Halo Top is the best. But there's alot more to binge on when needed. The Yasso yogurt bars, Skinny Cow Greek frozen Greek Yogurt bars, Good Pop coffee popsicles
Is reaper4179 a Moose and Squirrel fan?? Ditto any plans in place?
Good internet signal and keep them close to each other when syncing.
I'm game! Add me too if u want!
I'm about the same job wise. My Fitbit is set for 10,000 mainly for the work week and commuting. When I exercise or walk at lunch it's extra steps. I keep my diary open for friends. My goal lately is staying away from all the home made snacks people bring to work for birthdays and EVERY Holiday.
Turning 41 next month!
If u can stand on a broken-down fire truck and aim a big hose....OK.
Just turned 40 this past year. I'm in.
I agree with all. Taking the stairs over the escalator does make a difference. And buy those portion control lunch bags (you can get them cheaper at Marshall's or Amazon). Set small goals like walking around the block or parking farther. Every step is a step closer to where you want to be.