Hutchinstien Member


  • Hey there! Sounds like you're well on your way. I understand the beer. I make wine and I tend to have a glass about 3x a week. Sometimes on the weekend that means a really big glass... like half a bottle. Gotta work for it!
  • Doing the same! I'm an avid fitness and health nut. 8 years in the Marines, lost over 40lbs of fat and gained 20lbs of muscle. Working on some experimentation and the 4hr Body Book right now. Looking to help motivate folks and reach our goals together. Feel free to add!
  • When you eat sugar (natural or processed) your glycogen level goes up and your body slows the fat burn process. A bunch of fruit in the morning is sure to stagnate fat loss. Unless you're doing some really heavy cardio...
  • In order to break the fast of the night and get your body to keep burning energy from fat avoid glucose and carbs. I stick to 4 eggs, some milk in coffee, and only one piece of GF toast with Real Irish Butter. All the good fats and cholesterol ensures your testosterone stays high, you recover from your workout faster, and…