Daily Check In



  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon!
    It’s a beautiful day. About 50 degrees and sunny. I walked with my son this morning. He pushed me. Not on purpose. He just has long legs so I have to move pretty fast to keep up with him. He was going to run some but ended up staying with me. My knees are telling me I walked faster today. I feel good mentally though and that’s just as important. We were talking about our runs we used to do on days like today. I really miss those days. Only 1 nice day and then the Winter storms arrive tomorrow. We may not get much snow here but then again who knows. We’re due.
    Gloria-I always hated making the decisions. No one ever wanted to. It’s hard to run with pain. Yet it’s hard to give it up. I hope you’re able to get out for some trail running.
    We grilled burgers for lunch. Mine were turkey. I’ve given up most beef again. So far I don’t miss it at all. Tomorrow I need to run to the store to stock up on my veggies. Hoping the weather holds off for awhile.
    I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! ☀️
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hi Becky! How awesome that you were able to get out and walk with your son. Did you go to the lake? I think we might have similar weather - no snow here but it is going to rain a lot and then get cold...and stay cold. I mean, we usually are seeing a good warm up by now but we just keep getting this really cold weather and it is always on the weekend when I want to do a long run! Today it is pretty warm, but windy. There are daffodils out here.

    Did my strength training today, focus on lower body but this program has a lot of core too and we did adductor planks today, which are super hard for me but I am at least able to do them now, not for long though! I need to go to the store and go for a walk, not sure I have time for both, but I think I should get outside before the rain and cold get here! But I need some fresh produce.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good Morning!
    Yes we went to the lake. So many had the same idea! Sure wish we’d have more than 1 nice day. I was sore on Monday though but it still felt good. Tuesday was supposed to be my workout day but I was up most of the night with my SIL. She was with our FIL in ICU. He passed away Tuesday morning. She happened to be in FL visiting her daughter when he needed to go to the hospital. We didn’t expect him to pass away but he was in renal failure plus his BP was so low that they couldn’t get it up. My MIL couldn’t be there cuz she’s in a wheel chair with a fractured femur and no way to get her there. Very sad situation. My DH was supposed to fly out yesterday but because of the weather it was one delay after another so he finally rescheduled his flight for today. Plenty if sunshine but cold.
    I was able to get on the Elliptical this morning. Did my PT exercises and peddled on the bike peddler. Now to do some cleaning.
    I’m trying so hard to control my snacking but to be honest, it’s not easy these days. Pretty frustrating.
    I hope everyone else is having nice weather and is able to get out and enjoy it.
    Have a great Wednesday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Becky, I am so sorry about the loss of your FIL. My condolences to your DH, your MIL and your entire family. I hope your DH is able to get down there today, there is bad weather around but probably not between you and FL, unless he has a layover somewhere.

    It is definitely hard to manage the snacking. I wish I had some good advice for that but I snack too much too. I am really being more diligent about the sugar because of the psoriatic arthritis. Sugar causes inflammation. I haven't seen too much of a difference though.

    Weather here is crummy, our average high for today is 56 and the average low is 35. Well, here it is at midday and it is only 35, so it is only as warm as our average low. The feels like/windchill is 28. I know that is probably very warm for some (like Becky) but for here, that is crazy cold. It is super damp and gloomy out too. We have daffodils out all over the neighborhood despite the cold. Also, it has rained so much recently and we are having some minor flooding issues. It rained a lot yesterday and yards and even some streets were underwater. It is supposed to start raining again later this afternoon and rain all day tomorrow. Then it is supposed to be very very cold for the weekend. I am not dealing well with the cold at all. I used to get out and run whatever the weather and as the years go by, I find myself less tolerant of it and my body just seems to freeze up and not go when it is cold. I am not running nearly as much as I ought to be since I have races coming up. In fact, I had planned to run today but unless it warms up significantly in the next two or three hours, it isn't going to happen. I did my strength training this morning and if for some reason I can't get out today, I might do the rebounder this afternoon, or maybe the treadmill, though it seems like every time I do that, I mess up my hip, so we will see.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,049 Member
    Good Afternoon Gloria and Becky. I have really missed you all. I think I have caught up with your posts etc. I agree with both of you, some crazy weather we are having. I guess we are in the same jet stream as you all because we end up with what you had a day or two later. It was so nice the past couple of days and then this morning, I was out for my run with heavy winds bringing in another cold front. The temps dipped down about 7-10 degrees while I was out running. Temps will dip back down but then we warm up again to the mid 70's.

