fat997 Member


  • Myth: you need to eat to lose weight Lol that logic Probably a good idea to eat, though, yep
  • you're not eating too little. Don't worry, man
  • Hey OP, I also struggle with disordered eating. I can imagine it's very hard to hit 4000 calories. Who set the 4000 goal for you? If you can't hit it, I wouldn't try to force yourself. It could make you very sick :( Something like 2500 - 3000 is enough for weight gain for an underweight person, provided you don't do much…
  • I think she's accurately measuring food. I find 900 calories to be filling enough for a day, also, honestly. If you're concerned about how long your calories are, add calorie dense food (like kimny said). Things like oil that don't fill you up
  • I drink gallons of diet coke and if anything, it's helped me lose weight because I chug instead that when I feel like going for the snacks