Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    No run today. I decided to put my training plan on hold for this week and if I want to run I will but I don't have to feel pressured about it. There is just too much going on this week and I am tired. I met with my friend yesterday to walk and then again this afternoon to walk. Today was supposed to be five miles but we had my DH's doctor in Nashville and then I had the endodontist after that and it just seemed like too much. I actually ended up postponing the endo appointment until the first week of January. I got my Christmas food bought yesterday, had to go to two stores to get everything and we still need to go to Sam's for my husband's Dr. Pepper. But everything is falling into place and next week I should be able to get my training plan back on track.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,035 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Wednesday All and Happy Holiday's!

    Thanks Gloria. My husband goes for follow up on the 29th and chest x-rays. He is doing so much better. Still so thankful they found this. No wonder they call heart disease, the silent killer. He had absolutely no symptoms. My son was not able to get a flight to see us during the Holiday's. Prices have sky rocketed, so he decided to wait until after the first of the year. Probably a much better idea to avoid the crowds and the Covid surge. He had his booster, thank goodness.
    My family will be celebrating together tomorrow night at my Sisters house. None of my brothers or sisters children have been vaccinated, so my husband decided not to go. Not thrilled about that either but I am thinking of wearing my mask and letting them know my husbands immune system is weaker after having surgery and do not want to spread any type of germs/viruses to him.

    Gloria, weather effects my running so just know you are not alone. When temps are in low 40 and below, I have trouble breathing through my nose. When I am able to breath through my nose, I am able to control my heart rate and pace. The cold air just takes my breath away. Cold weather training is great for Spring Races as they say.

    I started week 2/14 for my Tobacco Road Half Marathon. Sticking to the schedule through the first of the year and then may go back to 6 miler runs during the week and 13.12 on the weekend increasing up to 15, since I only run 3 days a week. Modifying Coach Jenny's advance running schedule. I decided not to sign up for her Training this year. I have been with her since 2014, Her prices jumped up last year and I just don't want to spend that much money on it. I enjoyed spending that money on running apparel and shoes instead.

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Sharon, so sorry your DS won't be there but I hope he can find a reasonably priced flight soon. I know, it is hard right now with Covid too, we are really seeing a surge here. Even though they say this variant won't be as deadly, I am still paranoid and don't want to be sick. And I don't want to make anyone else sick. I don't blame you for not wanting to pay for training. I used to train with Fleet Feet, and it wasn't cheap at all but I enjoyed it so much. I also paced for their training program many times so that way I didn't have to pay. Being more of an experienced runner, it seems kind of silly to pay but I do miss the camaraderie and the planned routes, etc. The last few races I have done have been through Garmin. I have had mixed results.

    I am feeling good about not running this week. I think next week I should be ready to go on my training plan again.

    Sharon, I know you will be careful at your sister's house. I feel like it is so hard to know what to do with all of this but definitely your DH is most important right now!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Just a quick check in, still not running this week. I will either run or walk tomorrow then maybe consider getting back on the plan over the weekend or early next week. I have a 10k on the 1st and a 5k on the 8th. 15K in February and I think a half in March and one in April. I am feeling rested and good.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day, can't believe Christmas is only a couple of days away!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,035 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve!

    I got out for a 4.5 mile run yesterday. I just ran easy, was not in the mood to do striders. Christmas morning I have a 9 mile run to do and it will be warmer. Yay!! It will eventually get up to the low 70's so I got all my tropical plants outdoors to enjoy. Family gathering last night was nice. Found out my niece and her family, from Alaska, all had Covid in October and they feel like they now have immunity to it. No one wears a mask up there. No wonder that state is in the Red. I only hope no one was sick.

    Gloria, a week off always does wonders for the body and mind. Enjoy. Did you get out today? Have a wonderful evening and Christmas.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it!!!

    Sharon, enjoy your run in the morning, the weather sounds wonderful! You can wear a tank top and shorts! Well no one here wears masks either! We noticed when we were in Nashville yesterday that a lot more people were wearing them there. Our state is very high for Covid and the county in which we live has gotten tons worse just in the past week - like we were having around 30 new cases a day and yesterday it was 160 new cases, so NOT a good trend at all and it is making me leery.

