allie2girlz Member


  • I lost the last 10 by 1) quit worrying about it and 2) IF I was about 5 pounds above my original goal weight and decided that I was fine with that and kept keto-ing on and intermittent fasting. I did not expect to lose much more weight. I lost to my original goal weight plus some and have been maintaining since. Keto-on…
  • Dairy, (heavy whipping cream and cheese), I have seasonal (environmental) allergies that have somewhat improved but not gone away on this way of eating. They always say milk makes you produce mucous. I have thought I should try giving up dairy and see if that makes a difference with my allergies/mucous production. I…
  • I struggled to give up sugar, but have conquered the beast, thank goodness for my health's sake. My uncle quit drinking alcohol but greatly increased his intake of dr. peppers and candy after that. He has already had a major heart attack and is only 50 y.o. His Dr. has talked to him about sugar and I talked to him about…
  • Congratulations on losing 4 stones, isn't that 40 pounds? Tracking never hurts, for me slows down mindless eating. You may feel an urge to binge because 1200 calories is too low? Make minor adjustments in calories and macros and listen to what your body is telling you. Do you feel full, healthy, energetic? You can watch…
  • I had a copper iud for 10 years, the only reason I did not get it replaced with another copper one was because my periods kept getting heavier and the last 2 years of having it I would sometimes get 2 periods a month and became very anemic, and annoyed! The doctor said that is common in the latter years of iud placement. I…
  • Just saw a news program on tv last night about early onset alzheimer's affecting a family and they related it to a gene expression. Sadly, no mention of diet whatsoever. Just the fact that there is no effective treatment or cure for alzheimers. They are now testing a new drug on the family. I just want to shout to the…
  • Sugar is highly addictive. I know from personal experience. I cannot just eat it in moderation. The only way I could kill the beast was by totally giving it up. There is research (look it up yourself) that sugar lights up the same pleasure centers in the brain as cocaine and other addictive substances. Also, people report…
  • Statins are evil in my opinion, My husband will not take them, he is on HBP meds though. Do your research. I have read research that lowering cholesterol does not equal lowered heart health risk. There are native populations with crazy high cholesterol numbers and extremely low heart disease. I have seen many lchf people…
  • Each to their own for sure. I do not like beer (the taste of it). To me micholob ultra tastes more like water. My husband tried several low carb beers and decided he could tolerate Bud Select. I tried it, it tastes more like beer to me. Pick your poison that tastes good to you, lol. I prefer vodka and lime but can only…
  • I love crack slaw! Gives me my Chinese food fix. Only thing for me is it is not very filling. I am not really sure why. Last time I made it I kept the hamburger meat grease in the pan and even added bacon grease to saute the cabbage in. Any ideas? I think I will have to try the cheeseburger crack slaw and add bacon and…
  • I feed my kids (13,15) lchf bkfst, lunch and dinner. They are surrounded by carbs and sugar at school and I am sure they don't always avoid it. I know when we eat out, church, and family meals they still choose carbs, but typically no sweetened beverages. I would say their diet is 75% lchf. Both of them have slimmed up but…
  • Intermittent Fast, or Bulletproof coffee/Tea (hot drink with butter, coconut oil, and heavy whipping cream)
  • When I am burned out on eggs I eat premade sausage patties (210 cal, 20g fat, 0g carbs) or make sausage balls on the weekend with cheese and almond flour and keep them in the fridge and microwave in the mornings
  • This is the easiest and most successful diet I have ever tried, and the first one that I have ever felt like I could stick to long term. So glad you found your way here and hope you love it
  • The more carbs i eat the hangrier I am, the more fat I eat the fuller I feel and can go longer between meals. Food for thought
  • If you are keeping your carbs under 50g and losing weight I would not worry about ketone testing unless you are an epileptic or needing ketones in a certain range for medical reasons. You can be in "ketosis" and have a negetive pee test because your body is using ketones for fuel. I started eating this way and lost to my…
  • No fruit blew my mind in the beginning of this way of eating because we have always been taught fruit is healthy. Unfortunately, fruit starts the same metabolic process as eating sugar. I have been eating this way for nine months now and have no desire to eat fruit. Tastes and cravings can change. I like the idea of warm…
  • I believe you just answered your own question, "I've recently lowered my sugar/bad carb intake" Give it a few weeks and see if you see a change in your waist. I have the flattest stomach/smallest waist measurement since Jr. High dropping carbs and sugar out of my diet-not doing any crunches!
  • I finally started drinking keto-ade over a week ago and gained 4 pounds. I have been low carbing for 9 months without supplementing. I have never had headaches, but have noticed increased energy with drinking the keto-ade. I do not like the extra weight and bloaty belly feeling, but hope this balances out over time because…
  • My original goal weight was 135-140, last weeks weight was 128, this week I weigh 132. I did start drinking homemade keto-ade electrolyte water with salt since last weeks weigh in so I know the difference is water weight. I still don't like the idea of being heavier, but I have to think to myself I am still under my…
  • My favorite restaurant has several options, saute'd spinach, steak medallions and shrimp, grilled salmon, also has a grilled chicken sandwich with bacon and cream cheese. I just order it without the bread and substitute spinach for the fries
  • That is huge, I used to be hangry 2-3 times a day with accompanying hypoglycemic symptoms. It is so nice not to feel bad or be hangry and also to be able to wait to eat and even skip meals! Good luck on your journey!
  • EAT LESS, MOVE MORE You cannot out work a bad diet, I repeat, no matter how much you exercise, it is 90% diet 10% exercise. Also, the less you eat and the more you exercise, your body is behind the scenes lowering your metabolism.
  • "Most important fact here: Ketones are the result, not the cause, of using fat for fuel. Ketones do not drive the process of “burning fat”; they are the byproduct of it." from The way I came to understand it was my mom bought into a multi-level-marketing…
  • Love! Thank you for sharing!!
  • If your "diet" (what you are eating) leaves you hungry then you are not going to want to stick with it for the duration of the weight loss or even after you lose the weight so then you will have a hard time maintaining the wt. loss. I started eating low carb high fat (keto) and will never have to "diet" again. I am never…
  • Sugar is evil and highly addictive. I was addicted prior to this way of eating. I do eat up to 1 square of 90% dark chocolate a day if i want it. I also do not feel the need to binge on it and eat the whole bar like I used to when I had other chocolates in the house prior to this way of eating. I am completely satisfied…
  • Happy Birthday! I love how this woe makes people look 20 years younger including you! I consider it a small victory that you binged on something low carb. Hopefully it wont throw you that off track.
  • lost weight using low carb high fat (moderate protein), have maintained for six months with same food just trying to eat a few more calories. I think I need to add a few more healthy whole carbs back to my diet (sweet potatoes, quinoa) so I don't have to worry so much about losing more weight. I currently eat about 25g…
  • I had egg salad today with avocados, bacon, tomatoes. Here is the recipe I added a couple of dollops of sour cream to it