will never get those miles up to 2022 this year, but it will be a goal to do better than last year. With my team on RTE, a total 5 people, we should make it together. They do count walking miles too.
    I dread tomorrows run. Temps starting will be around 22 degrees. I had planned on running 14 miles. We shall see.

    Thinking of you Becky and All.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Oh Sharon, I am so sorry your son is ill! Hoping he is feeling better. I don't know about other places but around here not only are we seeing a huge increase in Covid cases but flu is just crazy too. Hope he doesn't have either of those!

    We got about 9" of snow and so I have not been able to go outside and I just can't deal with this treadmill. I didn't go to my race this morning. I sent an email to the race director and they changed me over to virtual and will mail me my stuff. I am disappointed but the roads were so awful this morning that I didn't dare drive to Nashville for it, and I was concerned the course would be icy too. They did have the race and I checked the results, looks like maybe only 56 people did the 5k and 16 did the 10k. Looks like a lot of people walked the 5k.

    Anyway, I've been doing my strength training and yoga every day and today I did a cardio workout. One of my friends asked me if I would run with her this afternoon but I didn't go - I was worried the greenway might still be icy and just didn't want to risk it. Most of the snow is gone now but tomorrow we are supposed to have flooding rains, so not sure if tomorrow will be the day or not. I am getting anxious about not running.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Today is an off day for strength training (the program I am doing is six days a week, of which one of those is cardio). I considered doing it anyway because I am afraid of getting off track this week with this tooth issue but no, I stuck with the plan. I still need to do my yoga - the one I am doing is a 30 day challenge, today is day eight. Today's yoga is called Rest, so I think it will be gentle and restorative.

    It was pouring this morning and it rained until late in the day - so another day of no running? No I don't think so. My DH looked at the treadmill and tried to fix it. He did something to it and it seems a lot better now! So I did run a bit - but darn it, I still don't know my pace or distance! The treadmill doesn't tell me, the Garmin said I did two miles but my pace was so very slow. I would say yeah, I AM slow, however, it is just illogical - I am RUNNING, not walking. I only did two miles, I sped the treadmill up for mile two but Garmin said I was two minutes per mile SLOWER than the first mile. That doesn't even make sense. I've been trying to find a footpod to use for the treadmill - I do have an old one, a Milestone Pod (now Zwift). I need to find it and change the battery, that might help give me an idea of things.

    So, will I run tomorrow? Just saw that they are expecting it to be icy in the morning because it is so wet from all of this rain we got - an it is supposed to be in the low 20s tonight - so I suspect that another day will go by with no running. I could try to do it later - but my endodontist appointment is in the afternoon so I will need to see how the timing works on that.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    I didn't run this morning even though the streets looked dry and the sun is out - going to try to stick with my training plan. They moved my endodontist appointment up so I did my strength training (full body) and I want to make sure to get my yoga in later. I don't know if my issue is this tooth (which is hyper-sensitive, so that seems logical) or if it is TMJ and I am anxious to get it looked at, I have been waiting way too long to have this taken care of. There is a chance if it is the tooth they will do a root canal - I have never had one, that seems scary, but hopefully if that is the case I will feel up for my five mile run in the morning.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    Gloria, I am so sorry to hear about your tooth. It will be good to know exactly what is wrong.. A tooth root canal is not that bad. I am not sure what TMJ is. I have a tooth that broke right before my Mother's funeral held in Upstate NY. I know now, it has been so long, I will need an implant. This will be the year I finally take care of that. I have Medicare Dental which has a maximum they pay each year, and I was already at the limit last year with two crowns. I also would not go out running for fear of black ice. You are lucky to have a treadmill.

    I sent a message to my son earlier today just to see how he is doing. Have not heard back yet. His roommate was sick the week before and not sure if he was vaccinated. My son did have a flu shot in addition to the booster.. His friend from Florida will be visiting them sometime this week. Hope he is well enough for that.

    Saturday I had planned on running 14 miles, but there was no way. I did push to completed 13.12 miles and I was beat. It was 22 degrees, slight breeze with the sun shining. I had double socks,, gloves and pants on. Of coarse, I heard the temps will drop to 22 again for tomorrows run. Thank goodness I plan to run 7 miles. Hopefully a little speed work. Very hard for me when temps are that cold and dry with my breathing.

    Sounds like some good challenges you are doing Gloria with strength and yoga.

