Try finding some new hobbies to get your mind off of eating during the evening and later on into the night.
Cloudy and Cold Oklahoma.
Been craving sushi, so if I could have that...that'd be great. o:)
I have torn meniscus' in both my knees and a wonky ACL in the left. I feel ya bud, just dont push too hard through it or you could end up really injuring yourself.
Wow nice beach
Probably not
Battery charger
Tall and Strong
Sechhundert und fierzehn
But was it?
I love cheddar meal worms
Movie date ☺
Yuck. Cheddar dusted meal worms.
Smirk and eyes
George Strait
Sketch artist
Hi Haley, Im Kat. I was in your shoes a few years ago and struggled to loose weight. I didnt have to follow a strict diet plan and start cutting out the foods I loved either. I simply just started drinking more water (a gallon a day) and just cut all my portions in half. I lost nearly 60lbs in three months just by doing…