helent954 Member


  • Hi ladies, I'm 33 years old with a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old, I'm trying to lose weight but finding it hard to find the time to exercise! I'd love some support and motivation, I find it particularly hard to resist sweet snacks when I'm tired (youngest boy still doesn't sleep through!) and when both boys are having…
  • I have two boys under 4 that go through phases of what they will or won't eat. I make this hidden veg sauce a lot as both mine love pasta and it freezes beautifully: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1508645/pasta-with-tomato-and-hidden-veg-sauce I don't add the sugar, and you could add more chopped tomatoes if that's his…
  • Just getting started with my weight loss and after having two children am determined to get my fitness back. This week I'm going to start the NHS Couch to 5k. Bring it on!