    Have a Wonderful Evening!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon! Gloria-you got more snow than we’ve had. We’ve just had the extreme cold. The Y is down by the lake so the last 2 times I’ve gone to PT I’ve wanted to go and walk. The first time I didn’t have my hat. Today the wind and windchill were awful. I’m doing 15 minutes on the Elliptical now which isn’t too bad. DH had to put new batteries in it so I could track my time and distance. I’m up to 100lbs with the leg press at PT now. We’re making progress.
    Sharon-I hope your son is feeling better. My father in law has been vaccinated, booster and flu shot and my brother and sister in law gave him Covid. They were in Fl. The rest of us aren’t too happy seeing as my father in law is in poor health. They didn’t think anything of it. He didn’t really get sick so hopefully all those shots are doing their thing.
    Time to get moving. Just thought I’d stop in and say hi!
    Have a wonderful evening!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy Evening All. I just got off the phone with my son and he indeed tested positive for this Omicron Virus. His roommate was sick the week before and probably brought it home. Roommate only had one shot a week prior to getting sick, so obvious he was in contact with someone. From what I read, it takes a couple of weeks for the vaccine to be effective. Thankful my son started having symptoms the night before his flight and cancelled his visit here.

    So happy to hear from you Becky. I hope your father in law will be OK. Personally, I am glad I don't live in FL anymore.. The handling of this virus down there is less than desired.

    Gloria, hope you are doing OK.

    I ran this morning and was it cold.. Feel like temps were 23 degrees. Tomorrow dropping down to 19 degrees and then snow expected Saturday. I have been doing a lot of self talk to try to motivate myself.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hi Becky! So glad to hear from you! 100 pound leg press sounds really really good! Glad you FIL is doing okay.

    Sharon, I hope you DS is having mild symptoms, as seems to be the case for most of the people with Omicron. It is crazy how many people that I know how have it now, not just where I live but all over the U.S.

    My tooth is okay, had the root canal and it has been achy today, but they told me to expect that and said if it isn't better by Friday to call them. My DH has had who knows how many root canals (he doesn't even know) and said this is normal. I have really had a good day, haven't let that stop me. I put food in the crock pot early so I felt accomplished almost immediately. I did my upper body strength early on and I did my run later after it was a bit warmer. I did go to the track, which is really less than ideal - not realistic as around here it is so hilly and the track is FLAT. I need to train on the hills. My plan called for a ten minute warm up and a ten minute cool down. The main part of the workout was five miles. I actually did intervals and I ended up with about 6.25 miles, and the pace for just the running - five miles - (taking out the warm up and cool down) was really good - and even more so considering I did intervals. I was very pleased but like I said, not entirely realistic being on the track. My next workout is supposed to be Thursday and that one SHOULD be on the track. This weekend's run is supposed to be short and we will see what it ends up being because it is supposed to rain and snow. Well, I am going to go get my yoga done. I am doing a 30 day challenge for yoga and trying to stick with my strength training, so far so good!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Today I did my strength training, which was focused on mobility and stability, and then yoga - which coincidentally was also mobility, kind of weird that it happened that way. I need to look at my mileage for the month - not sure at this point if I can meet my goal - I missed almost a week with the bad weather.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    edited January 2022
    Today was strength day for me too.. I also did some cardio to get my heart rate up and then finished with yoga. Feels great to have this all part of my routine.

    You are doing great Gloria. Doing challenges really help with consistency.
    I am doing Gilad's 22 day challenge this month. So much fun because it is different every day. First time he has done that since I started his challenges. Focusing more on strength but does have some cardio. I always love doing cardio before my run. Seems to warm up my muscles and gives me lots of energy. Got to go!

    Have a great evening!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hi All!!! Did my speedwork at the track today, felt really good about it. I didn't get speedwork in last week (was that because of the weather? Now I can't remember) so it's been two weeks and I did close to the same as two weeks ago. I would have rather had a little improvement but since I didn't run much for like a week, I am actually thrilled! It was almost five miles, and now why can't I transfer that to an actually race? I guess partly because the track is 100% different than running on the hills around here. I used to run races so much faster than even my speedwork, lol, but I am hoping for continued improvement. Did my strength training in the morning, legs, wonder if I will be sore tomorrow? I still need to do yoga. Not sure what the weekend will bring. I have hill repeats on the schedule but it is supposed to rain and snow a lot. Plus if I go with my friends, I might just go somewhere hilly with them and walk/run. That seems to be working for me - weekly runs on my own, weekends with them - they walk/run. I am okay with that. I really hope this isn't a huge snow or ice event, I am behind on my training.

