colossk Member


  • Day 9 Today was pretty routine had my 2 shakes for breakfast and lunch and had pork cutlets and peas for dinner. I need to buy another veggie besides peas as I'm getting tired of them. I also find myself making the chocolate flavored shake as I like it the best which could end up being a problem towards the end of the 30…
  • For those of you that don't know what Isagenix is, 99%of the program is replacing 2 meals with shakes and then eating a low glycemic meal for dinner or lunch of around 400-600 calories. It also has 4 days where you cleanse,( one each week) not eating a thing at all during those days and drinking some awful tasting juice…
  • So I realize this might be a little controversial but I chose to do Isagenix as a kick start to my program. I can hear some of you now groaning and shaking your head and getting ready to post how awful an idea this is but before you start typing away let me explain my thought process and my reasoning behind doing so. I…