sebae1 Member


  • sebae1 Week ? (Jan 29th) Weigh-in Day: Monday Previous Weight: 232.4 Current Weight: 232.2
  • sebae1 Week 4 Weigh-in Day: Monday Previous Weight: 232.2 Current Weight: 232.4 I followed my plan all week except for Saturday night when I stayed close to my calorie total but went over on carbs. (I lose weight easier and feel better when I limit my carbs) I will make sure that I'm on track for a loss next week. ;-)
  • sebae1 Week 3 Weigh-in Day: Monday Previous Weight: 234.2 Current Weight: 232.4
  • sebae1 Week 2? (Jan 8) Weigh-in Day: Monday Previous Weight: 240 Current Weight: 234.2
  • My scale showed a 4.8 lb weight loss for this past week which is an encouraging start. Especially since I'm sitting in a ski lodge right now munching on my special snack that I brought.. My family is out skiing and having a great time but I'm in such terrible shape that I could only do one small hill. I need these kinds of…
  • Question about weigh in days.. if my 1st weigh in was Monday Jan 1st, it appears that I am supposed to stick with Monday's as my weigh in days. However the challenge has a Saturday weigh in deadline each week. Am I missing something or will I not have any results to post for this weeks challenge.. ? I don't mind changing…
  • My name is Shana and I live in SW Michigan. (Originally from Seattle) I'm 46 and married with a teenage son. I am ready to lose weight and feel better. Excited to be on this team!
  • Username: sebae1 Weigh in day: Monday Starting weight: 240