    Becky, I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your FIL. My Deepest Sincere Sympathy to You, Yours/His Family and Friends. Happy you were able to get out to the Lake with your son. You have been doing great with your fitness and recovery.

    Gloria, you are one strong woman.. You have been doing great too. Determination = Victory and you certainly have that.

    I have been keeping my streak going. So far this year I have run 15, Half Marathon Distance and above. I just have been slacking off a bit with posting. My husbands recovery from heart surgery is going well, although I am beginning to think we may have had a slight illness, hopefully not Covid. We finally received the tests in the mail and will test ourselves sometime today. I have had sinus issues and sore throat and then this morning very bad stomach issues. I was not sure I could even run this morning. Thank goodness for Pepto Bismol, an hour before leaving the house. It did help settle my stomach. We have been isolating ourselves, two shots and booster and wear a mask wherever we go, which is basically the grocery store. It was also sad seeing my son leave to go back to Colorado. Trying to spend time doing necessary things in the house and soon prepping for my Organic Gardening.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hello!!!! Hi Sharon, hi Becky! Jen, if you are still here, hello! Hope it hasn't been too bad of a winter for you! Sharon, hope you all are okay and it isn't Covid. What will you have in your garden? I want one but I am 100% sure the deer in our yard will eat it all. I am thinking about getting a quote on a six foot fence because they can't jump over that - I would just need a smallish enclosure, big enough for a small garden.

    It rained here, a LOT, for a few days, and I didn't get out to run. There is standing water all over, flooding in some places. And it is COLD. It should be in the mid to high 50s now but this afternoon it is only 34. And windy, so feels like 28. Next week should be gorgeous.

    One evening I got on my rebounder and did a "5K". I have no way to know if it was really a 5K because I set my Garmin on cardio, not running, but oh my, I felt like I got a great workout. It really got my heart rate up and I felt great. This morning I got on the rebounder for a short workout, didn't do so great - and I just don't understand why mornings are so difficult for me. It has to be the psoriatic arthritis I think but I just don't know. Races are in the mornings so I just have to figure out how to deal with this. I've been getting my strength training in every day, I am finishing up week 8 of 13, so just a few more weeks to go of that. Then I will decide what is next - might do this one over again since I love it and I can go up on weights to keep it challenging. I've been doing a lot less cardio and a lot more strength training, and I will tell you that my clothing is fitting much better and I have lost a few pounds (even though I wasn't trying to lose). I really should focus on shorter running distances because that seems to be working very well for me...but I do have a couple of half marathons coming up soon.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    I met with the LARGE running group today, first time in a very long time that I felt fairly safe doing that, what with our Covid numbers being out the roof, but it is settling down now, and they were meeting at 7 instead of 6, so that worked for me. A lot of new people were there today, a lot of new walkers and run/walkers. We started with them and did a loop (with is about 1.75 miles) and then we went on and did our own thing. A bit of running, a lot of walking. We did really big hills as two of the women in our group are preparing for Run the Bluegrass and Flying Pig and both are super hilly. There were five of us - one woman just moved here, she was trucking up those big hills like they were nothing, she is also doing Run the Bluegrass - she will do great! At the end we met another woman who just moved here, it was so wonderful to see everyone. It was quite cold and there was a breeze but I felt okay. My toes and back hurt a bit and it slowed me down but I didn't quit. My half is the 19th and at least I know I will be able to finish the distance, even if it is slow. It is half trail and half road so we are hoping this week is warm and dry so we can get out on the trails very soon. I used to do trails a lot and still do a little bit but not often. Some of the women I am doing the race with don't do trails so they really need to practice. I hope I can do 12 miles next weekend, then we can do a shorter taper run the weekend before the race. I have another half on April 2nd. Then maybe I will back off and do shorter distances for a short time in order to let my body rest/heal and recover. We will see how that goes, I keep finding fun races to do!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon! It’s a beautiful sunshiny day! 30’s for highs today. Some of the snow is melting. The sun is warm but the air temp isn’t a little cool.
    Thank you everyone. DH is with his mom right now. He got to spend a few days with his brothers also. He will be home on Sat. They are taking turns staying with her until she’s able to get around on her own.
    I’m being very mindful of what I’m eating. Just frustrated. I know I have to do this. I also know I need to get on that scale. I’m having 2 of my boys over tonight for dinner. They’ll throw some burgers on the grill. I will have my turkey burger. Whatever leftovers I have from tonight will go home with them. I so wanted a donut or something yesterday. Walked past the bakery and I didn’t grab anything. I did pick up a box of mini mills wafers.
    Gloria-what kind of strength training are you doing? I really need to start doing more. I’m struggling working out inside. I can’t stay on the treadmill that long. It’s just so boring. I get a better workout in the Elliptical but the walking is good for my hip and walking without a limp. I will say that after my walk with my son, I felt a little stronger. I was actually able to go to a store with out my cane. Still a ways to go. I’ll get there. Just need to push just a little more.
    I hope you’re having nice weather. Just about March and then Spring will be here before you know it.

    Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Becky, I so hear you about the treats. I could really go for a paczki or a slice of king's cake, or a big mug of hot chocolate - pretty much any kind of treat would probably do. I am being mindful as well. I have been trying really hard ever since the rheumatologist changed my diagnosis to rheumatoid arthritis. I am not sure it is making a difference though. And I have dropped a few pounds, so I guess something is working.

    The strength training I am doing is a new Beachbody one. In the past their workouts have been hard because they are so high energy and super focused on cardio. And they also focus on the "show" muscles, the ones that you see. They don't focus much on body function or form. They are always too hard - sometimes even the modifications are too hard. But this one, this one is just AMAZING. It reminds me of going to physical therapy (which I have too many times) so I feel like I am on the right track. It works the hidden smaller muscles, the ones that help us run and move. It focuses a lot on core, stability and mobility. There are six days of workouts. One day of lower body, one of upper body, two for full body (each of those has a different focus), one day of mobility and stability, and one day of cardio. EVERY day has some core and full body even if the focus is on one area. He talks a lot about form and corrective exercises if there are issues. Each workout is 45 minutes. It is fairly slow paced and I don't get my heart rate up that high (even for the cardio, my heart rate is much lower than when I run) but I feel like I am getting the best workout. I would probably skip the cardio because I get enough of it from running but these exercises are also good for core and for improving running so I have stuck with it.

    Yesterday I was going to sit on the floor to look for something in a file cabinet and I pulled something in my hip. It is pretty painful now and I can't move it into like a figure four stretch. I've been trying to stretch it and I've used the massage gun twice. I can run and walk so yesterday I walked four miles with BFF and then I did the cardio thing. It was a little sore when I did the lateral moves but I just modified when I needed to. Today I met BFF for a run in Nashville and that was so awesome. It is one of my favorite routes, but being in the city on a workday, we got stopped for quite a while at three traffic lights so it made our pace slower than it really was. Despite my hip pain the run was really great. We went to our favorite coffee shop after than and then when I got home I did my lower body strength - again, just being careful and modifying when necessary. I am finding that the reverse lunges are going better - I can get lower now and with much less pain - I am thinking I will probably start this program over again when I am done because it has been so beneficial.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Just popping in really quick to say hello. It was so nice here today, around 70 degrees. I did my full body strength training - there were these side planks with knee drives...ummm, couldn't do those so well, had to modify big time. In the afternoon I walked. MFP doesn't give me a lot of credit for my exercise which I sort of get but it's sort of frustrating too because I think 1,200 calories is too low for someone as active as I am. I get more if I use Garmin's numbers, but whatever!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Got my run in this afternoon, yikes, it was almost 80 degrees! I wore shorts. Had a good run for the most part. My heart rate was getting up there but I think that was because of not being used to the heat. It's supposed to be around 70 tomorrow, maybe I will try to get out again.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,049 Member
    Good Afternoon Gloria, Becky, Jen and all others. Happy Friday.. WOW! 80 degrees!! We should have those temps by Sunday. I took my plants out of the storage building to get some sunshine. They look pitiful. I only hope they survive. I had many Lemon Trees, Pineapples, FL Hibiscus and Sweet potato plants in there. I hope they are not dead. The one lemon on the Organic Meyer Lemon tree shrunk up and fell off. I need to figure out how to get a heater in there for extremely cold nights. I was bringing them in the house every Winter for many years. I did bring my Avocado trees in thank goodness and really wish I had at least brought in my Meyer Lemon- since it is self pollinating and an expensive plant.

    Gloria, I plan to grow a great selection of Lettuces, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Tomatoes, variety of Squash, Watermelon, Green Beans, Spinach, Red Bell Peppers. I probably missed something.. I should be planting the lettuces, spinach, strawberries like now.

    Super happy to hear you have a couple of Half Marathons coming up. I just have the one March 20th. The one I usually sign up for in June will not be happening due to construction in that area. Hopefully they will still have the October one across the street. They cancelled it all during Covid. Then I plan to run one in Nov. and one in Dec. I really miss the two 13.1 Races because they are so close to home. I could walk there. I really hope they come back.

