Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Track work today, felt very very good. I meant to go early when it was 43 degrees F but I didn't go until later and it was warmer by then - still had my long sleeves on but I actually felt great and was very happy with the workout. Strength training and yoga after that.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,056 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Monday.

    I woke too early this morning. We will be taking my son to the airport around 7 am, so I plan to get my workout in shortly. Saturday Run went well. I ran a couple of extra miles making it 17.. Now two weeks taper and race on 11-07. So excited. It will be my first live race since last year in February..

    Gloria, sounds like you are doing great on training.. And working on those hills. Awesome!

    Becky, how is your recovery coming along? We miss you.

    Jen, sounds like your running plan is working great for you. Glad to hear your hip pain is getting better.

    Got to go! Talk later.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hi Sharon, so glad you got your son for a few days! I know you are so looking forward to your race and you are so well trained! You are going to do great!

    Today was my rest day, I didn't run. I did do yoga this morning and probably will do a small session of yoga tonight before bed. I am so glad I finally started doing that again, I feel it is really helping me (both mentally and physically)!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Got my run in this morning, a slow 6.5 miles. I woke up with back and hip pain. Not sure why. It was super pleasant out, great running temp, but I was not feeling up for it so when I got to the optional 15 minutes, I lapped the Garmin to the 5 minute cool down and walked it home. I haven't gotten my strength or yoga in yet but I will. I also (foolishly, lol) allowed myself to be talked into a race this weekend. It will be a good training run, 10 very hilly miles. I will be with my friends who might do more walking than running but it will be fine.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,056 Member
    Good Morning Happy Wednesday!

    Gloria, I had the same thing happen yesterday with my hip pain. I had some extra time before going out and decided after my cardio workout, I would do that 15:00 hip opener yoga before my run. I usually only do yoga on non run days. It made the world of difference. My hubby had gotten one of those inversion tables that I really want to get set up. It really is suppose to help with back pain. Have had it for years and no where to put it. We finally had a nice size storage shed built where we can put many things we had set up for my mother that really took a lot of space- hospital bed, etc. My dream is to eventually add on to our house a sunroom and downstairs master. Planning on growing old in this house. Thinking already of getting it ready for Senior living.

    Well, my husbands doctor wants him to do two more tests before doing any type of surgery. One next week and then the other Nov. 1st. All I can say is, I am happy they found this. PCP was the one that heard something unusual and referred him to Cardiologist. So many people have no idea there is something wrong until they have a heart attack.

    This morning I am getting ready for my workout with Gilad to finish up 21 day challenge and then on to Yoga. I had a great night sleep, although Garmin told me I only had 4:50 hours? Sometimes I think my Garmin is off on sleep by one hour. Oh well.

    Wishing all a wonderful day!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hi everyone, i hope you're all well.
    It's been a busy couple of weeks, so i didn't post anything, but i have been running 3 times/week as always. We had a couple of very cold days, and in combination with the days getting shorter , my willingness to go out has reduced. But i am still doing it. I keep telling myself that i'm only going to be cold for the first 10 minutes (which is true).
    It was very windy today and what a surprise , i had it mostly against me. I thought about giving up so many times.. By the end i was breathing so hard i thought i was gonna die (okay it's a bit dramatic but you know what i mean). Turns out i was running too fast. My watch said i completed my 5k in just under 32 minutes which is crazy, because i felt i was going very slow due to all the wind.
    My body has been feeling pretty good lately. My hip is not bothering me much, so hopefully all the stretching will keep it this way.I've been dedicating about 20-25 minutes in my stretches post run. Saturday is my log run day, it will be about 8.5 km . My long runs are surprisingly my favourite thing right now. I love listening to my audiobooks and just going slow...Weekends are also more quiet, so that's also nice.

    ''See'' you next week!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello Jenny and Sharon! Em and Becky, if you are stalking, we miss you both and hope you are doing well!

    Jenny, it sounds like your run today went great - running that fast in the wind, yeah, I can imagine you were breathing hard! Very well done! So glad you hip is doing better. And thank you again for referring me to Adriene, I am loving her yoga so very much. Sometimes in the evening I will do one for lower back and hip pain and I am sure it is helping. I also do one right before bed to help wind down and help me sleep.

