OMAD2017 Member


  • I'm starting to see that maintenance requires a certain amount of finesse. Very different than the weight loss part of the journey. So glad you're blazing the trail, lol. I'm thinking I will do alternate day fasting, too. Maybe a full fast day a week. I want to do that for health reasons, anyway.
  • Thank you so much for the information & congrats!! You're about to bounce out of the 200s for good!!
  • Welcome, Ali! I'm 56 & understand what you are saying! I find that I have more energy when fasting. I guess my body isn't using energy to digest all the time. I move a little slower for several hours after my meal. It's not bad, but noticeable. I love that I'm not thinking about food so many times a day and I appreciate so…
  • Yay!! Glad it went well! I find it surprising that I'm not more hungry when I fast but it's sure helpful. I don't know why I hesitate to do it more often, for health reasons, not even for weight loss. You've inspired me to start working a day in, here and there.
  • That's my plan! We're going out to our favorite restaurant tomorrow but I am going to try your recipe for my meal on Tuesday. Do you measure the quinoa dry or cooked? I know it doesn't bulk up much, but it does some. Can't wait to try it!
  • Thank you!! I was so happy this morning! Down to a new low AFTER an up day! (about 1500 calories) I'm liking the OMAD & JUDDD combo! Woot Woot!!
  • Excellent job! Love this way of eating. So simple!
  • Excellent job!
  • Great job!! Love those milestones! The pics are awesome. Looks like it was a typical, beautiful summer day in MI. I'm homesick!
  • Great loss!! You convinced me. Mexican on Sunday! :p
  • That's what I had today. A potato with bacon, cheese & sour cream. Yum! And some soup. :) Hope you enjoyed it!
  • Great documentation, appreciate it. I like your method of mixing things up. Have a question about the burrito bowls. I looked on their website, they don't have them, do you have to ask for them to be made? And do you find them to be salty, causing water retention? I'm trying to find go-tos like that and they are right…
  • Thank you, it was pretty good! My sweetie is doing JUDDD because that works well for him & he needs to lose another 25# or so. I'm trying to follow along for ease of meal prep but I can't eat enough on up days, lol. Unless I eat out, and I don't want to do that every other day. Oh, well. I'm sticking to one meal a day and…
  • Happy Birthday! That salad looks awesome!
  • Still plugging away! My weight is up a skosh (168) and my calories have been pretty low (1000-1100) so I'm going to go out to eat at lunch tomorrow and have a nice sit down meal. I want to eat a little more than I have been. 12 days in and I've been a little hungrier today than previously so taking that as a sign for a…
  • Good luck! It's surprising how much you can eat if you pick the right foods.
  • That looks so good! & Thanks for the reminder, I have to get some grapefruit juice, I want to start the ACV in that.
  • Another inspiring journey, you're doing so well!
  • You're doing great, Tracey! Happy anniversary! It's the same day as my daughter's birthday. :-) Hope you have a wonderful day.
  • It really was awesome! Woo hoo! Think I might have this figured out! Had another calorie dense meal yesterday and felt SO much better not eating so much volume. I also think I found a sweet spot for calories. (average of 1100/day) Enough to lose well & feel comfortable. I'm going to try to eat beans at every meal because I…
  • So today I had my meal from Rudy's BBQ. 8oz moist brisket, 1/2 sausage link, beans & a piece of cheese. Oh, and a mess of pickles. I felt full, but not stuffed like when I have a big salad. The calories were about 150 more than the salad yesterday, which I had topped with bacon, egg, ham, salami & veggies. I liked not…
  • Thanks for the input. I understand about the calories, I am wondering more about the volume the calories take up in my stomach. I feel stuffed when eating enough of low calorie foods, I was wondering if that hindered stomach shrinking. Today I'm having Rudy's BBQ so I may answer my own question, lol.
  • Great job!!
  • Thank you! But I messed up, today was the end of the first week, lol. I was up to 170. I'll still take 3# ! Does our stomach really shrink? I'm wondering if eating smaller, more calorie dense meals might be better for me during the adjustment period rather than eating larger, calorie lean meals. I kind of remember having…
  • What a priceless gift! May she never have food struggles like the rest of us.
  • Week 1 173 Week 2 169.4
  • My goals for June: 1. Eat only food I enjoy! 2. Lose 2# a week 3. Eat consciously
  • My own experience, after 15 years of low carb (less than 25g carbs), is that my hba1c kept climbing to 5.8 weight crept on. Switched to HCLF & weight dropped along with hba1c. My insulin had to be really high then. Ate lots of potatoes. But all markers are better. I would agree that fat in the cells is the problem. Lots of…
  • He lost me when he said, "It's the insulin, stupid". I think he should more clearly acknowledge that it's the insulin RESISTANCE that is a problem.