Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Sharon, how do you bathe a bird? It was not as bad as they said it would be this morning. It was I think around 28 and the windchill/feel like was about 18. I was dressed okay but my nose was like a fountain, just pouring. I was supposed to do six miles but my mom called and so I stopped so I could get over there, plus my watch was almost ready to die so I got about four miles. And it was four miserable miles, I felt like I was struggling. It’s been a busy day today, I got groceries for Thursday. I don’t know I will start to cook tomorrow or wait until Wednesday.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good Evening! Dr appt went well. Time to strength this hip/leg and get my life back. Still haven’t been released but hopefully by my next appt in January I will be. I’m still using a crutch but now I’ll work harder to get rid of it. Weather here has not been good for running so I’m not missing out on that. It’s been very windy and the wind is cold. I’d be on the treadmill and elliptical which I hope to be on soon. I need to get in the car and start driving. It’s amazing how much strength you lose in such a short time and how long it takes to get it back.

    Gloria-when do you leave for MI? If you’re still going, have a safe trip. Everyone, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello! We are in Michigan Becky, been here a few days. It’s crazy when I’m here, eating is all over the place, exercise is haphazard at best. Very cold this morning but not windy like yesterday. Got a 20 minute walk in before we had to meet my dad. I think if thought I would do the pies today but we ended up making candles so pies and cranberries will be tomorrow along with who knows what else’
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Wednesday!

    Gloria, enjoy every moment this Thanksgiving. Burrr, that sure is cold. I hate it when my nose runs in the extreme cold too. I take a velour wash cloth with me all the time for nose blowing on one side and sweat on the other. I usually breath through my nose to control my pace and heart rate and below forty degrees, becomes very difficult. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Becky, glad your doctor appointment went well. Sounds like you are doing well on your recovery. I totally agree how easy it is to lose strength in a short time. Hope all continues to go well. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

    I got out for a 6.25 mile run yesterday and it was freezing. Almost turned around to come home to put my fleeced lined tights on but decided to keep going. The breeze made it feel so much colder.

    My son arrived last night and today is my husbands 70th Birthday. My son and I will go out later to get his BD Meal and Ice Cream Cake. I waited since my refrigerator and freezer are packed with Thanksgiving foods.

    I just finished a fun Cardio- Gilad did another live performance which I missed again so I did what was taped from that day. So cool he does these zoom workouts. Hopefully one day I can participate. Here is a link if you want to try it out. 45:00 Cardio workout this time. Not on the Beaches of Hawaii though but still fun.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello! Happy BD to your DH Sharon and so wonderful your son is there! Thanks for the video link, I’ve been doing some Gilad here and there, mostly strength, no cardio.

    Got the four pies done today and the cranberries (cranberries take a while) and got everything ready for the stuffing. Went to a bookstore and a shoe store with DH and then ran out for a couple of things for my mom.

    Did get my run in this morning too. It was not as cold (32 F) but it was kind of windy. But much better than Monday or Tuesday. I did warm up, cool down, cadence drills, and then 5 sets of 800m with a 3 min recovery. I don’t have a track here to use so like I’ve had to do at home, I just found a somewhat flat place. I did really well as was very happy with the 800m portions. Tomorrow it’s going to be yucky and I need to get over there to make the stuffing and put the turkey in so I won’t be able to get outdoors so probably a rest day
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US and anyone else who is celebrating! I didn’t run today. It was cold and raining and I had to get to my parents’ house. We had lots of tasty food!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good Morning All! I hope those in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Between Wednesday and Thursday, I gained a few pounds. Yikes.

    We enjoyed a wonderful Organic Free Range Turkey Breast and I made my Green Bean Buffet Casserole. The green beans were a bit thicker than I am use to. I usually get Organic Green Beans at Trader Joes, but they had been out for quite some time, so I got some fresh ones from our Harris Teeter which is now owned by Kroger. Funny how they can be so different tasting. I also cooked up some Butternut Squash and many more fixings for our dinner.. It was my husbands BD Dinner that really put on those few pounds. A surf and turf meal with Ice Cream Birthday Cake later. Hopefully I will lose those few pounds soon..

