sluggo1721 Member


  • I had a similar problem when I first started. I noticed it was much worse when I did not drink enough water and when I did not eat enough fat. I also learned I needed to get the right bacteria back in my stomach so I began eating yogurt and kumbucha.
  • I remember two things the first is "The only workout you regret is the one you don't do." So even if its not the best workout it is still better then not working out at all. The second thing I learned is to make sure I eat every two hours or so. That way when you have your meals you are not super hungry and you can control…
  • I started the C210k app on February 1 at about 270 lbs. I stuck to the plan and am a couple of weeks from running a 10k. I have lost another 20lbs which has helped but a couple of things I did were get a good pair of running shoes from a running shoe store where they can tell you what kind of shoe you need. I also changed…
  • It has taken me 2 months to lose 35lbs but I still have 35 to go.