I in denver
Welcome to the community
Skimble is a awesome app.endless workouts
Have a bunch of cardio workouts to do at home.i don't go to the gym being that I have a 6month old so I do all my workouts at home
Hey there
Colorado here!!!
Well for starters good job on making the first steps to your weight loss.Ibe struggled with weight loss for over 7 years now.when I first started my journey I lost over 100 lbs.wasn't easy but I kept pushing myself to limits I didn't know I could reach.I gained a lot of it back due to pregnancy.trying to lose it again.I…
I am a colorado native.moved to Denver from the springs last on the west side by golden.looking for new friends as well since I don't know anyone here.stay at home mom and struggling to lose wieght.maybe we could be friends
Colorado here
Yes we ladies do!
- definitely is the key to success I feel
Hi Alex I'm also looking for some friends for motivation.i have plenty of advice on weight loss.please feel free to add me
I'm exactly where your at I'll be happy to be your friend
I have tons of recipes I use plus workouts that I like to do can add me.always nice to have new friends
I'm exactly in the same boat as you!