    I did go out and do the Christmas Eve run with the group this morning. I missed last year due to Covid, decided I would go today and just try to distance. They go to breakfast after the run, which I LOVE, but I didn't go because I don't think it is smart to be around 60 people with whom I don't normally hang around - so BFF and I went to a coffee shop instead and we were pretty much the only people in there so that felt okay.

    I thought we were going to run this morning but the women I was with ended up walking. But what was funny was how fast they go. For mile one and mile two I had to run sometimes to keep up because I don't walk that fast. For the second mile we were doing more of a stroll and stopped a couple of times to look at Christmas lights.

    I've been cooking a lot today to get the food ready for tomorrow and I cleaned up the kitchen. I took the whole tree apart and put it back together again to fix the damage that Lizzie had done....hopefully she won't destroy it again before morning, lol

    Take care everyone, wishing you all many joys and blessings!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    I hope everyone who celebrates it had a holly jolly Christmas! Now on to the New Year!

    I resumed my training plan today, but first run isn't until Tuesday. I need to look ahead and figure this out (DH and I have a lot of plans this week so it might interfere with my workouts and runs). Also there are some weather concerns later in the week.

    Today I did go and walk/run with two of my friends. These gals usually walk up the hills and run down them. We did a bit of that and I enjoyed their company.

    I need to decide if I will have a mileage goal for 2022. I used to do at least 1,000 per year but that hasn't happened the past couple of years. I am thinking I am going to be able to gear up and do more this year which is really exciting!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Good evening! I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. It didn’t really feel like Christmas this year. No snow. It was foggy all day. We had a good time but now I’m ready to move on. I used to run on Christmas morning and this year the temps would’ve been perfect. Unfortunately just standing preparing meals was more than enough. I’ve been eating out of control and now I’ve finally gotten to a point where it’s enough. Most of the sugary stuff is gone. Cookies are out in the freezer. I’ve got my salad stuff now. Time to get back on track. Hip is doing so, so. Still have swelling from my hip down to my ankle. PT has been so, so. I’m down to 1 day a week now which I feel isn’t going to do me any good. She has me using only 2 machines. Nu step and the leg press machines. Then I do the same exercises I do at home. I have a Dr appt towards the end of January. If he says everything is fine and I’m good to go, I’m planning on dropping this PT and finding someone else who can get me back on track. I so miss running. I miss my long walks too. I love seeing your progress. Keep it up!
    I hope you all are doing well and I hope you have a Happy New Year!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Hi All! And hi Becky! Always so glad to hear from you! I am sorry that PT hasn't been so well. Why do they think you are having the swelling? I hope you can find a better PT and get back on track!

    I went out again today with the girls that I went out with yesterday. They mostly walk but run down some of the hills. Today they decided to push a little harder than yesterday and we did run up some hills too! Saw some horses and stopped to visit them. It was a route I had never been on, and that was nice. I want to do some more walks/runs with them because I like their company and because they know a lot of good routes. I am really struggling to find good places to run these days. I like to change it up a lot and I feel so limited over here by my own house.

    Tomorrow I am supposed to do my actual training plan run and we will see how that goes because weather is not supposed to be great and I have somewhere to go later in the morning so I can't wait until it stops raining. I am ready to get back to my training!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    I did my run today, four miles. Mile three was kind of slow and I was frustrated with myself. After that my knee started to swell, feel stiff and painful and I was so unhappy but then mile four ended up being my fastest - go figure! Splits were 12:50, 12:36, 13:17 and 12:33. Plus walking warmup and cool down. I took a week off running but there is still a pain in my forefoot too. I don't know what it is but that one is worrying me. The hip issue is a regular thing. I've had that since I started running years ago and I've been to PT for it. I am sure it is my gait or something and sometimes I just focus on my running form and it helps, or I stop and walk for a minute and it helps. Today it didn't go away until I got home but it doesn't worry me.

    Today I meeting one of my friends. She lives two hours away and it has three small children under the age of five. It's been a long while since I have seen her and I miss her!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Hi All, DH and I were going to hike today but the weather wasn't so great. We started but it was raining and we were concerned about torrential rain - and we were far from home so would have to drive home soaked if that happened (an hour and a half away). We did enjoy ourselves, made a few other stops, including to a local coffee shop that I had always wanted to visit, but didn't because it is too far away. We had a nice time despite the weather!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,035 Member
    Just stopping by to say Hi! I am getting a late start, so I will come back by later.

    I hope to get my run done this morning after my cardio and yoga! We are suppose to have some rough storms, so hopefully after my run.