    Sharon, is your son feeling okay? I like doing dynamic moves (skipping and stuff like) to warm up before my runs, never thought about doing a cardio session, that sounds good too!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    Happy Friday..

    Gloria, hope you don't get too much snow or ice. You are so lucky to have friends to run/walk with on the weekends. I always ran with friends when living in FL. Our kids were babies riding in the jogging strollers at that time. We were a site to see. Three of us running down Bayshore Drive, along Tampa Bay. We continued our runs together up until I moved to NC.. You are so good with your training programs.

    I ran yesterday, almost 8 miles. Today was cardio, strength and yoga. Then I decided to go out shopping since I usually shop Sunday mornings. I sure did not want to shop on Saturday after my long run. Our snow/ice storm now will be early Sunday morning lasting most of the day. So grateful it is moving through a day later. I started freezing water bottles and making ice cubes, just in case we lose electricity. I also need to take down the bird netting to my garden. Started untying many of the ties that hold it together to the fencing I have around the garden. Last year I forgot and the weight of snow and ice damaged it. Hopefully one day I will have my greenhouse.

    I plan to run between 13.12 - 14 miles in the morning. Hoping it won't be too cold or windy.

    Wishing All a Wonderful Weekend! Stay safe and warm.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hi! It has been such a crazy day, just really busy. Sharon, they are saying our snow will start Sunday morning and it will be heavy snow so could cause power outages. I should have talked to my DH about freezing water bottles just in case. We have a USB lamp and I am charging it, and one that is similar to that one but runs on batteries, and we have plenty of batteries. They are both quite bright, and we have a little heater that we can use. But keeping our fingers crossed that it isn't too bad. They are acting quite uncertain, right now saying we could get 6" but then some forecasts are saying it will be a lot more.

    Sharon, thank you, and you also are very dedicated and committed to your workouts as well! Very consistent!

    It is supposed to be nasty here in the morning, cold and raining. My workout for tomorrow was very short, hill repeats, so I went ahead and did them today. I don't like how Garmin shows the splits, so I can't really tell how well I did on them. It's so confusing but it looks like my pace was not what I was hoping for. It might be because I didn't hit the split button in a timely manner between each repeat. The workout is five minutes walking warmup, then cadence drills/strides, then hill repeats, six times. Then five minute walking cooldown. Hill repeats are 15 seconds running up the hill. One minute walking up the hill. Then 15 seconds running down the hill. Honestly it seems like a very easy workout to me. I hope that it gets harder as the training plan continues because some of the hills around here are like a mile long. I did my strength and yoga very late today. Yoga was HARD. But I got it done. If I can't get outside tomorrow I will do some cardio inside.

    Oh, and I went to the store today to get some chicken and they had NO chicken at all. Dairy has been very hard to get around here, and eggs too, but I was able to get a quart of milk for DH (hope the power doesn't go out). I haven't been able to get grapes but they did have some today. I went to Fleet Feet too to use my gift card that BFF gave me for Christmas and also I walked with her for a bit after I ran. It was a busy day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    I did indoor cardio today, pretty good stuff, I think that it will be helpful for my running. It probably doesn't get my heart rate up enough but I still liked it - drills like you would do before running, like karaokes and suicides, but since it indoors, it is shorter, not like at the track or gym. I recall when we did that stuff when I took boot camp classes and that was when my running was the best. This is not as intense as the boot camp classes but I think it will still be good. I did my yoga too. This is a 30 day challenge, this was day 14. I don't know what the weather is going to be like - we are hoping that this doesn't turn into a big snow or ice event - but I have a rest day from strength training so will be doing yoga.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Today was a rest day but I did my yoga for the 30 day challenge. Today was day 15, halfway there! Today was a restful practice. We didn't get much snow (they said it was four inches - I guess it might have been that much if it had been snow instead of rain). It ended up being a dusting but the streets are wet and it is getting colder so it might freeze and be icy. I hope that it melts tomorrow so that I can do my long run on Tuesday.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi All! Sorry to have been MIA. So much going on. I am so thankful the bad weather was on Sunday so I was able to get out for my long run Saturday. Ran 13.25 miles. I decided to just keep Saturday's runs at 13.25 for the month of January. I just have not been in the mood to do any more than that in such cold weather. Today I got out for an 8 mile run, but just did not feel like doing my speed work of 3x3 x 5 repeats. I hurt my rotator cuff/shoulder yesterday doing some strength training and this morning my left hip was feeling a bit cranky, so decided just to do easy run.