    I am trying to lose a few pounds gained since Thanksgiving.. I don't like the calculation on fitness pal as much as the old spark people. My fitness maybe very high a few days a week and then not show high the other days because of doing strength, yoga etc. I try to do a little cardio to register steps. I use my Garmin but I do have a fit bit too.. I have been doing the challenges with friends there and hate to give it up. I read somewhere that after 30:00 cardio, that is when you get into the fat burning stage.. I will try to get out for a walk now. It is too pretty out.

    Wishing all a Fabulous Weekend!

  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good Morning!
    We had some really Spring like days last week. Rain and thunderstorms yesterday and now today it’s cold, windy and cloudy. We’ve lost a lot of snow. Most is gone in our yard but they’re talking accumulating snow mid week again.
    I’ve avoided the lake due to so much standing water. Instead I’m walking on roads full of sand. Sometimes I feel like I’m walking on ice. Treadmill yesterday so so hard. I have to go so slow and it feels like it takes forever. I want to jog so bad. At least I have the elliptical.
    Gloria-I’ve been doing really well with watching my snacking. I’ll go for a few pretzels if need be. I really don’t have any sweets around except for candy. I bought a couple protein bars at the grocery store yesterday. I have seen them and wanted to try them. They taste good but they’re a little hard. Plus they’re a little pricey. But then again what isn’t these days.
    Time to turn the heating pad off and get moving here. My neck and shoulder are killing me. I really should have this shoulder looked at and if necessary, see about getting an injection into it.

    Have a nice day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hi Becky and Sharon! I haven't been here in a couple of days. I haven't posted this on Facebook and I am not sure I should post it here because this isn't a private group but anyway, I have shingles. I am not telling the planet about it but don't mind if you both know. Late last week I was not feeling well at all, just a feeling of malaise and unwellness. Then Friday I started to have terrible pain in my torso. Friday evening there was a very small rash on my back. Friday night I swear I thought it might be a cardiac event and considered having my DH take me to the ER. Saturday morning, there was another patch of the rash. I did walk/run with my BFF yesterday morning but mostly walking. Then I made an appointment to go to a clinic to get it looked at because by then I had guessed what it was. And that was confirmed - she said it is a classic case. I am on an anti-viral and all I can do is hope and pray that it was caught quickly and that the anti-viral will help alleviate the symptoms. I now have some rash on my stomach as well but the weird thing is that the worst of the pain and burning is where the rash is NOT. I am not sure about running because everything I have read (even on sites for athletes) says not to get sweaty and not to overheat. My race is in two weeks. I hope the blisters will dry up by then but they haven't even broken yet so I don't know. It really feels like I have a pulled muscle or muscles - it is in my front and my back both and when it started I kept trying to stretch because I thought maybe I had slept wrong or something, but I guess this is actually one of the symptoms. Who knew. I thought shingles was just a terrible itchy burning painful rash. Nope. I guess since it is in the nerve endings, it just kind of hurts anywhere that the virus is attached to a nerve.

    Sharon, I am not so happy with the calorie calculation on MFP either. I really don't understand it. Sometimes it takes a lot of calories away and Garmin says I should eat a lot more. I am so impressed with your plants and trees and garden. I hope your trees survived the cold.

    Becky, I don't have pretzels but I have these gluten free crackers that I will snack on when I feel I have to have something...and grapes. I will grab a grape or two. I think the past week or so we have really been off schedule and I have not done as well with my eating. Plus I do better eating lower carb but on the other hand, I can't seem to adapt to running on low carb, so it is a big struggle to figure this out.

    It's been very warm here but COLD is coming back. It won't last long though.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,049 Member
    I am just stopping by to say Hi. Today was easy day for me. A little Cardio and my Yoga. Not sure why my 20:00 Yoga did not upload to y phone or Garmin Connect. I went ahead and manually added info from my watch.

    Gloria, so sorry to hear about you having Shingles. I was always wondering what the symptoms were. I hope you recover quickly.

    Becky, so good to see you. Glad you had some Spring like temps. Sorry it did not last long. This time of year is like a roller coaster, which drastic temperature changes.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hi! Still not sure about exercise. I did go ahead and do my strength training this morning. I feel very sore and stiff on my side. It is painful and I didn't sleep well at all last night. I tend not to nap but I did today because it seems like sleep promotes heeling. I have to decide if I am going to run or not - I might give it a try and if it isn't good, I will just not do it again. It rained most of today and then it got really cold. I wouldn't mind using my rebounder but I am just hesitant at this point.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,049 Member
    Hi All! It is a rainy Wednesday here in NC..