    Talk later.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Hi, I really had to push myself to get motivated today. It is best for me if I run in the morning but with DH off this week, everything is off. He said he would get up early today and we would have breakfast so I decided to run later. I figured we would eat early and by mid-morning my stomach would settle enough for me to run. Well, he got up pretty late so we ate kind of late, but worse than that, it was so gloomy and damp today. It wasn't cold but it just looked so icky out there. I waited a long time and finally pretty late in the afternoon the sun came out and it started to dry up out there so I went to the track to do my 5 x 800 meters with a 3 min rest between each. I am not exactly sure what I did differently today but somehow I ended up with about a 1/4 mile extra and my pace was faster than usual. Which is good! As much as I hate to do these types of workouts, it is really rewarding when I can see an improvement. Wish I could get back to where I was three years ago but I am not complaining, I am very pleased with today's workout.

    Sharon, hope the weather held out for you. I have a 10k race on Saturday and now they are talking like we might have storms. I need to get back to my strength training and yoga...like I said, with my DH being off, everything is off track!
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 126 Member
    Happy New Year! I hope all is well. Things are slowly getting better. Never new just how much muscle strength you could lose in such a short time. I’m now back to the Elliptical which is very short times at the moment due to knee and front on thigh pain. Front of thigh is muscle issues. It just feels good to actually get back to the machines again. We had snow and ice and now extreme cold so outdoors is a no go for now. Hopefully my mid week next week I can get out there. Just thought I’d drop in and say hi and tell you guys to keep up the good work.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Becky, I am always so glad to hear from you! Seems like you are having a cold winter. If I recall it hadn't been so bad the past few years but sounds like it is now.

    I did my 10k this morning, it was okay. I waited in the car until it was almost the start in order to distance from people, then I got out and saw a few friends, including the woman who helped me train for my first marathon - we always get some pictures together. I am just feeling a little disappointed because I have been doing speedwork and all but I just can't get my pace back up. I get to three or four miles and my back starts to hurt and I have to slow down. It's so frustrating. It was about 78 degrees I think and super duper windy. I mean, like maybe 20 mph hour winds at times. Kind of crazy for January. The storms did hold off, thank goodness. I started out strong with a fair pace, still way off from my pace in past years, but I was happy with the first couple of miles. Mile three was super hilly (this whole route is super hilly, this is my seventh time doing this race I think). That was my slowest mile. I have to say, this course is beautiful, in a lovely neighborhood, and goes by the old Johnny Cash property. Anyway, somewhere along the way, probably around mile five, a friend of mine who is a running coach was on the course as he always volunteers. This man is a true inspiration - he has MS and he also had lung cancer and had more than half of a lung removed. And he runs marathons and stuff, and he is FAST - I mean like a seven minute mile. He has run Boston and stuff. Truly amazing. He was out there and there was a humongous hill at that point of the course, and he paced me UP that terrible hill - at about a ten minute mile, which for me on that hill was insane, but for him was nothing! I was dying of course and whining and complaining but that was such an awesome thing! He coaches high school track and cross country but I am tempted to ask him if he would coach me personally! LOL.

    It stormed, but we didn't have the severe weather that they were saying we might have. They did have some severe stuff west of here and north of here. It's raining and we could still have some strong storms but grateful so far it is just mostly rain and some wind. It is going to get really cold after this - back to normal winter weather, and even colder than average temperatures are forecast, so I guess we are going to have a winter season after all - we've been so lucky so far that it hasn't been too bad. It's going to be a tough adjustment!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Today I met with the ladies who walk/run. Mostly they run the downhills and walk the uphills, though sometimes there are some variations from that. It is nice to visit with them and they have shown me a lot of new routes. We actually talked about maintaining a specific run/walk/run interval instead of up and down hills, but I am glad we did it the way we did, I was tired by the end of the seven miles. We went up some ferocious hills today (even worse than the ones from yesterday). It was 78 yesterday and when we ran this morning it ended up being around 43 degrees with a windchill in the 30s. What a huge difference. Currently the windchill is 31 and the temperature is still dropping - we have some very cold weather ahead and it is going to be hard for me to run. Possible snow today, if we do get it, I doubt it will stick on the ground because it has just been too warm.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Did yoga last night. I am doing Adriene's 30 day program for January - it's called MOVE. Having not done yoga for what, maybe a month, I found it to be slightly challenging, which kind of surprised me to be honest! But it was good. This morning back to strength training, did a 45 minute full boy workout. I did increase my weights but wasn't able to do as many reps. There is a mobility component too. I always notice how unbalanced I am - I have a much harder time with mobility and strength on my right side. Later this afternoon or early even I will do my yoga session. I need to stay consistent!
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Ran today, and every now and then I have these really crazy runs that don't even make sense to me. Like today, my feet just hurt so bad. That has happened to me before and I don't know what is causing it because it isn't all of the time - just maybe once a month or so, so I don't think it's my shoes. It was super windy and I neglected to go to the bathroom before I left the house so even with 1:1 run/walk intervals, it was all just so uncomfortable and felt bad. My pace was terrible. I am glad I got outside though. I am not sure what is going to happen for speedwork on Thursday. We are supposed to get freezing rain and then 3" of snow, starting early. I would prefer to do the workout outside but I won't if the weather is bad. And then it is supposed to get super cold, like a low of 11 (F) or something like that. Well, it is winter and we were so lucky to have nice weather as long as we did!!!!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,035 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi All. I am playing catch up. I hope you all had a Happy New Year.

