kaydotklaxon Member


  • This !!! I love it so much and it's so easy to make ! We marinated the chicken in lemon juice and pepper for about two hours so it wouldn't be dry. Here's the link to the recipe: https://www.buzzfeed.com/robertbroadfoot/stop-what-youre-doing-and-go-make-this-one-pan-autumn-chicke?utm_term=.jgpEjDQLlV#.xnYV28Q79j
  • I have to eat breakfast because I'm hypoglycemic. Apparently my blood sugar drops very low when I'm asleep. But if I eat breakfast, I don't have to eat the rest of the day. Or if I eat late, I don't have to eat first thing in the morning. The longer I go without eating, the colder I get when I do. It could be 100* outside,…