Day 10 of eliminating all toxic foods (for me) and feeling pretty darn good. Had a bit of a setback with a nasty bug but I believe I have squashed it, and I'll be back at the gym and running the trails tomorrow! Week One: I lost 2.2 pounds which I am celebrating as it seems that I am a constant up and down, yo-yo scale…
Hit the gym and did crazy workout with daughter and friend. Stairclimber for 45:00, treadmill sprints and then ab workout. I think I'll stick to a nice slow run tomorrow without daughter and her friend.
Its always better to do this in a supportive community. I am in! My goals for this upcoming 90 days is to start with an Elimination Diet. I have been struggling with belly issues for the past few months and need to resolve this pain in my gut. I plan to eliminate Gluten, Soy, Peanuts, Sugar, Alcohol, Coffee, and Dairy…