Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Becky - YAY! So excited for you to be out walking more and without the cane sometimes. You are doing great! It sounds so cold but I hope that the weather this week is indeed warmer so you can enjoy a taste of spring.

    I am still very sore and I don't even know how to explain it. The rash itself seems like it looks better but the whole area (even where the rash is not at) feels at times like it is burning burning burning and other times it feels like a pulled muscle.

    Today I headed out the door for a three mile run/walk/run. I am trying to increase my running intervals but today was just harder for some reason and my pace was a lot slower than it has been on the other shorter runs that I have done lately. The altimeter on my watch doesn't work so I don't know how much incline there was on those hills but it was definitely a hillier route than I usually do so that might have been part of it. It was pretty warm, about 65 I guess, with a nice breeze. It felt really good and the sun had finally come out too. I wore a t-shirt and capris, wish I had worn shorts but maybe I would have been too cold in shorts. I might walk tomorrow and then try to do a short run on Thursday. My half is Saturday. Not sure that is going to go very well but there isn't really a time limit so I know at least I can finish, and I doubt that I will be in last place (maybe close to last though).
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,048 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hi All! Gloria and Becky, so nice to read all your updates.

    Gloria, good luck on your race on Saturday. Hope the weather corporates and you have a great time. Hope the shingles doesn't bother you too much out there running.

    Oh Becky, I wish I had a dog to be able to go out with- running and walking. It sounds like you are doing very well with your recovery.. Yay!

    I really have been enjoying taper week.. I ran 7 miles Saturday, 3 miles on Tuesday. Today was raining so I did indoor workout and run with Leslie Sansone- just a mile to be moving. I may go out this afternoon and get that 3 miler run done. I plan to pick up race bib tomorrow and just rest on Saturday. Hoping to meet up with some Marathon Maniacs' and Half Fanatics for Race Photo early on race day. There is another gal I am hoping to meet up with too.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member

    Sharon, I can't wait to hear about your race! Hope you have PERFECT weather!

    I am supposed to have lunch with some friends tomorrow, then I am heading to Chattanooga for my race. I won't be taking my PC but I when I get back on Sunday I will try to remember to post here and let you know how it went. Sharon, a bunch of the people who I know that will be at this race are Half Fanatics. I should have done that back when I was racing a couple of times a month. Not gonna happen now. Ha!

    I did get out and do a short run today, not super fast but I did have negative splits so at least there is that. It was warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt. I am barely ready to race in a 5K, not sure how well this half is going to be but hey, it is going to be a lot of fun. The group that puts this race on is super fun and laid back and they are very supportive of the runners. Plus a lot of my friends will be there, so it will be a good time in any case! I am trying to decide what to wear - it is supposed to be around 50 at race time but as one of my friends reminded me, it will be colder on that mountain!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good afternoon! Just sitting on the deck having a protein smoothie. It’s going to be a nice day. Looking for highs in the low 60’s. All in all we’ve had pretty nice weather. I went to the lake this morning. It was quite busy down there. Perfect weather for running! Too bad I wasn’t! I’ve increased my walking distance without a cane. Pretty happy about that. Yesterday I did my whole walk which was just a little over a mile without it. Mostly because I forgot it. My knees reminded me about that last night. It’s just so hard to not try and do a little jogging. I see my Dr tomorrow so we’ll see what he has to say about my progress.
    Gloria-how did your race go? I hope it went well.
    Sharon-I hope your race went well also. I hope you had perfect weather!

    I hope you both are enjoying your Sunday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    edited March 2022
    Happy Spring!!!! Becky, so happy you are able to get out to the lake! Sounds like you are are still doing great with your recovery. I wonder what the doc will say - sometimes it is less painful to run than it is to walk but of course I wouldn't suggest that without getting the doc's approval!

    Sharon, can't wait to hear about your race!

    My race was certainly not a race, haha! I mean, I was never speedy, could do a half in about two hours and 20 minutes or so. My fulls were so slow too, about six hours, so it is kind of embarrassing how slow I am now. It took us almost FIVE hours to do this half - to think it took me almost as long to do that as it took do a full a few years go. Granted, half of it was trails, but even on trails back in the day I could do a 10K in abut an hour and ten minutes!!! This is so frustrating! Oh, my Garmin did register 14 miles, so maybe it was longer than 13.1 but still!!!

    Anyway, I had a lot of fun, this company puts on really fun races and they are so supportive and encouraging. The course was nice, on a mountain, beautiful views. They had a lot of aid stations with lots of snacks and also, on the trails, they had spectators all over the place (which were stuffed animals - ha, it was so cute, Mickey Mouse and Smurfs and a lot of others). They had a lot of fun signs. At the end of the race there were grilled burgers. I had a lot of friends there and one of them stayed with me the whole time - she had knee surgery a little over a year ago and she is running again but she is not confident about running on trails yet.