    Gloria, I forgot to answer your question on my son having Covid. The night before his flight plans he was up throwing up and stomach issues. He thought maybe it was food poisoning. He called the day of his flight and I told him he should reschedule his flight and to get checked for Covid. I could tell he was feeling miserable, and could not imagine flying/traveling feeling that way. Well, sure enough the test came back positive. Found out his roommate had it the week before. He also had problems with breathing, chest congestion, etc. Just thankful he had his booster shot and also the flu shot. It could have been worse for him. His roommate got Covid the week after having his first shot. From what I have heard you need to be vaccinated at least two weeks for the shot to be effective. Hopefully his roommate will get the 2nd one and booster.

    Today I have to fast for a medical test tomorrow morning. Looking forward in getting this over with. We are also expecting more bad weather Thursday. It is suppose to rain bringing in another cold front this weekend. Hoping the rain will be later in the day so I can get my run in the morning.

    Got to go!! Have a Wonderful Day.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Oh Sharon, sounds like it was rough for your son! Hope he is feeling much better. It is strange how differently that Covid seems to affect people. We haven't gotten our boosters yet (not time for us yet as they said to wait six months after the second shot) but I am going to ask my rheumatologist when I see her - I think that is next week. I am a little afraid to get it too soon because a friend of mine who also has autoimmune issues got hers when it was time and her body had an allergic reaction and it caused her immune system to go haywire. I know that is a rare circumstance, but still, wow!

    So this week I was to do my long run today but there was freezing fog this morning and I just couldn't risk falling on the black ice - there was no school today because there are still slippery patches so I did my speedwork today at the track, which was again, five x 800 meters with a three minute walk between each. There is also a cooldown, a warmup, some cadence drills....all in all it went okay but BFF was there and usually I run a bit during the recovery and the cooldown but today I just walked so my 800 splits were great (faster than the training plan says) but my overall pace was actually a little bit slower. Now I still need to fit in my long run, but tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day and then turn to snow in the night. After that it will be very cold for a few days so I am worried it won't melt and again the roads will be slick. I can't seem myself doing nine miles on this rickety treadmill (and no way to know my actual distance) but if it comes down to it, that is what I will do. It's better than nothing.

    Still doing my strength and yoga! Yesterday was lower body, usually I reschedule that so it isn't right before a run, but I did it last night and then this morning did full body, and the run was still okay! These workouts incorporate a lot of core so it isn't just lower body. I still need to do yoga tonight.

    This cold winter air messes with me every year, really does a number on me. For my whole life I have had a winter cough, it is kind of like asthma, and this year is no exception. In the past I have had to have breathing treatments but I am trying to just get through it right now. Usually it goes away when the temperature gets back to the 70s so I am anxiously awaiting that and right now the temperatures look like they are going to stay exceptionally cold for at least a couple of weeks.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,267 Member
    Hello!!! Today for my strength the focus was on mobility and stability. I love Wednesdays because I love these workouts! Again, I can tell something is really wrong on my right side and I need to figure out how to address that - I can't exactly pinpoint it but there is a definite weakness on that side. I might start doing a lot of clamshells and monster walks on that side only to try to strengthen up my glutes, and see if that helps. After I got done with the strength, I did my yoga - day 18 of the 30 day challenge. I am really loving this challenge. Hoping the weather is good for my run tomorrow - if not it will be a couple of hours on the treadmill - or maybe I can wait until Friday though I am not sure if it will be any better that day. It's going to be very very cold here!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Gloria and Sharon way to go on your workouts. This MN weather has been up and down. I love when I can get down to the lake for a walk. Luckily they take good care of the path down there. This walking is tough. My knees start to hurt and my instinct tells me to jog. It always felt good to bend and lift those knees. Well, I know that wouldn’t be smart of me to do that right now. Anxious to see what my Dr has to say on Monday. Asked PT on Monday if she could give me an exercise for my shoulder to get thru till my appt. Nope! She said without an order she couldn’t do that. Seriously? All this is tied to my hip. I’m ready to throw in the towel with this PT stuff. My insurance is messed up so we’re trying to get that straightened out. I just need to walk unassisted and I’ll be fine.
    Just thought I’d stop in to say hi.
    Sharon I hope your son is getting better. I just wish we could go back to the way things were. Maybe someday.
    Have a great day! Sun is shining but it is very cold here.