MileHigh4Wheeler Member


  • Thank you to the non-snarky responses, I'll check out a dietitian and see what I can find. @Mari22na both the folks I talked to were certified and trained nutritionists.
  • @Myamya123 I went through a similar issue where I was eating far less than I should thinking that it would shed pounds faster, and then I got used to that 1000-1200 a day level. I often was under 1K! I learned that you need to eat to lose because being too far under will work for a while but then you hit a wall and get in…
  • When I first "got serious" a year ago I was doing about 900-1200 a day and I hit a wall pretty fast, within a couple of months, so I upped it. Now I'm in shape and extremely active and I don't do less than 1,800 - which is hard some days even with throwing a grilled chicken breast in as a afternoon protein snack. The days…
  • Because I've been cutting fat it's meant when I eat salads (which I am sick of) I didn't dress it, this led to getting "superfood salads" that taste actually really good even when tossing the dressing package in the bin. However, I still try not to eat them more than 2-3 times a week because they short me on calories that…
  • <<< This guy here is a WINNER! Tired of bouncing around and not being serious about things so a year ago I set out to change it and I'm healthier than I have been since I was in the Army.
  • I went through that a few times before I woke up and got serious. I would lose 10 and gain 10 or 15, then lose 10 and gain 10 or 15. I always tried to stay around 185, I ended up at 230 and and FINALLY at 185 again but a healthy 185. I got serious and started weighing what I ate, cut out the stupid stuff I ate and, most…
  • I set mine based on what was not considered "overweight" for someone of my build, then I added five more pounds just to be sure
  • One lesson I've learned: if you aren't weighing what you eat then you are likely underestimating your daily calories. I've really paid a lot of attention to my intake, I weigh everything and I log everything so I can see where my calories are and I know they are correct. For instance I used to not log my one cup of morning…
  • It's taken me a little while on MFP (6+ years) to finally get my act together and pay attention - real attention - to what I'm eating and in what quantities but I'm happy to be your friend and we can motivate each other!
  • I had a nice pair of expensive WHITE sneakers (everything is so fluorescent now, sigh) and my first day with my trainer she (who is a runner) looked at how I was standing and walking and said "you need better shoes". She helped me select a nice set of Brooks that I'm super happy with.
  • That helps a lot. This thread has really educated me on water retention as a result of increasing my exercise and intensity of exercises. But it has also educated me that I was practically starving myself at 1,200 calories too. I should know better than to trust an Internet site for my health - even if it IS Under Armour…
  • Again, this has been a great thread and very informational. I'm more grounded now, I think that perhaps my hormones really have been messed up because I was just angry as hell yesterday at pretty much everything and I'm not generally that angry of a person - nor am I defeatist at all. I work hard for my goals and I achieve…
  • It is my low, about tied with where i was on December 15th. Yea, my body fat trend is very much up and down, when I look at the chart it's like a heartbeat. There is a steady decline but lots of peaks and valleys.
  • On 12/23: 24.7% Body Fat, 52.7% Body Water, 71.6% Muscle Mass On 12/29 an interesting spike: 26.4% Fat, 51.7% Water, 70% Muscle Today: 23.8% Fat, 53.2% Water, 72.4% Muscle Does this tell you anything as far as the trend?
  • I have the top of the line Withings scale and, while I know it's not perfect science, I use it religiously each day and have for months. I have a fantastic chart of my trends. I have not, however, been really paying THAT much attention to the lean mass. It tells me a water % but I've never really known what that meant - I…
  • Thanks for that link! I've bookmarked it and am plugging it in with my activity levels now. EYE OPENING difference between MFP's suggestions and that! I'll need to cross verify the numbers with 2-3 other places but it sounds like 1,200 was insanity.
  • Again, thank you all for the awesome comments, I'm taking them all to heart and I feel much better about what to do now and how the week has gone. I'm definitely upping the caloric intake and relaxing the diet for this week to let my body reset a little, then a SENSIBLE caloric goal afterwards. In the meantime I'll still…
  • Wow a flood of 2nd page comments! Yes, MFP really suggested 1,200 calories for a man of my stature when I started this journey 5 months ago and I never thought to have it re-evaluate my needs. That was stupid. I've always thought 1,200 calories was insanely low but I went with the flow. Yes, I eyeballed food and I'm…
  • I'm trying. I've been using MFP since it came out years and years ago, many iterations and many years of just maintaining or trying to lose. This time I'm dead serious so it's a much more important tool to me, so I'm trying.
  • Yea, I was just doing that exact thing right after my previous post. I set it to .5 a week and it ramped me up from 1,200 calories to 2,000 calories a day. Heck, at this point I'm not sure I know HOW to eat that many calories a day without being stupid and eating cheeseburgers every day. I've learned a lot in this thread,…
  • I'll work on logging more accurately to the best of my ability and ditch the diet for a week or two to see if my body can resettle. I'm still not sure if I should be eating 100% of what I burn or not, but I'm assuming that's a good place to start. It's going to suck because I know that I'll probably gain 5+ pounds when my…
  • I can do that. When you say to eat my maintenance, are you saying my rested + active calorie burn each day? That would be going from 1,200 calories under MFP to about 3,000+ calories a day. Seems like my body is going to rebel but I've considered that I might be under eating and my metabolism is messed up.
  • I totally understand that and won't disagree that I could probably work on my accuracy. But let me ask this: if I'm logging straight from the DB as I generally do (i.e., I'll have a can of soup and I'll log that exact soup from the DB, so I assume it's accurate because I tend to only use the green check marked items) and…
  • I try to log as accurately as I can and even over calculate when I'm in question. I'm not consuming my exercise calories normally. MFP put me at 1200 calories a day and I burn (according to my Apple Watch) about 600-950 a day depending on what I'm doing in active calorie burn. Should I be consuming the exercise calories…
  • So you are saying that I need to weigh every single peanut I eat (in case the peanut is 1/100th of a gram off from a normal peanut) and somehow try to match every single macro and micro nutrient because nobody can lose weight reliably without doing that? I know it sounds really snarky but the all caps yelling at me says…
  • I do realize that, and my weight has been fluctuating but, at least for me, this has been over a 2-3 day period where I may gain 1 pound and lose 1 pound. Frustrating but this is the first time in 5 months that I've had a gain every single day for a week. Nothing major, but between 0.2 and up to a pound. Except for this…