    Gloria, I hope your foot feels better. I have had issues on and off too. I have high arches so if I have any arch issue or top of foot pain, I have a slip on compression I put on that seems to help. I have noticed sometimes I just step on my foot wrong, and can get that pain? One time I had heel pain? Hubby got me a heel gel to put in my shoe which seemed to help. I also got new socks that have a more compression feel. Oh Gloria, they really feel good and feel like they give a bit of arch support.. I hope the weather is good for you on Thursday for your speed run.

    Hi Becky! So happy to hear from you. Glad you are back on the Elliptical. Hopefully you will have nicer temps and weather soon so you can get outdoors for your walks etc.

    I was able to get out Saturday for a 13.12 mile run and wore shorts.. Temps were in the mid to high 60's starting out. Unbelievable for January here in NC. Then today it was 28 degrees for my 7 mile run. Totally bundled up and was kept warm. Thankful the snow we got yesterday did not accumulate and our roads were clear.

    I dropped my virtual running group with Coach Jenny/Runners World, this Winter/2022 but did already pay for the Runners Edge/Run the Year Program. It is 2/3 cost less and had signed up for the year before I found out about my husbands heart condition and need for surgery. So this will be my 2nd year doing this one. I love the tee shirt and the medals too. I may rejoin Coach Jenny later in the year. I have done her program since 2014 and had gotten very close to many of the other challengers.

    My son will finally be flying in Thursday night for a week. It was not easy getting a flight out during the Holiday's and lots of price gouging. Can't wait.

    Got to go. Watching This is Us. Talk later. Have a Wonderful Evening.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,236 Member
    Good Morning! Non-run day for me. Maybe I will go for a walk with my BFF. She has been quarantined but today is the first day she can come out and play. I haven't talked to her so don't know if her schedule will permit.

    Yay Sharon! So glad your son is able to get to see you. And for a week! I have never watched This Is Us but everyone says it is so good.

    I do have some compression socks, sleeves and tights, so I could try that. I have what appears to be a high arch but if I put my foot down on the ground, it flattens out. The geneticist said that is part of my connective tissue thing?? It can be called "false flatfoot" or sometimes it is "flexible flatfoot." It was weird yesterday, when I put my running shoes on, my feet felt very good but then when I was running, they hurt all over, especially my toes. But also I had done full body strength training on Monday and my legs were sore from that. Just not a good run. Today I did mobility and stability, and later I will do yoga. I don't know what to do. I often feel like I am pushing too much and I felt that way in December and took a week off and now I am right back to that place where I am feeling like I am overdoing it. It's so frustrating and such a hard balance. I mean, relatively speaking, I am not doing that much more than anyone else and I am doing much less than I used to a few years ago, but my body just can't seem to endure it right now. I hope I can get past this! I did go ahead and set a mileage goal for this month - it remains to be seen whether or not I can do that much. I used to do over 1,000 a year without thinking about it, not anymore.

    They are still talking about freezing rain and snow for tomorrow morning so my run is still up in the air. If I hadn't had such a bad run yesterday I would do it today but I think I need to rest today. I might have to do it on the treadmill, which would be okay if my treadmill wasn't so old and awful. Well, I will figure it out one way or the other!