@MommaGemz stay safe with the storms and good luck with your projects this weekend! I am down from 160 to 157.5 this week. Not a bad restart. I was really good the past few days. Today I exercised but still didn’t hit my step goal. We went to visit my parents so were in the car a lot. Even with the pizza I stayed within my…
I am almost 44, have three kids— a high schooler, a middle schooler and a kindergartner. I was in the best shape of my life and then my little guy decided to be a surprise. I have since had a hard time losing the weight since then, with a demanding job on top of the kiddos. Pandemic didn’t help either since my kids love to…
I just got back on here after a long hiatus. I could’ve written your original post verbatim except 3 kids. So glad I found this thread- thanks for posting!
Well, it started due to being pregnant. But I ended up at my highest weight ever post pregnancy due to stress, moving, and taking care of everything/ one but me. Had the high blood pressure to go along with it, so knew things had to change.
Hiking/ walks with hubby and kids Zumba w/ my daughter Jumping on the trampoline!
Fortified cereal, leafy dark greens, beans, nuts are all good sources of iron. Vitamin C helps absorb iron, calcium hinders it. I could never really take iron supplements either, but taking at night with some crackers helped a little.
You better believe it! Not food related though. I do one about every 10lbs, although my next goal is only 5lbs because it will take me into normal BMI range. Usually it's spa related, like pedicure or massage, although when I hit my ultimate goal it will be some clothes.
Both Dh and I have lost about 19lbs each with a little less than 15lbs to go for each of us. Hadn't seen his extended family since Xmas-- cousin's wife says on Easter, "Dang! Are you guys getting all skinny?" Yes. Yes we are. My MIL was over the other day and I was sitting on the floor playing with my 2 year old when she…
Before are Oct 2016, but when I started in Jan was probably 5lbs higher. After pics are ~4 months after starting mfp. 18.8lbs down, 14lbs to go!
Love to eat here too, so the calorie restricting. And it takes forever--down almost 18lbs, but still have about 13-14lbs to go. I cannot wait to get to maintenance!
Stress and my depression/ anxiety. This past week has been awful for me, especially with all the holiday food around. Plus, I tried a bunch of clothes on that I thought at least 1/3- 1/2 of them would fit, but nope, just a couple pieces fit nice. I know it's an improvement, but still disappointing.
I have a 2 year old (and 12 and 8 year olds) and last year I spent selling our house and moving. Focusing on getting rid of mine too. Found that reducing calories, crunches, and spin classes helped tremendously. However, with this being my third c-section, I finally ended up with the dreaded overhang, which I didn't have…
Yes. How many I eat back depends on how hungry I am that day. I feel that part of this journey is learning to listen to your body. I have a Fitbit One that keeps track and have my level set to slightly active. A couple times a month Th I might eat all of them, but mostly it is around half
When we got married, my DH HATED pretty much every vegetable. He happily eats Brussels sprouts and asparagus now and most other vegetables, although I had to work him up to that. Roasted is a great bet. Onions have to be completely puréed to be in anything... Highly seasoned, whether in stir fry, southwest, or curry works…
I use that stuff in everything that calls for just general paprika-- so amazing!
I drink plain kefir. Has 7g naturally occurring sugar and 8g protein per cup. I use it in smoothie type recipes-- add frozen unsweetened berries and some banana for sweetness. I haven't found a flavored one that doesn't have added sugar, so this works out great.
I can't say it works for everyone, but I have seen my BP numbers go down about 10-20 points depending on the day. So far I have lost 14lbs-- about 10 more to go until I'm not overweight. Good luck!
Absolutely. I feel like doing nothing, but I feel like I'm starving constantly! I know my iron is low though, so I am working on that.
If you can handle the fluctuations of every day, then it's fine. If not, most recommend once or twice a week. I weigh everyday, my husband who is also on mfp only once a week. We both have lost about 14lbs so far over 10 weeks. Just make sure it's under the same conditions as far as time, clothing, etc...because one thing…
For weight loss-- just calories. But since I am at risk for high blood pressure, sodium. Other than that, I just eat whatever as long as it's within my limits for the day.
I am 5'4" and have 30lbs total to lose. So far I have lost 13lbs of that in 2 months. My settings have me losing 1.5 lbs a week--I'm not quite there, but pretty close. With warmer weather coming, I'm hoping to generally be more active and reach goal by June. I lost that much in high school, but haven't had to lose it again…
I am not at my ugw yet, but once I am I plan on doing a little of both. Pregnancy always screws up my hunger/ satiety, so I consider dieting time to retrain it. By the time I had lost the weight from my other pregnancies, I was able to do intuitive most of the time and if I went up more than about 5 lbs, I went back to…
Not yet, but I'm hoping it will! Since having my youngest and not losing the 30lbs I gained, my periods have been been awful. I'm hoping once I'm down to normal weight they won't be so bad again. Dieting (particularly either too low calories/ exercising too much) or having too much fat on you affects your hormones, in turn…
From my highest weight I had about 30lbs to lose, so every 10 I plan on using a spa gift certificate I received towards massages/facials/ pedicures. I would love to do a big trip when I reach my ultimate goal, but since we just bought a house and remodeled the kitchen in it in the past year, it's not exactly in the budget.…
I don't deliberately include them every day, but yes, I have them most days. It might be my Starbucks caramel mocha or a couple Samoas. Whatever I might be in the mood for... The first month I was on mfp all 3 of my kids and my dad had birthdays. You better believe I was eating cake and ice cream! But I also made sure they…
What time do you all get to bed to get up before 5am? If you get the recommended 7-8 hours, that would be around 8-9pm.
3 1/2 years ago I was in the best shape of my life. Then I ended up with a surprise pregnancy! Pregnancy has always been very hard on me, so the good habits started falling by the wayside. Shortly after my 3rd baby was born, we had to move and healthy eating/ exercise wasn't a priority. I ended up 30lbs over prepregnancy…