    I forgot to answer you Gloria, on giving my Cleo Cockatoo a bath. I took her up to the bath tub and just filled it to cover her claw mid way. I was using an Organic Baby Wash, like bubble bath and use a cup to pour water over her. Luke warm water. Sometimes I will shower her and she just stands there. I try to bath her every few weeks, but she does bath herself in her cage using her water. She is so cute. Great job on your cadence drills. I really need to get serious about working on that. Right now I am around 164 average but goal is to pick it up to 170 average. Love it that Garmin gives you that info. Yummy on those pies. Bet they were wonderful tasting.

    I did not sleep well the night before. Woke up around 2:30 am and could not get back to sleep. I finally got up around 3 am. I really had to push myself to get out for my run. I usually run 6.25 miles during the week, but decided to do the 4 cut back miles from my training schedule. Very unmotivated to do a speed run yesterday but got those 4 miles done. It is cut back time and Saturday calls for 7 miles. Not sure if I will run the 7 or just go for the 13.12 miles like have been doing since May every Saturday. Next week will be very busy between my doctor appointment and going with my husband for his surgery meeting on Friday. I am going to try to pick up my race packet next Thursday for the Race on Saturday. Praying for good weather. I now have learned not to look that far ahead because they are always wrong. This will be my last race for the year. I really am looking forward to a break in races. Next year I have Tobacco Road in March and already signed up for City of Oaks in November. I hope my Race 13.1 will all happen next year. They are usually June and October. Fingers crossed on those. Not sure when they will do the Raleigh HM next year. Usually it is in Feb. or April. We shall see.

    Getting ready for an indoor cardio and then some Yoga. When my son wakes up, we plan to work on getting some items put into the storage building we had built to give us some room indoors. We also want to set up a new TV stand in our family room. I want to set up the inversion table somewhere so I can use it. Gloria, this is a table where you hang vertically. It is suppose to help straighten out the spine. I tried it one time and loved it. I have learned that if it is slightly angled it does feel much better than straight up and down. I also need to check on my Tropical plants I moved into the storage building during the freeze warning and need to make sure they are OK and water. I also got my self a few more running outfits for colder temps. Some really great deals out there for Black Friday.. Wish they would have some good prices on those Altras. Would love to get one more pair to add to my mix.

    Got to go! Wishing all a Safe Day and Weekend!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    We just got home a while ago and I’m super tired! I didn’t exercise today as it was dark (and I’m not used to being there so would feel uncomfortable in the dark) and then we went to my parents’ house and then did the long drive home. I’m very tired! I’m going to try to catch up here tomorrow!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Good Morning! Hope everyone is doing okay! We are feeling rested and ready to get things done around the house. Sharon, I think the inversion thing sounds good! I sure do wish I had a workout room. I am thinking about getting a rebounder for cross training but I really don't have the room for one. We have a large house but my husband takes up most of it, lol.

    We also do butternut squash for our Thanksgiving dinner, we have always done that. Our food is pretty traditional, turkey, mashed potatoes, butternut squash, bread stuffing, a cranberry fruit thing, pie. We never used to have bread but we started to do that for my DH so there are dinner rolls. I couldn't see my sister and most of her family because they are sick but I did get to talk to my nephew for a few minutes, and I was so glad about that.

    Sharon, I have a 10k next weekend. I can't wait to hear about your half, I think you are going to knock it out of the ballpark! My 10k is in Alabama and I will be going down there Friday and staying at the state park where the race is at. It's a trail run so I will be doing more walking than running. I'm like you, I am hoping for good weather but I am not looking just yet because it will change 300 times before the week is over.

    Oh my gosh, bathing Cleo sounds so cute!!! I like birds but we have never had any fancy ones...just some budgies when I was younger, both as a child and as a young adult.

    I did order some fleece tights from Athleta yesterday (with the ones I have I should be set for winter) and I also got a super good deal on a pair of Sauconys. I could use another pair of Altras. I still have the some put away but I go through shoes so fast. I looked around for sale Escalates but didn't find any.

