Daily Check In



  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Happy Thursday All!

    Thanks Gloria. I came home around 1 pm. They were backed up and I have not had anything to eat. Sounds like it will be around 4PM by the time he will get out of recovery. Fingers crossed that this goes well and Monday they will be doing ultra sound of the Carotid Artery, to make sure that is OK.

    Way to go on your run this morning. Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 miles before I feel warmed up, too. Way to get it done. Love it that you are doing Core and Yoga too. Hope you do get to see your BFF for a walk later.

    I woke early so I could do my workouts and my run before taking my husband to the Hospital for test. Did a fun Cardio, two hip opener Yoga's and then my run. I really have been enjoying adding the yoga in before my run and will try to continue this.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Good Morning and happy Friday! Sharon, so is everything a go for the ultra sound on Monday? Wishing your DH well, best outcome for him!!!!

    It's not a running day, but I did do yoga this morning. It's raining again, supposed to rain tomorrow too. I hope I can do my run outside tomorrow. Next week's running workouts look tough but it is getting close to race time - only a couple more weeks. I don't think I am where I want to be but that is okay, I am a work in progress, once the race is over, I have some other things I will do - focus focus focus!!!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Happy Saturday! My training plan today was just an easy 50 minute run. I thought I would do a longer run as I often do on Saturdays but the training plan also calls for a hard speed session tomorrow. Since it was raining, I opted to do the 50 minute run so as not to overdo it. I did run outside. I had my hat on but at first the rain was getting in my eyes, which bothers my contact lenses a lot but it was okay. It was about 50 degrees, windy and raining but I felt really good and thought the run went well. Then I did some upper body strength. I still need to get some yoga in.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Greeting everyone. I had speedwork at the track this morning. It went okay - still a lot of room for improvement. It was really nice weather, sunny and beautiful with a bit of a breeze. Then I did some lower body strength and yoga. I found some of the lower body stuff to be challenging - we will see how my legs feel tomorrow.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday!!! Doing this on my phone today. It a non run day. I did 30 minutes of core and 30 minutes of yoga. It depends on my schedule later but maybe I will do a short walk later. I thought the core workout went well but some parts of the yoga were challenging.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Another good week for me. 9km on Saturday, 5km yesterday at a very easy pace. Yesterday was actually quite fun in spite of the cold. It's nice to run without feeling a big strain on your breathing. Tomorrow will be another 5k again.
    The rest of the days are easy yoga. I brought my wii back from the storage, and bought some new ''Just dance'' games. So now i'm dancing as well,every day. It's fun and gets your heart rate going, burning some extra calories.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Morning. Happy Tuesday. Have a wonderful day!

    Thanks Gloria. Well, they added another test for my husband.. This time they go down his esophagus to check the front and back of heart. So far he will need triple bypass and has a dilatated artery that needs to be corrected. Oh my, the only thing keeping me sane right now is being grateful they found all of this prior to having a heart attack or aneurism. I have to take him to hospital for test Thursday. Hopefully this will be all and he can get set up for surgery. Great job on your speed work, yoga and core work outs.

    Saturday I ran 13.12 miles and today I ran 3.12 miles. Thankful for cut back week.. I drove by the area for the closet parking area close to finish line Sunday. Glad I went during daylight. I can't believe there are very few street signs in down town Raleigh. No wonder I hate going down there. I am going to drive by parking 2 that was recommended that is half mile from start line this week. Getting excited but nervous since they changed start/finish line and race routes.

    Jenny, yay for a good week running. Have fun with the WII dancing.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Sounds like running is going well! Jenny, sounds like you are doing great - there are definitely some advantages to running in the cold! I used to have a Wii, I wonder if it is still around? That sounds like fun!

    Sharon, it is truly a blessing that they found this with your husband. I know you have to be super stressed about it though! I know I would be. My DH is not healthy at all and he is quite a bit younger than I am. It worries me daily.

    I can't wait to hear about your race Sharon - you are going to do great, I am so excited for you!

    I did my run this morning, it started out great. It was cold here, temp around 45 F and quite windy but I felt good. The only problem I have is that when it starts getting colder than 60 my nose starts running the whole time. I take tissues with me but what an annoyance. Seriously, I would blow my nose and 30 seconds later I needed to again and it is hard to breathe because my nose is running and I feel if I breathe harder, it runs harder. UGH UGH UGH! I was going to do around 8.5 or 9.0 miles and ended up with only 7.5 miles. My race is November 14th and I think that my runs going forward should be easy runs. I have NO endurance, that is not going to work for a half marathon. I am frustrated with the training plan but what can I do now. I can do four or five miles pretty easily, then I will have to run/walk/run and the course for my race has enormous hills so that is going to be interesting. I think at this point I will be lucky to finish in 3:30. Last year this race took me 3:23 and the year before it took me 3:13. It is not an easy course and I am getting slower. I think if I had another month to do speedwork and hills, I could possibly get a littler better but that ship has sailed!

    Take care everyone and run happy!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Short run today with cadence drills/strides. It went well! Then upper body strength. I still need to do yoga.

    We are closing our pool today. Ugh. To me when we close the pool it’s like the official first day of winter. Of course I haven’t used it in two or three weeks and of course it is too cold even if I wanted to!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    edited November 2021
    I had another nice run this morning, 31 degrees F, but sunny and not windy. I did put my mittens on at first but was able to take them off after a while, and only had to put them back on once. My nose is always runny when it is cold but today I only needed to stop twice to use the tissue so that is better than a few days ago!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    It’s a rest day for me. I’m at the hospital with my hubby - he is having a routine procedure done. And they won’t let me go in, so I’m waiting in the car, which is killing my back. I’ll try to do some yoga lately to loosen up my hips, hamstrings and lower back
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,053 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Saturday. I hope everyone has a Wonderful Weekend!

