Lynda652017 Member


  • Username: lynda652017 Weigh in day: Wednesday Starting weight: 196.2 (Wed 26th April) Looking forward to meeting everyone! Good luck!
  • Bought a size 12 pair of jeans today (that fit me!). I was pushing the edges of size 16 only 4 months ago! It's working! (Feeling good and confident that I'm on track) :)
    in NSV! Comment by Lynda652017 April 2017
  • I think I'll give this a try starting today until the end of the month - but will start on a 14:10 (I do like a small snack in the eve which will be hard to just drop - but if I eat more for dinner because I'm skipping breakfast, I may not need the eve snack..... I'll see how it goes).
  • I didn't see this - but have been doing yoga for the past week. Joined in Day 7.
  • Name: Lynda Age: 52 Height: 5'8 Current Weight: 206 Challenge Goal Weight: 180 Ultimate Goal Weight: 155-165 Motivation: Getting back into shape following peri-menopause and all the havoc that has had on my body! Too much stress at this point in life - sandwiched between two generations with needs. I am due to be finishing…
  • Typical!
  • I hear you ladies - just went 48 days without for the first time. But the last 3 weeks had my weight plateau and even go up 3-4lbs. Hanging out on my sofa this weekend - scared to go out anywhere cos it's so heavy. (I'm 52 - and feeling envious of some of you 5 years younger and further along this track than me - make it…
  • Hi Joanna I am new to this too. I haven't paid for the upgrade - but I guess it depends what you want to get out of it. With the free app, we still get access to the community groups and the tracker tools are sufficient for my needs. I suppose it depends what you need. Good luck with your journey to better health and…
  • Wow - I have experienced much of the same - weight gain started in my late 40s that just would not stop/come off no matter what I did. I spoke with a personal trainer and he told me - that cardio can increase the output of cortisone which is a stress hormone that makes you hang onto weight. He suggested weight training for…
  • Hi all. I'm 51 (almost 52) and not yet fully in menopause but it's been a long haul through peri-menopause (about 5-6 years). I gained a steady 1 lb a month during that time and now have about 50-60lbs to lose. Add stress (job, family, moving, house renovations etc) and I've been pumping out cortisone like a crazy person…
  • Please add me too - about 50lbs to lose. