badavis199 Member


  • Boopsie I understand your pain. I have to take steroids when the pain becomes too much to bear or my fatigue paralyzes me. It makes losing weight so very difficult. That is why I am not calling this a diet. I am embarking on a life change. I need to be at a healthy weight so that I can combat this illness. I am part of two…
  • Going out to dinner. I have got to learn how to eat out and have control over my calories. My daughter is getting married next year and we are planning the wedding. That means cake tastings, menu sampling, dress shopping and lots of temptations. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I am hoping that my success at weight…
  • Great, mirmgib! I was afraid of the scale too. But I am determined to conquer that little dictator. I have found that logging on daily, keeping track of what I eat and making myself move is encouraging. I am 5'2" and weigh 205.5. Ouch! I started at 211, so already within a week, I have lost 6 pounds. I a determined to get…
  • Ladies, we are awesome. The past does not matter. It is today that counts. I am determined to lose this weight. I was good for 5 days and last night I cheated. Cookies and milk. But you know what I did this morning? I left that in the past and walked for an hour before breakfast. My breakfast ...cottage cheese and…