    My run this morning was a very short and easy hill repeat workout. I am so glad this training plan has hill repeats. Around here it is impossible to avoid hills. Windchill/Feels like was about 23 F, but it felt good because it wasn't super windy. The repeats were very short with a long recovery, probably longer than I needed, but I did it as instructed. There were only five repeats I think? Or was it six? Anyway, it was over in a flash! Now I need to get back into my workout routines!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    I walked this morning, it was chillier than I expected and guess what - running clothes aren't warm enough for walk :D but I figured it out and grabbed a hoodie before I left. Then I did a full body strength workout and a short yoga session. I am glad to be back into the routine. My sciatica is flaring but just a little and I am sure that is from too much sitting while we were traveling - now that I am back into my routine I will make sure to stay active and hopefully that will alleviate the discomfort - and really, it is just slight in any case. Today I am going to work on holiday decor and addressing envelopes so that I can mail our Christmas cards.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning! We had a very nice Thanksgiving. I was beat! You loose so much strength in such a short time. I’m in the process of getting that back and let me tell you, my body is feeling it. I’m sure it’ll get better. Even the arms and shoulders are sore. I’m driving now so I can get down to the lake when I want to. I’ve also started logging my food again. I need to start getting back in shape. I let myself eat way too many unhealthy foods. I made vegetable soup last night for dinner and that hit the spit. Exercise today will be the bike peddler and my PT exercises. It’s supposed to be 50 today so hopefully after lunch I can get a short walk in also. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! And Becky, so glad to hear from you!

    I did full body strength yesterday and there were tons and tons of lunges. I was kind of unhappy that there wasn't a lot of variety in the lower body section but YIKES, I am feeling those lunges now! So that was a great workout after all. It was cold this morning, about 26 F when I went for a walk. It's supposed to warm up a lot this week. I need to get some upper body in today if I can, and some yoga. I am trying to figure out the best amount of strength for me....I used to do two to three days, about 45 minutes each of those days, of full body. Right now I am doing a day of lower body, a day of core, and a day of upper body. Maybe one day of full body. But I am thinking it might be more effective to go back to two or three days of full body. And of course I am trying to do some yoga every day.

    I think I have all of my Christmas decor out. I don't do a whole lot at this house, and the tree is not our usual tree because of Lizzie, she pretty much lives in the tree and trashes it. I am listening to holiday music, and yesterday I finished the Christmas cards so I can mail them next time I go out.

    Hope everyone has a great week!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Training plan today called for nine miles, said pace was to be four minutes per mile slower than my goal race pace - ummm, okay, that is walking....lol

    Also said to walk as much as needed and take as many breaks as needed. So I did my warm up, nine miles, and then my cool down. I did run walk run intervals. Did that for six miles. Walked the last three.

    My back hurts today - I am doing some back strengthening but I am not sure how much this is going to help. When I was in PT about a year ago, she had me doing stuff for my back but about 20 years ago they told me there is degenerative arthritis is my spine. I definitely think hip, glute and back strengthening will help a little. This is the worst I remember it being since I was doing marathons - at that time it was bad because of the distance.

    Also, I did that full body workout Sunday and today I still very stiff and sore from that, I can really feel it. I'll have to figure out the best time to do my strength so that it doesn't mess with my running - I would have expected two days ahead would be okay but I guess not.

    Hope everyone is doing well! It was a nice day for a run, sunny and in the high 30s, beautiful!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Today I went for a walk in the morning and then did upper body. A little yoga after that. My legs feel a lot better today. I have to figure out the best day to do my lower body so as not to impact my runs that much. I loved the workout that I did with the lunges but yikes, I was so sore for a couple of days!