    I worked on indoor cardio today and did a indoor walk with Leslie Sansone. Not sure why Garmin does not list indoor walking or walk on a treadmill. Has all those options for running. I may call them and ask if that is something that can be added..

    Gloria, I think after hearing about what you are going through with Shingles, I will call and find out how much it costs to have the vaccine.. Sounds very painful. Thinking of you and hope you have a speedy recovery.

    I ran 13.25 miles yesterday.. I am hoping to run another 13.12 miles in the morning, depending on the weather. Sounds like we will have lots of rain Saturday and extreme cold Sunday. I only hope race day will be clear and temps no lower that 45 degrees. I know, wishful thinking. I really have not done any speed training for this race. With temps being so cold, I just did not have the motivation to. I have such a hard time regulating my breathing when it is so cold.

    Excited the time will change on Sunday. Hopefully, I won't have problems waking 1 hour earlier the following week..
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hi Sharon! Sounds like you are doing great! I hear you about the cold...I just can't do it. It is like my joints lock up, and I can't breathe (I start to cough a lot). I cough all winter long, every year, and I am sure this year people probably thought it was Covid.

    Becky, hope you are doing well.

    The weather here today is okay...not fantastic but better, kind of sunny and a bit warmer. You know what is crazy? It is supposed to be only 30 here on Saturday and 19 at night - and they are saying we will probably have some accumulating snow. Ugh!

    Yesterday I had a better day and I went for a very nice walk - it was great and kind of interesting that I walked almost as fast as I run sometimes, lol. I've been staying on track with my strength training - I am on day 66 of 90 and I am so determined to stay on track despite everything. Monday was legs, yesterday was full body, today was mobility and stability. Today I am not feeling great at all, and this rash is so painful. I think that I probably have a mild case and I hate to think what a bad case might be like. The rash is burning today and it also feels like I have pulled muscles in my abdomen. So uncomfortable. I can't believe I got this because I had been saying for two or three months I was going to get the vaccine. My insurance covers it. I know a lot of insurance doesn't.

    Today I had a rheumatologist appointment and frankly I thought I was there way too long and that did not make me happy. Plus, even though it isn't very far, it is still 30 minutes to get there and back. I was very late eating lunch and that made me HANGRY! Ha! I stopped on the way home at one of my favorite coffee shops and got some avocado toast and an iced drink. That was a very nice treat, tasty.

    People are advising me to try not to run for a while. I feel that I need to. Yesterday I think I could have...today, not so much. I will see how things go tomorrow or Friday.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    This shingles junk is UGH! Ugh ugh ugh. I don't know if it is better today or not. I didn't run again, I need to but I am a little afraid to try. I did walk but my Garmin died during the walk, so did it count? LOL. I think I got four miles in and I did upper body strength yesterday and full body today so at least I am still on top of that. It was about 60 when I walked and so pretty but we are due for snow in about four hours and tomorrow it is only supposed to be 30 degrees (average high is 61 and average low is 39 so the high will be colder than the average low and they said we might break a record for the low). There are much warmer days ahead next week and I will definitely try to run - my race is the 19th! Is that the same day as your race Sharon?
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Gloria-I’m sorry you have shingles. My mom had them and she had pain for a very long time time. My Aunt had them the same time as she did and she also suffered well after the rash was gone. I sure hope you aren’t one that has long affects. When I say long I mean 1 plus years. My mom had it in the worse places. My Aunt has a horse and couldn’t ride for a long time. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to over do it with exercise. You don’t want it to hang on any longer.

    Sharon-I can’t wait to get out and garden this year. I just let everything go last year. Just didn’t feel up to doing anything. We did plant a garden. Spent a lot of time drowning Japanese Beetles. They were eating all the leaves off of my plants.

    I made another step forward today. I decided to do a dog walk instead of going to the lake. The temps are in the 40’s but it is quite windy and the wind is cold. I was able to walk the dog over half of our walk without using my cane. I then used it lightly. When we got to our house I decided to walk up the hill a bit. Went about half way up and then turned around. It felt so good to be more independent. I feel like I’m slowly getting my life back. This week looks to be a Spring week. Temps in the 50’s and 60’s which means outside walks. I’m going to be working more on walking without an aid rather than distance. I just thought I’d stop by and see how everyone is doing.

    Gloria-I hope you feel better soon.

    Sharon-great job on those distance runs.