Ciaraphd Member


  • Hey! Weight gainer here...been lurking for a year and just recently learned there was a community o:) :D :p
  • Oils really boost your calories. A tablespoon of flax oil in a smoothie is more than 100 calories. Same for coconut, olive oil, butter, etc. Also dry fruit and trail mix, granola, waffles, maple syrup, pancakes have a ton of calories. If you need to catch up on calories one full fast food meal or nachos with toppings will…
  • I had been 5’5” 110lbs (underweight) age 12 to 31. I’m around 124 after increasing calories AND lifting heavy weights. Right now I’m on a 2200 calorie a day bulk and it’s still hard to put on weight. Honestly, a dirty bulk puts the pounds (and fat) on. Right now I do a cleaner bulk. My first ten pounds included a lot of…