    After the race we watched Hook on the TV in our rental house and I was so exhausted so went to bed fairly early. I woke up at 2 am with a raging migraine and this morning was very sick to my stomach. My BFF took care of me though and I rested most of the way home. I've been resting since we got home this morning and feel a lot better now.

    I'll try to post some of the pics. If I can get them to load, I am the one in blue with long braids and short bangs. The race is called Raccoon Mountain.


  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Today has been a little crazy because we went to Nashville for DH's doctor's appointment, then we had brunch in Nashville. Traffic coming home was awful! I got out and did three miles, despite the fact that my toes are a hot mess (I am having psoriatic arthritis in my toes, UGH) my run went very well! I am still doing intervals but trying to lengthen the run interval and that went well. It was so nice out - shorts and t-shirt weather! I have another half in two weeks and then I am going to focus on shorter distances so I can build my endurance back up. This is the third summer in a row that I have said I am doing that. Maybe I can make it stick this time.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Gloria-nice pictures! I’m glad you had fun. That’s what’s important. Sounds like you’re having nice weather. I hope you aren’t getting that severe weather. Sad to see so many tornados.

    My Dr appt went well yesterday. I’m done going now. He told me everything has healed. I know it takes up to a yr to completely heal but he’s confident with my new hip and my bone graft. The bone has grown into it now and he’s no longer concerned about it. He just told me to use common sense and take things easy at first. Knees should improve too. He also said my shoulder was tendinitis. Now I feel more confident in doing everything I want to do.
    Yesterday started out gloomy but by noon the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. Cleaned the house, walked the dog and grilled lunch. It’s felt so good to have windows and door open again. Unfortunately today it’s in the 40’s and has been dark and rainy all day. At least there’s no snow. Yet! I did my workout inside today so it wasn’t as far as I’d like. I did get that treadmill up in speed a little more. I do what my knees let me right now. Tomorrow will also be an indoor workout.
    I hope everyone has been having a nice Tuesday! Take care!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Becky, that is all great news! I can tell you are happy and more confident about getting out and doing things. I know you will listen to your body and just do what you can. Do you think you will get some more snow? They are saying we might get frost this weekend. Of course it is on the weekend - that has been the crazy thing about this season, it is nice during the week and cold during the weekends! We didn't have anything severe here yesterday - just a lot of rain and wind. But some of the places I have seen on the news got hit so hard, those tornadoes are so frightening!

    I did my strength training today, and I was hoping to get out and run but I am not sure now because it is so windy. They put out a wind advisory because of gusts of 45 mph - I checked online and it said wind is 18 mph, which is doable but the gusts are so strong that I am thinking I might do either my rebounder or the strength training cardio that I was supposed to do over the weekend. I guess I will wait a couple of hours and see if the wind dies down this afternoon. And tomorrow it is supposed to be cooler and windy too, ugh!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    As far as I know I am going to head to south Nashville tonight to run with the running group down there - hardly ever see them as it is just too far for me to go very often but I dearly love that group and wish I could go there more often. Reason I am going tonight it is that it is the ten year anniversary of that group. I think I started to run with them in 2014 or maybe 2015 and it has always been a long way for me to go there. I am excited because I think maybe a few of my friends will be there too, and they are having pizza afterwards. They usually do three to six miles but tonight is just three because of the pizza.

    I hardly ever drink coffee anymore but I had some stars on my Starbucks app and they expire soon so I got a free Nitro today. It's a rare treat. I have some more stars to use up before the end of the month so I will be going back again soon.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Afternoon! Crazy weather. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the grass. It didn’t last long but it’s only in the 30’s and very gloomy. A little misty at times. Do I think we will get snow? We probably will. We’ve missed the snow for this month. Usually see a dumping during basketball tournament time but this year none. We never really had a major storm. In fact we haven’t in a couple of years. Hopefully the sun will be out this weekend. I sure would like to get outside for my walk. Too slow with the treadmill. My thighs still have a ways to go for me to do some jogging. I need to look up some stretches to help loosen me up. My legs are really tight.

    Gloria-sounds like fun to be able to get together with runners you used to run with. I’m so jealous. Maybe someday for me.

    We’ll time to get moving. Waiting for Culligan to come and replace our softener. Ours is leaking.