    Thanks Gloria. We were at the hospital yesterday for hopefully his final test. Hoping to hear early next week the next plan for my husbands surgery. Oh my, I had no idea your husband is in bad health too. I hope all went well when you all were at hospital. We also got our booster shots on Thursday. This time my arm was a bit tender feeling at injection site. Other than that, no bad side effects.

    I have been keeping a close eye on tomorrows race weather. Now it is not looking good. Sounds like we will have a very wet weekend. It is suppose to start raining later today and all morning tomorrow. I plan to still wake early getting ready for race and if by the time I should get out the door, if it is pouring, will not go. I can handle light rain, but will never run in heavy rain again. I ran a race with approaching hurricane Michael. It was not such a fun race being totally soaked and non stop rain. My other Half Marathon is first Saturday of December, so no great lose.

    Today I will do a fun cardio, strength, toning and Yoga. It has helped my hip pain so much increasing it to almost every day now. I have not had any problems with my lower back too in quite some time.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Happy Saturday! Sharon, I am so excited to hear about your race. I hope the weather holds out so that you can do it. I have done quite a few races in rain, and I get how unpleasant that can be. And I know you have really been looking forward to this so I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Hope you hear soon about your husband's surgery. My DH is okay - he is just not that healthy in general considering he is diabetic, has high BP, overweight, etc. He had to have a routine test tomorrow and we should hear by Tuesday the outcome of that. I figure it should be fine but who knows.

    I went with a bunch of friends this morning to run/walk at a place I had never been - it's known to be beautiful but also it has very big hills. The altimeter on my Garmin doesn't work right so I don't know the actual altitude change. It was nice to see my friends and indeed, it was so pretty. A dog that lives on the route came and ran with us, that was kind of fun. Some of my friends run their often so they knew his name is Prince and they said he would go back home on the way back (out and back route) but he didn't - he followed us to the cars. I was going to walk him back but ended up getting in the car and he pretty much ran beside the car to his home and then stayed there. I was terrified he would be hit by another car.

    Anyway, we ran most of the downhills and walked a bit as well. It was a cold morning but I was pretty comfortable. I was glad to walk a bit because I was able to take some pictures. Other than a tempo run next week, the rest of the runs before my race are easy runs.

    I am trying to decide if I should do a monthly running goal...my training plan has been by miles and I have some shorter races coming up. I could do a goal other than mileage. I did get a lot more miles in last month, the most I have had since August 2019.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Can't wait to hear about your race Sharon!!!

    I did my short run today. Training plan called for only 40 minutes, which I did, and my pace was a little better today - I was quite happy with it and felt great. I still don't know if I can do the recommended tempo pace though (tempo run isn't until Tuesday of this week so we will see how that goes). Weather was very lovely today, I waited until it was later in the morning and it was at least in the 50s by then.

    I just signed up for another half in March - half of the race is on a trail and half is on road. I've got the Hot Chocolate 15k in February. I am kind of in the mood for races even though I am not running so great. Maybe it will motivate me.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Good morning everyone...

    How did your race go Sharon?
    Another good week for me. I'm still running outside, although it's been getting progressively colder.
    Last week i kept my 5ks slow, which made running more fun. Today i didn't try to be fast, but my watch said i finished in 31.47 so i was really happy with that. I guess taking it slow last week gave me a bit of rest.
    Yoga is going well too. It's hard to believe it's been 8 months since i started. I never thought i would stick with it to be honest, but here i am doing it 4 times a week.My hips are grateful, my balance has improved and i think i have gotten stronger in general.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hi Jenny! So glad to hear from you. It sounds like your running is going splendidly! I am so glad I took your advice and am following Yoga with Adriene. I am still doing strength training as well, today was core. Then I did yoga and I can tell I am regaining my strength.

    Today was a non-running day for me, just active rest. I will do some more yoga later for lower back and hamstrings probably.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    I'm glad you like yoga with Adriene, Gloria. I really like her style of teaching. To be honest i don't know if i would have carried on with yoga had i started with a different instructor. I did the 30 days of yoga series, and then i went back all the way to the beginning of her videos and did those. Tomorrow i will be starting her yoga camp series from 5 years ago. :)
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Hello! I did my 30 minute tempo run this morning. It went okay. I did 15 minutes of walking to warm up and 15 minutes of walking to cool down. The 30 minutes went better than I expected. It was 40 degrees F when I started but I had a hard time warming up. Eventually though that was fine too. The sun, when I finally got to an open place, really helped. My first mile for the tempo run was a second too slow but the rest of it was perfect. I actually did walk for about a minute in the optional ten minutes and still was well within the overall range.

    Then I did strength (upper body) and yoga. I am not sure why buy my knee hurts a lot and my legs are sore. I don't know if it's because of my RA or what.

    Yoga was nice today. Even though the yoga studio closed last year I feel that I am going to be okay doing it on my own. I have just been doing random ones, some flow, some for runners, some for specific issues (especially lower back) but I might consider doing one of the series just to get into a good routine.

    Hope everyone is having a great day! We are having awesome weather here.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,268 Member
    Did my easy run this morning and then full body strength. It’s so nice outside, more like spring than autumn! I still need to do yoga. The run was really nice!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 127 Member

    Good afternoon! PT continues to go well. I still have a ways to go. A lot of swelling yet. Tried to get on a machine that is similar to a recumbent bike but I literally couldn’t bend my knee far enough. And to think it was my hip that was done. I’m hoping for after Thanksgiving. Are any of you doing a Thanksgiving race? I miss those races. The last one I did it was so cold and icy. This year would be pleasant. Oh well. I’m hoping for a better year next year. Another Dr visit in 2 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed for more positive news.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Someday I’ll be logging those miles again !