J_Fairfax Member


  • What is more annoying, people making chit chat in the gym or in the sauna?
  • Because for a natural lifter doing high rep ranges absolutely does build muscle. High frequency and high volume works really well for hypertrophy in arms. Plus for someone starting out with a very low base of strength, going heavy early and often can lead to injuries, especially on things like the elbows, wrists, shoulders…
  • silently judge them back and then ur even
  • make sure you eat enough protein, for your arms you want to be doing bicep curls and tricep pushdowns. your triceps are a bigger part of your arm than the biceps. do high reps, like find a weight that you can curl for 20 / 30 reps, do that 5 times with a minute or two rest in between. when you can do those five sets…
  • broccoli and mushrooms you can basically eat as much as you want and not worry about the calories. i have baked sweet potato chips most days and never get bored of them. I think I could eat them every day forever. so good.
  • It's worth remembering that Sgt Pyle from Full Metal Jacket: was considered a v. fat character, the actor had to gain 70lbs for the role! Making this the largest weight gain by any actor for any role. Now looking at him how many people these days wouldn't really think he's that overweight at all? When in reality he's…
  • I think that people's perceptions and ways of describing weight are very skewed. Like in America someone who is morbidly obese can just be called 'big' or carrying 'a little extra', the vast majority of people have no idea just how overweight most people actually are, including themselves.
  • It is possible to incorporate progressive overload on body weight exercise. Try doing a one armed chin up, a one arm push up, a one arm pull up or a one legged squat. Now try doing 10 one armed pull ups.
  • A bit of cardio can compliment weight training quite nicely. Having increased cardiovascular fitness can improve your lifting capability because if you are going intense on your weight lifting you want to be able to recover quickly between sets and not let being out of breath or tired be the limiting factor, you want the…
  • If you really only have one or two beers a week then it's fine. However you have to be honest yourself, if you are getting drunk 2/3 times a week drinking beer / wine then it will probably have an impact. For myself I know that alcohol massively impacts the composition of my body. I can drink a lot, so I can consume a lot…
  • I have just started doing interval training in the pool at my gym, it's 20 yards long and I just do 1 length sprinting, 1 length comfortably swimming back and repeat for like 20 mins. Works pretty well so far. There are a bunch of ways to improve your performance and mixing it up keeps things interesting.
  • I used to get shin splints pretty bad, all I can say from my experience is that eventually they go away. The simple quick solution will be to find another form of cardio such as cycling, swimming or rowing, even the elliptical. But if your heart is set on walking fast / jogging / running then all you can do is get used to…
  • yeah you can, one legged squats are a thing for instance. just like a one arm pull up, if you're able to do them you will have some muscles it is possible to progressively overload without weights, you just have to get creative.
  • the story of my life get a kitchen scale OP!
  • HIIT leads to higher VO2 max than steady state cardio: Daussin et al. (2007) measured VO2max responses among men and women who participated in an 8-week HIIT and a continuous cardiovascular training program. VO2max increases were higher with the HIIT program (15%) as compared to the continuous aerobic training (9%) cited…
  • Oh also do your cardio AFTER your weights, that should really be a golden rule for weight training. Ideally they'll be in different sessions, but if they must be on the same visit, do the weights first.
  • Try working in some HIIT - your situation is incredibly similar to mine at the moment. Try doing sprint intervals, elliptical intervals or even intervals in the pool. Your cardiovascular system is probably getting quite well adapted to the steady state cardio work you've been doing. Upping the intensity and getting your…
  • Oranges, I eat an orange when I crave something sweet.
  • wow that is a really impressive transformation you have undertaken, very inspirational!
  • haha, I know it's not strictly true. it's actually a line from a song I like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz1K-O2Yzos personally I have found that I have developed my arms much better when putting in direct work rather than just getting them worked indirectly through compound lifts, but everyone is different right and…
  • you mean LB a week right? lots of beans, all sorts, butter beans, pinto, kidney, chickpeas and lentils, lots of lentils for proteins and sweet potatoes for carbs. Learn to cook indian food, indian food is very vegetarian friendly and you can adapt the recipes to be vegan friendly pretty easily. Dals, vegetable curries will…
  • If you've managed to put on about 10-15lbs of muscle mass in a year and a half that's not actually too bad, you've definitely made progress. To figure out why you might be plateauing right now it would be useful to know what your current workout routine is.
  • v impressive, personally I like to curl in the squat rack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djudFCJrpzU
  • very true I'm not so sure, I think that curls and tricep pushdowns are useful for increasing arm strength and size in a shorter period of time than if you want them to grow indirectly as a result of work on the big three. the OP wants results quick, i think high volume curls and tricep pushdowns will yield quick results.…
  • you'll never get biceps if you don't do curls. but yeah, just persevere with the lifts, keep it going, lift heavy, do compound lifts, squats, deadlifts, benchpress, they'll increase your overall strength, and do a load of tricep pushdowns and bicep curls using cable machines, the constant tension you can get from these…
  • that sounds like a good idea. I tried mixing my chocolate protein powder into a bowl of oats after I had made them. it was not a good idea.
  • I find that oatmeal with some dried cranberries sorts me out, a 1/2 cup of oats is 150 calories and I find that with some dried cranberries is a delicious way to start the day. I usually have my protein shakes after working out. The slower release of energy from oatmeal is real good for mornings.