    Have a great day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Oh gosh, SNOW! I hope you don't get much Becky. We got some earlier this month but it didn't last. They said we might have frost this weekend. For us, this is a really late spring. We have had things blooming but the temperatures have been more up and down than usual. It is okay because I know soon enough we will be complaining about the heat and humidity.

    I did go to the group run last night, took an hour and 15 minutes to get to the other side of Nashville, but it was worth it (only 50 minutes to get home). I had a wonderful run, did three miles, it felt great. My pace was good, but no negative splits this time because the last mile was all uphill!

    I haven't done my strength training yet because DH got up so late (I do my ST in the bedroom) and so I will do that soon - probably should go for a walk. It is a lot cooler out today - supposed to stay cool for a few days when it will all of the sudden go up to 80 - this weather is just crazy!

    I have a half marathon next weekend, I am hoping for good weather - if it isn't windy, it should be pretty good!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good morning!
    The snow left as fast as it came. We had mixed weather yesterday. Rain, snow and sleet and wind. Everything is dry this morning but pretty cold and we still have that wind.
    Rest day yesterday. My knees needed it. Today I’m just going to get on the elliptical for a bit. I’m not sure when I’ll be getting outside for my walks. We’ve had a lot of wet weather and now the temps have dropped and we have windchills again. Im not a fan of Spring. We rarely seem to have a decent Spring and now they’re talking about a major storm for the end of next week. Was hoping it was just an April Fools joke but I’m not sure. It’s going to affect a lot of places with snow and severe storms. Right now my area is in mostly rain but who knows. It’s a ways away.
    Gloria-you’re doing great. Are your shingles gone now? I hope they are.
    Time to get moving here. I’ve been starting to make a schedule here. Since I’m not working, I can easily make this schedule. Plus I need to dedicate a time for dog training. I so want to take both of my dogs for a walk but Cooper needs to continue his training before I can do that. Plus I need to figure out menus. I’ve been seeing a lot of people that do meal preps on Sunday. I would love to be able to do that.
    Well, I hope everyone has a great Saturday! I hope your weather is nicer than ours.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Glad the snow melted fast Becky! This is the craziest weather. They say it is one of the warmest seasons we have had in a long time but it sure doesn't seem like it. January and February were so cold. It was January 1st when it was 78 here and then a day or so later it was only 22 here. That happened again a couple of weeks ago - very warm, almost 80 one day and then within a day or so, cold again. Our roads are a hot mess (giant potholes) because of the rapid changes.

    I need to be more diligent about scheduling too - it is easy to let things go since I haven't been working. I wouldn't mind meal planning and such, in fact, it would be so helpful but my DH is so chaotic and spontaneous, I never know when we are eating or where!

    Met with a couple of girlfriends this morning to walk/run. It was pretty nice out - a bit cool with a strong wind but the sun was so nice. We ended up doing six miles. Then I went to a local coffee shop and got myself an iced latte and some avocado toast. Yum!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good morning!
    In the 20’s this morning! Way to cold but at least the wind has finally died down. Trying to decide if I should just exercise inside today or bundle up and get outside later.
    I’ve been really looking at calories, etc. and it seems like many of the plans put me at 1200 calories which I’ve found to not be attainable. If I were able to be extremely active than yes I could do it but not now. I’ve been getting a better understanding about how things work so I adjusted everything and now I think the calories I have myself at are much more attainable. I’m going to try and increase my exercise this week. It won’t be by a lot but I will try as much as possible. I’m also going to increase my protein to try and curb my hunger during the day. Warm weather is coming eventually and I refuse to go out and buy new clothes. I don’t have alot to lose and I should be able to do it. Just need a better plan than what I’ve had. Like cooking more and not ending up eating peanut butter sandwiches.
    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
    Sharon-I hope you’re doing well.

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Clear blue skies here for a change!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    I have been thinking about calories too, I can't remember now how SparkPeople worked. Didn't it give us a RANGE of calories? I don't like that MFP just says 1,200 calories. I have been tracking though, and it seems to be working okay for me. I had put some weight on in the past year since I quit my job - but was still in range for maintenance. I have taken most of that excess off. I do find that I need to do better though - I have never been able to RUN well on a keto diet - have never gotten "fat adapted" as they say - if I am not eating enough carbs and protein, my running really suffers - but I find that I tend to eat higher fat so I struggle. I don't know, sometimes I just find myself craving things like bagels or French toast (I haven't been able to eat bread in years). The other day at the store I desperately wanted to buy some cinnamon bagels - I didn't though.

