AFGP11 Member


  • It appears you now have to disconnect and reconnect the apps every single day. This is getting to be really inconvenient.
  • A trainer will never give you motivation and they can't make you successful. They won't slap the food out of your hand at midnight. They also can't determine what your goals are which means you should already have your goals before you look for a trainer. People are often dissatisfied when they poorly research a major…
  • That looks like well over a tablespoon, maybe even close to two. You have hundreds of calories on that spoon.
  • Running for 45 minutes straight. Also I am now lifting heavy which has reduced the pain from my curved spine by building up the muscles around it.
  • This is exactly why I focus on moderation with things I love instead of depriving myself and bingeing later. I was never able to keep my weight down long term until I stopped eating the way you are. I am very good at deprivation, but that was never the problem I had. My problem was bingeing. Abstaining like that actually…
  • There is nothing magical about it. It tastes pretty good though. It is a lot of calories though and you have to count them because they don't magically melt away. To me it's not worth wasting 100 or more calories on a morning coffee, but to eat their own.
  • I have very specific fitness goals, so I will weight everything for the foreseeable future. This is due to wanting a particular body composition. I like the security of logging though because I have had problems with binge eating in the past. It gave me a negative relationship with food and guilt over eating certain…
  • No. What workse is CICO. Sorry. You'll notice that It Works salespeople are almost always overweight. If it worked, that would not be the case.
  • Not everyone here is overweight. You can actually want to cut fat without wanting to lose weight. Maybe people should just mind their own business?
  • This may come as a shock, but not everyone is you. Also not everyone is here because they used to be 300 pounds. There are people here with eating disorders who are trying to put weight on, people who are trying to build muscle and need extra calories and people who have medical issues and have cut out a lot of food groups…
  • Letting yourself be hundreds of pounds overweight is not self-love and should not be represented that way. There is likely a psychological reason for why you overeat which should be addressed and not ridiculed. I am not in favor of shaming fat people at all. I just think we should not be celebrating something that is…
  • I think people underestimate the power of advertisements, brand recognition and brand loyalty. People tend to make an emotional connection with food and they also make an emotional connection with brands. Also let's be honest, the fact that there is no shame attached with overeating the way there used to be accounts for…
  • Stop looking for a quick fix. Stop cutting out entire foods. Practice eating the things you want but measure it and fit it into your calories. If I want a donut, I'm going to have one. I won't have six, but I'll plan for one that I can enjoy guilt-free. Restrictive diets don't last for me. Learning to control my portions…
  • If you're not losing you're eating too much, not too little. Are you weighing every bite on a food scale or just estimating?
  • One partner being a little jealous of the other is normal. Accusing your partner of having an affair with the trainer is way beyond normal jealousy. I hope that isn't normal to you. It isn't flattering, it is a huge red flag.
  • I think his behavior is a red flag that warrants a visit to a marriage counselor. The feelings he's expressing are all about how he feels about himself and not how he feels about you. I find his behavior troubling. He is actively trying to guilt you for something that is good for you and that you enjoy. Someone with a…
  • Reverse push ups can also be a good way to build the strength up for a full push up.
  • No. Waiting means you will go through a needless phase of being skinny-fat. I lost 60 pounds without any exercise and I wish I had started lifting a lot earlier because in 2 months I had more actual changes to my body shape than in a year of losing before it. Without exercise I got smaller, but my body fat percentage…
  • I have had a few days where my allotted calories just don't cut it. On those days I will eat at maintenance or a little below and just accept it. In the past I would have binged instead, after depriving myself for too long. I'd rather have a day with no progress than a day where I eat 1500 calories over. I try to do what…
  • This is not true at all. According to the BMI chart you must be 5'8" before 125lbs is automatically considered underweight. Unless OP is extremely tall 125 is perfectly fine. In a 5'0"tall woman 125 is close to being overweight actually.
  • No way. A few vegetables, some protein and a starch and you can feed yourself for a few days cooking one meal. Even if you buy the cheapest junk food out there you will not get the same nutritional bang for your buck. I wish the myth of "it's cheap to get fat" would die. Some things are very expensive, but seasonal…
  • Daylight savings day in the spring has only 23 hours. Daylight savings day in the fall has 25 hours. There is literally one less hour. It's not confusing.
  • If you have been working out it might account for a brief stall. I just started weight lifting and my weight loss plateaued for almost a month. I knew I was losing fat though because my clothes were getting loose. Then one morning I woke up 4 pounds lighter. My goal was to lose a pound a week, so I was right on target, it…
  • You can't spot reduce. To lose stomach fat, you have to cut calories and lose weight. Doing exercises that target your ab muscles will make them grow, but it won't make the layer of fat and skin over them disappear. Only diet can do that. This is why the famous saying is that "Abs are made in the kitchen."
  • No one is fat by genetics. We are the size we are due to dietary choices. You don't eat enough to build muscle. It's really that simple.
  • It probably has to do with you gaining more muscle while losing fat. I think if you upped your protein a little and had a little less carbs (like 5 percent maximum for both) you would see a difference in hunger levels. Overall your diary looks pretty solid, so I say trust what your body is telling you. It is hungry!
  • No one has mentioned how sugar makes your insulin spike and then deplete which is what actually makes you feel hungrier faster. Sugar making you hungrier is a well established fact. Yes, people are correct that you can eat all your calories from junk food and sugar and as long as you stay under your calorie goal, you'll…
  • Taking a multi-vitamin has helped me. Ton of water helps as well.
  • I weigh every ingredient raw and use the recipe creator. It isn't really that hard. Being fat was a lot harder and trying to eat "intuitively" doesn't really work for someone like me. It probably doesn't work for anyone here since we're all here to lose weight. Being exact means you will be able to see EXACTLY what went…