    Now I am working on my crafts and watching a Christmas movie - last night I watched the original Disney animated version of Alice in Wonderland - from 1951.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning! My walking continues. We’re working a little harder at PT now to try and get rid of the swelling on my knee and frankly the rest of the leg. Yesterday I had another nice walk. Screwed up with MapMyFitness. When I stop, I stop it. Well, I forgot to restart it. Oh well. I walked almost 4000 steps which is really good for me right now. Someone on my hip replacement forum told me about a forum for runners so I joined that. Looks like there is hope. With Winter coming, I’m probably going to be looking at using the dreadmill more. The weather here has been mild. Hoping it continues thru December.

    Have a wonderful Thursday!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hi Becky!!! Do they know what is causing the swelling in your leg and knee? Sounds like walking is going well though. We've had great weather here too, I am with you, I hope it lasts. I have some Facebook running groups with people with joint replacements, I think you are going to be back to running for sure!

    Did my speedwork today. Sure wish I could do this at the track. It wasn't quite as fast as it was last week in Michigan (which is probably flatter than here), which is fine because I am still going much faster than the training plans says to, and that is really not good because then on the recovery I have to walk instead of jog. Not sure why but next week's training plan has two speed sessions....not sure I like that but one is at race pace and one is at 5k pace. The past two weeks it was supposed to be at race pace but I've done 5k pace so it shouldn't be a problem but I need to slow it down to race pace on the one. These are 5 x 800 meters with a three minute recovery between each. I noticed that next week it goes up to six repeats instead of five. UGH! LOL. I don't think it has me doing a long run next week, which is weird. Anyway, I'm feeling really good after my run. I didn't do my yoga yet, need to do that but I was texting with friends from my old job and got side-tracked. It's warm here today - I felt really good when running and didn't notice being too hot but when I got done I figured out that I was very sweaty!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Got a walk in this morning and a yoga session that was a little challenging for some reason. I have my 10k in Alabama tomorrow morning, trail so I will be mostly hiking, running only if the trail is not too technical.

    Sharon, wishing you the best half marathon tomorrow - you have done the training and you've got this!!! Enjoy!

    Jenn, hope all is well, thinking of you. Is it really cold there? Have you had to run inside? I ordered some YakTrax so I can run outside if we get snow or ice - we don't get a lot of frozen stuff here but I will at least have them in case.

    Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,210 Member
    Hello! I am sooo tired! I think that the weekend got to me, too much fun and not enough sleep. The trail run was great, we really loved the state park. The trail was not technical so easy to run on but we ran and walked as we pleased and stopped and took tons of pictures. I remember when I used to do 10k in just over an hour but this took us exactly two hours - of course, trails are always MUCH slower than road and it wouldn't have taken me that long to do 10k on the road but we did have so much fun and the scenery was beautiful. This morning I got up early and walked with a couple of friends. I need to do my training run, which needs to be at the track. It will only be a couple of miles at most, but I am just so worn out that I wonder if I ought to just skip it. I kind of feel like instead of a run I might need a nap!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi All. So sorry to be MIA with posting. Life has been so busy since Thanksgiving, son visiting, Half Marathon Race and getting ready for my husbands surgery.

    Gloria, hope you had a great 10K trail run/race.
    Becky, you are doing great on your PT and rehab.
    Happy everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    My Half Marathon was yesterday. Perfect running weather and temps. I really had a great pace. I hung out with the 2:15 runners and kept up the whole time until my shoe lace, that I triple tied, became undone. Took a couple of minutes to retie it. Then right around mile 10, my calves were tightening up. Oh my! At that point I decided to run/walk just to cross the finish line. Came in 1st in my age group with only one other female in the 65-69 age group. My foot today on left foot, bottom heel feels bruised. It felt that way yesterday too before my race. Not sure what I did to it and not sure what to do about it.

    Today I did my Gilad challenge day 5 followed by 2 yoga routines. WOW! That felt great and was really needed. Here are a couple of pictures taken prior and after the race. I have not seen race pictures yet. They started posting yesterday and they are not organized as far as race numbers. Very time consuming looking through every picture.

  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,026 Member
    I do have a question.. Still learning this MFP. How do you post pictures in the newsfeed? I was reading something but it did not make sense to me. Thanks in advance.