Lnchace Member


  • As of Feb 10 - the home page will not load.
  • Home page will not load!
  • me to! I feel like I lost all my friends in one fell swoop! MY news feed i empty. I feel lost and alone!
  • In my opinion, your taking in a lot of salt. I try to keep sodium at 1,500 gms per day or less. I f I go over that, or eat a very salty dish, like thai food, or ramen, which I love - not only do I puff up - but the scale shows some pretty ridiculous gains, which go back to normal, when I slightly restrict sodium. I had…
  • How do you log your fitbit calories?
  • Kelli and Daniel are my personal trainers. I am literally addicted to Fitness Blender, almost every day for 2+ years. I am 72, with arthritic knees, and not a lot of...ah, what would you call it? Strength of purpose, I guess. So it's a tribute to Kelli and Daniel that I am there every morning in my pajamas, doing my daily…
  • Been a Fitness Blender fanatic for several years! It is the best method for working out on a regular, consistent basis. You don't have to put on or buy any expensive fancy workout clothes, you don't have to get in a car and drive anywhere, you don't have to pay for a gym membership, you literally have no excuses. Get up,…
  • If you work out with "Fitness Blender.com" Daniel and Kelli have literally hundreds of different workouts - Strength and Cardio - they provide an estimate of calories burned during each workout. A range - like 120 to 200 - based on the level of effort you expend. I always try to err on the low side, so I'm not over…
  • lay on the couch and listen to your body rot.
  • I'm a ex cc'er! I was sad to see the site go down. I relied on it to keep me honest about what I put in my mouth. So I couldn't you know, tell myself, "I don't know WHY I can't loose weight?" I am liking MFP. Getting used to the serving sizes. But all in all it seems pretty simple and straight forward. Everything changes!…