loopydo2017 Member


  • Yes x3. A beautiful walk this morning. 3 months from now… -I plan to be maintaining and still tracking -I will be planting my flowerbed garden -we will be through our basement renovation to fix foundation/flooding issues. I will have painted and organized our dungeon basement into a more functional art space. I will be a…
  • Yes x3. This week I’m focusing on more intentional strength workouts. I’ve been doing the bare minimum for exercise the past while and it’s time to step it up a little.
  • Yes x3. Not the best food choices today but stayed under calories. Got out for a walk this afternoon. ‘Tis the season for wet, soggy feet. If you look closely you can see ducks swimming in the middle of my walking path!
  • Yes x3. Activity today was a couple of hours of curling. So fun! I happen to love both water and sleep, so it’s not difficult to get plenty of both.
  • Yes x3
  • Yes x3
  • Yes x3. I wish I could tell my younger self to embrace the body shape I have - rectangular torso with high hip bones (which forever look like muffin tops even at my thinnest) I was never happy, no matter my size, because I was comparing myself to a completely different body type.
  • Yes x3. Got in a walk this morning before donating blood knowing I’d need to take it easy the rest of the day.
  • Yes x3. Strength training with cardio intervals. Ironically enough, today I hit my goal weight. But a ‘soft’ 135 of today is not the same body as a strong 135 of a few years ago. So my NSV is to ditch my goals around the scale number and continue working on endurance, strength, balance and stretching and celebrate…
  • Yes x3. I haven’t done a Wheel of Life exercise in a couple years! Too tired to do it tonite, but it’s worth doing in the coming days.
  • Pass day. Got out for a nice long walk. But this evenings tea and dessert ended up being far more calories than I expected putting me slightly over. Not too worried about it… it’s a good reminder to pre-log, but also a good reminder to sometimes just eat the cake with my kids on family game night!
  • Yes x3. Lower body strength. I think I could do more to speak positively and encourage myself. I don’t really have negative self talk… maybe neutral self talk. Words of affirmation is one of my love languages so why not make an effort to build myself up!
  • Yes x3. Upper body strength. Weekends aren’t much different than weekdays so I just keep on trucking.
  • Yes x3. I used to push hard with workouts. If it wasn’t a long sweat session, then does it even count? I can’t be bothered with that anymore. I stick with things I enjoy - walking is a 10 when I can get outside. Walking, kickboxing and low impact videos indoors is less enjoyable - 7. Weight lifting is a 9. Biking in the…
  • Yes x3. I walked the kids to school this morning then did a loop by the creek. It was -30ish but the sun was shining! Feeling strong motivates me. Avoiding the spiral of shame from overeating motivates me.
  • Yes x3. More shovelling and ended the day with yoga.
  • Yes x3. An hour long walk. Yay for milder weather! Success this week looks like sticking to the plan when we are low on fresh produce (until grocery day on Friday) and my workout area is inaccessible because of an upcoming basement renovation. And also I need to prioritize creativity - getting to some art this week.
  • Yes x3. The problem with checking in right before I fall asleep is that I don’t have the brain capacity to engage in these great topics. Love reading them though and am feeling inspired by so many of you. Thanks for sharing!
  • Yes x3. Another way too busy day. One more to go before a break.
  • Yes x3. So much shovelling. Such heavy snow. Eyes are too tired to read so I’ll catch up on the thread tomorrow!
  • Yes x3
  • Yes x3. Got out for a few walks
  • I thought so! I regularly walk on the lewvan to elphinstone side.
  • Congrats to all the winners! Yes x3 today with a short upper body workout and a walk. I actually think I recognize where you were walking @jamcnewman and I wasn’t too far away on my afternoon walk!
  • Yes x3. Walking and lower body strength. I joined MFP in 2012 after the birth of my second. I used it to lose 30lbs of baby weight within 6 months then got pregnant with #3. I have a 10lb range (135-145) that I maintain within. When I hit the high end, I find myself back here to get down to the lower end. I’m down 7lbs in…
  • Yes x3. Abs&cardio workout done this morning before being out for the day.
  • Planned pass day #2 today and that should be the last of the month.
  • Yes x3. Upper body strength and yoga.
  • Yes x3. 35 minute barre burn workout.
  • Yes x3. Lower body strength. I read through all the great responses while at my sons pickle ball lesson, but now I’m in bed and too tired to add my thoughts. I really appreciated all the insight on the topic!