I am definitely not ready for the cold! I have to remind myself that I'm an adult and I pay the bills and can have the heat at 68 if I want to. I hear it's supposed to warm up for Thanksgiving though!
Looking for new friends to keep me motivated!
A math t-shirt that I want to wear on Pi day....I'm a high school math teacher.
I'm in! Need some motivation! Good luck to everyone. Starting weight 188.4 Current weight 182.4 January goal – 179 Ultimate goal – 150 Weighing in on Mondays 01/02:188.4 01/09:182.4 01/16: 01/23: 01/30: Total loss for January -6
I'm in! Need some motivation! Good luck to everyone. Starting weight 188.4 Current weight 188.4 January goal – 179 Ultimate goal – 150 Weighing in on Mondays 01/02:188.4 01/09: 01/16: 01/23: 01/30: Total loss for January -
I completely agree with you! I don't lose weight the same way I did in my 20's and 30's. lt takes longer and I get discouraged easier. But I'm back again and looking for buddies to help!