    Anyway, no run or walk for me today, and it is a day off from strength training. I figured I would go this afternoon but now DH wants to take me to a nice steak place that I love - it is about 30 minutes from here. It is for my BD which is in a couple of days, but that day we won't be able to go all the way over there because of our schedules. So I will treat myself with some other things that day - like some good coffee and maybe a bundlet from the bundt cake store (they have gluten free!).
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Such a busy day today! It's my BD but we celebrated on Sunday because we have a lot happening today. So I was going to stick with my regular schedule. I usually strength train first thing but DH got up late so I couldn't get in there to do that (I strength train in the bedroom). Then one of my friends sent me a text and was asking if I would walk with her. I would probably have said no but I enjoy her company so much and don't get to see her that often so of course I said yes! So I went with her this morning and walked for a few miles, then hurried home for lunch with DH. We have a Tuesday routine - we go to Jersey Mike's for a sub for him and then to a local place that I love so I can get myself a salad. I also had a free BD coffee from Starbucks so we stopped there as well, and got gas for the car. After lunch I had professional continuing education, so did that, did some laundry from my DH, and then did my run! Oy! It was awesome though, I had a great run, decent pace, three miles. It's 71 degrees and I wore a t-shirt but should have worn shorts instead of capris. It felt good though. We are going to run over to Fleet Feet after my DH gets off work and then have dinner - I still have to do my strength training!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday Gloria! It sounds like you had a nice day!🎉

    The weather here is not great. Rain and fog. So dreary. I did manage some time on the treadmill. I’m just not a fan of that thing right now. So slow. It’s going to be hit and miss weather wise for outdoor exercise. Lots of wet days ahead. A little snow thrown in there but it won’t stay.

    My calorie range is around 1600 but I find I don’t hit that number. It’s just a relief to not have to stay in the 1200 range. I’m eating more protein now which keeps me from wanting to snack. I just really need to burn more calories but inside workouts aren’t easy so it’s hard to burn many calories. I need to work on bumping my time on the elliptical up. That’ll be next week. I’m trying to get in 20-25 min. I’d like 30. Most I’ve ever done is 45 min. My toes used to go numb.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday! I sure could use a nap but that won’t happen.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Becky, I wonder why your toes go numb on the elliptical? I wish I liked the elliptical. I just don't like it at all but I know it would be good for me as a low impact workout.

    It's about 80 degrees here today and it is so very windy, crazy windy. We might get strong storms tonight, and I am hoping it is past here before bedtime.

    I did my strength training this morning (Wednesday always focuses on mobility and stability). Wow, some of these exercises are tough! I should get out and walk but not sure if I want to be out in that wind. I have seen people out though, running and walking. I sold something on eBay and had to run to the post office, and FINALLY I got to the store. $100 for hardly anything - I did get some chicken and a small roast so that was part of it, but very little else, stuff is just so expensive right now!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good Morning! Finally waking up to sunshine! It’s been hit and miss here. I took yesterday as a total rest day. I used to take Saturdays off from running except if there was a race. Plus I always wanted to go to the Farmers Market in the summer. I’ve been averaging over 5,000 steps a day so now this week I’m bumping it up a bit. Plus I need to research some stretches I can do. Still a little nervous about some moves. I may go back to PT if I can’t loosen up more. I hate to spend the money on something I can find online.
    Today I plan on getting out and walk hopefully at the lake. Still needs to warm up but we have a chance of rain later this afternoon so I want to make sure I can get out there before that.
    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

    Have a great day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hello! I am having PC issues, trying to figure outa solution but trying to post here anyway, currently using DH's PC.

    Had my race yesterday, it was kind of crummy but I love this race because it is so well done and tons of friends are there so it makes it nice. I started my Garmin at the start and within a minute or so it had CRASHED and it took me like 10 minutes to try fix it, but it had RESET to factory settings and it still isn't right. So frustrating. It appears that I only did 12 miles or so on Strava because I can't figure out how to edit it but I did finish the race. Ugh! Anyway, there is a huge hill at miles 4 - 5 that is about a mile long and the further along it goes, the steeper it gets and hills really kill my hip and piriformis now so by the time I got to the top, I was dying. I had to walk most of the rest of the race. My lower back, hip and knee were killing me. But I finished. I had gone back to see what my PR was for this particular course and it was 2:32 I think and this took me 3:24, UGH!!!

    Anyway, Becky, hope you can find some stretches. I will be working on my hamstrings over the next few days to work out this mess. It is still cool here but pretty pleasant and I walked today as well. I find that walking helps me loosen up any stiffness after a race, though I felt pretty good after the race yesterday, other than the hamstring issue (on the right side).

    I am going to focus on shorter distances for a while and see if I can't build back up again - but I do this every summer it seems like and I end up with this same hip issue that seems like it will never go away