Scribbledsmooth Member


  • Abs are made in the kitchen, unfortunately. The only way to get abs is to reduce body fat over your entire body.
  • I have a health condition also, albiet different from yours... As I result of my condition, I sometimes get lightheaded and faint (black vision) under normal, non-lifting conditions. But I love to lift, so I continue to lift, but stick to dumbells so that I can drop or get rid of them quickly if needed. Just thought I…
  • Lift weights. LOL. I carry ALL of my excess weight in my tummy, even prior to pregnancy I struggled with a spare tire despite being a competitive athlete. The ONLY way that I personally have ever been able to get rid of belly fat is to eat right (30% carb, 50% protein, and 20% fat), count calories, and lift... heavy (I am…
  • I too am breastfeeding and I had been doing a lot of reading on this. Most articles that I read said that you cannot go below 1800 calories a day, or your milk supply will drop. So I tried eating 1800 cal a day, and my supply TANKED. So, I went back to eating normally and then I slowly cut back on calories day by day. In…
  • Wow!! That is great! Nice work!
  • Hi there! I am looking to lose the last of my baby weight as my daughter is 9 mos (my goal is to have it all off by the time that she is a year old- I gained 45 lbs total through pregnancy... :neutral:). I hear you on the friend thing; it is hard to go at it alone. I have had a lot of trial and error over the last 8 months…