    Sharon, you are doing great, so impressive on that mileage, I daresay you are almost ready to do a marathon! Sounds like you and your DH struck gold with the doctor, that must be very comforting. My Garmin often says I slept way more than I think I did - I am very still in the night when I am awake so I guess it thinks I am sleeping even when I am not. But in general, since I quit my job, I have been sleeping so much better - every few nights I might have an off night but generally it is good. Is your hip feeling better today? I've never used an inversion table, if you get that set up I will be very interested to see what you think. I have a feeling we will grow old in this house as well, though I am ready to downsize. With this really insane housing market though, I think it can't happen. It worries me because this house is too much for us as far as the yard and the pool, plus there are stairs to the laundry room that could at some point be difficult to navigate. I've looked into 55+ communities but yikes, they are sooo expensive - at a time when I want to save money. Just a smaller yard with less upkeep would be helpful.

    My run this morning was decent. I was doing speedwork and since the track is not available during school hours I went to a park that is relatively flat. There is still a lot of room for improvement but I still felt pretty good about it. I wish I had more time to train - I am on week 10 of 14 of my plan. I don't feel that I will meet my goal but it's okay, I am slowly improving and if I can just keep working at it, maybe my spring race will be better. I just signed up for a 10k trail run that is in December. And I have Hot Chocolate 15k in February, assuming it isn't canceled. The other half marathon is in April....lots to look forward to. Once this training plan is over, I will probably do four days a week - as I mentioned before, I think five is a lot. I did that when I was doing marathon training. That is why when I do at least one of my easy runs during the week, I don't mind too much if I walk a lot. But still, I have bad endurance, so that is something to work toward! All in good time!

    Have a terrific day and everyone enjoy your runs!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    I had a really nice run this morning! The weather was good. My training run was 40 minutes easy/slow pace (30 minutes plus 10 optional) plus five minutes walking warmup and 5 minutes walking cooldown.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,056 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Today was an indoor workout day. I did Cardio Blast followed by two Yoga segments. Hip Opener Yoga w/Lori and Hip Opener Yoga w/Sarah Beth. Both were 15:00. Tomorrow I plan to run 13.12 miles, then I will taper the following week. Getting those race butterflies. 11/07 Raleigh City of Oaks Half Marathon. Love it that every year it is on the day the time changes.

    Have a Great Weekend All!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Sharon, so excited for you to be able to do a race, you are going to have so much fun! That is neat that they do it on the day of the time change.

    My race tomorrow morning will start out cool (for me). We are leaving at 5:15 am to get there as it starts at 7 am and we have to find parking, pick up our packets, potty, etc. I have no plans or goals, it is just going to be a long training run for me. I hope to kind of use it to test how I am doing with my training but that means I have to run alone and not with my friends. I've never done this race because it used to conflict with another race I did. Later I could have but they had a time limit, which I used to be able to do easily, but not anymore. So now they have extended the cut off. I will be at the back of the pack but I am looking forward to it. It is very hilly. I considering what to wear since it will be cold but warm up during the time I am out there. I will probably wear a lightweight full zip jacket that I can wrap around my waist...haven't decided on a throwaway yet - it won't be that cold but I chill so easily and if I start out cold, I will not do well.

    It was a rest day - I had planned to walk and do yoga but got busy. I might do an easy yoga in a while.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,056 Member
    Gloria, wishing you a great race tomorrow. So excited for you. You will rock those hills.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello!!!! My race was actually this morning. I was trying to treat it as a training run, but got a bit carried away at the start, which was actually sort of okay I think. I got up at 4 am for the race. It was clear outside (of course dark) when I got up but the fog soon set in. I don't like to be out in the dark and fog because we have so much wildlife around here and I am afraid I will hit something (like a deer). Fortunately it cleared up once I got out of our neighborhood. The race was about 50 minutes away and I got there early enough to see the sunrise. I got my bib and went to the bathroom (INDOOR BATHROOMS) and waited for the start. It was chilly. Took some pictures with my local running group, saw several friends and visited a bit. It is a very small race, about 250 people but only about 170 today I think. My training plan for today was 5 minute warmup, 5 minute cooldown and 40 minutes at a slow pace. I did the first 50 minutes at a pace that was slightly faster than the recommended slow pace. Then once the training plan part was done I did run walk run intervals and walked on the worst of the hills. Honestly I am not too pleased with my overall pace. I used to be able do a half in about the same amount of time it took me to do 10 miles. But I am not giving up and I am going to keep training. My half is November 14th. I just need to keep plugging away at the training and hope for the best. I was sixth from last. But I enjoyed it. The weather was great. The medal is very cool and the course was pretty - though it was an open course that I didn't like because there was too much traffic and we were running on the side with traffic rather than against it. Kind of scary. The food afterwards was interesting too - biscuits with fried chicken and chocolate gravy - chocolate gravy? I had never heard of that, didn't eat a whole lot of that stuff, lol.

    I do have to say that my legs feel very good after that. My friends were complaining a little bit about being tired and sore but I am good. My training plan calls for a run tomorrow, we will see if I do that. I don't think it is wise but I will see how I feel in the morning.

    Hope everyone has had a good day and good running!!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    My run today was supposed to be 30 minutes at a particular pace (Garmin recommended 12:02 to 12:22 - run for 20 minutes with an additional 10 if I felt good. Warmup was 15 minutes and cooldown was 15 minutes. I opted out of the 10 minutes extra, walked a lot for the warmup and cooldown. I ran much faster for the 20 minutes than recommended so that is good. I should have pushed a little bit and done the extra 10 minutes and run a bit more for the warmup and cooldown but I think this training plan is pretty aggressive and having done 10 miles yesterday, this felt like enough. Also did it on the track, should have gone to the park so it wouldn't have been so flat but just wanted to err on the side of caution. My watch is giving me fits - the altimeter doesn't work right so if it says I had an elevation change of 1,200 feet, it was probably just half of that, and now the heart rate monitor is acting up. I have an external heart rate strap but the optical HRM on the watch is overriding it and causing all kinds of problems - thankfully I have a pulse oximeter and I know my heart rate isn't as high as it is saying - in fact, I had to stop on my run once today to check my pulse manually to make sure it wasn't 245! Yikes, I think I would not be feeling so great if it was that high. It was only 150 something. Later I was strength training and it did the same thing - did it yesterday too so I wonder if the watch is on it's last hurrah. It doesn't hold a charge for very long anymore. I think I've had it for about three years.

    Otherwise, did my strength today, lower body and abs. Will try to get some yoga in later.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    No run today but I did upper body and yoga. My arms were tired and so yoga was a little harder than usual. I can actually do some pushups now. Used to be I could do lots, but lately it has been zero. Now I can do quite a few. Progress, slowly but surely.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hello lovely people,

    Gloria, i'm glad you enjoyed your race. Now onto the next one :)

    Saturday i had my long run. I was only aiming for 8.5km , but i ended up doing 9 because i ended up a little further off from home than i wanted :D I'll be staying at 9 for another 3 weeks before i increase my distance again.
    Today was my regular 5k. It went well.My times are slowly but steadily improving. Tomorrow will be yoga day again. I was also thinking of incorporating some pilates for beginners videos. I'm trying to improve my core and overall strength, but exercises that focus on the abs kill me. Trying to do the scissors and yogi bicycles make my lower back hurt a lot ,so i always quit after 3 or 4 repetitions.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Thought I'd give an update. Went to Dr. yesterday and things are looking better. After 6 weeks I'm now able to put weight on my new hip. Slow progress. I start outpatient PT next week so hoping for things to get better. Bone is healing now. Still being careful. Dr. scared me. I don't want the alternative at all so I will be a good girl. Our weather has been up and down. Cold temps now. Colors here aren't that great this year. I guess it's due to the lack of rain. Too much stress on the trees. This was always my favorite time of year to run. The colors are usually so pretty especially up in the cemetary where there are so many maples. I miss those runs. They're so challenging. Hard to believe we're approaching the end of October. I'm missing Spark right now. I sure cold use the support from there. 6 weeks of sitting equals weight gain! Haven't gotten on the scale due to swelling in my leg still. The depression was bad and I didn't need to add insult to injury. You guys look like your doing well. Way to go on those runs! Some day I will be talking about them too. Not as much mileage as you guys and it'll probably start out with walking but I'll get there. Take care and have a wonderful day!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Good Day Everyone!

    Jenny, I totally understand about working core and abs. I am so appalled at my weak abs and core, I am truly working on it the best that I can. I always was told to do easy things like the dead bug exercise, but even that one is hard for me. I used to go to the gym and we would do a lot of core with the big balls (like laying down stretched out and holding the ball between our legs and doing lifts with the ball while we did crunches), oy, that was so tough. I like doing barre, but it has a lot of core work too so I have to modify a whole lot. I've been trying to do a lot of planks.

    Becky! So glad to hear from you. I am so glad to hear you are able to be weight bearing now, that is such a good sign of progress. We also haven't had a lot of fall color - right now some of the maples are starting to show a bit of color but nothing like what we usually see - we did get a lot of rain but we didn't get enough cool weather so the leaves just dried up. I can't wait to hear about your walks and runs around the lake!

    I did my run this morning - it was a bit more chilly than it has been and there was some wind but I did fine with that. I went to the park and did it. It went okay but not great. I just don't know what to do at this point, other than run my races and just be glad I am out there doing it. I am having a lot of trouble with my Garmin. This one is exactly three years old. For the price I wish they would last longer.

    Okay all, have a great day!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,056 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi All! Happy Tuesday!

    Gloria, Happy you had a nice race. Sounds like so much fun with your friends. And indoor bathrooms.. A big plus. I have never heard of biscuits with fried chicken and chocolate gravy. Sounds like something they would have at our State Fair here in NC. Yikes on your HRT monitor. Maybe customer service can figure it out for you?

    Jen, way to go on your running and mileage. You are doing great.. Core workout for me is tough too. Hopefully it will get better.

    Hi Becky! So nice to hear from you. Sounds like your recovery is coming along fine. Hope all goes well starting your PT soon. That is great you can gradually get back to weight bearing exercise. I also love this time of year. We have a cold front moving in tonight. It has been windy all day. Temps will drop to the 40's.

    I ran my two 5K's this morning. Felt pretty good. My Half Marathon is in two weeks. They made some changes with the start and finish line. I will have to figure out where to park and if there are any indoor places to hang around before race time. I preferred the other and sure wish they had not changed. Always warm places to go. I need to spend some time reading the new details and look at the map. I don't go to Down Town Raleigh at all; so many of the streets I am not familiar with. It is becoming real now since I received my race number now.

    I saw Rock & Roll is coming to Clearwater, FL. So tempted. I will let my FL Sunshine Running Buds know about it.. I have not been back in 10 years. I really miss my Running Buds.

    Thursday my husband goes for another medical test at the hospital. I will need to drive him. And then Monday, will be one more test before they decide what all needs to be done.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Sharon, I have never heard of chocolate gravy, lol, and it wasn't something I was really wanting after a long run, but I did have a taste! I'll be thinking of you and your DH tomorrow, hope that the medical test goes well and they can make some good decisions about his treatment. Clearwater would be a fun time, especially in the fall if it is not so hot. It would be a good road trip!!!

    I did my training run this morning, it was supposed to be a very short easy run with cadence drills/strides, but ugh. I started out badly. It was a ten minute warmup and I just wasn't feeling it - you know how it goes, sometimes it takes a mile or two to get things feeling right. I did that ten minutes and I was feeling kind of defeated, but then I got into it more - it got better and better and then I finished strong - even the cooldown was good. It just goes to show how important a good warmup is. After that I did core and glutes, and then a short yoga session. I saw some pelicans and that made my day. Later I might go for a walk with my BFF - haven't seen her since last week.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Did my run this morning on the treadmill - it was raining hard and it's not all that warm. I can run outside in the rain, but I will avoid it if I can. I just worry about it being slick - especially this time of year with the fallen leaves and the acorns. I feel like the treadmill is cheating because mine is broken so I can't use the incline - however, it does do one thing - it keeps me going without walking so it helps with endurance. I often think to myself I ought to do at least one treadmill run each week for that reason. Also did a vinyasa flow yoga with Adriene. That was nice.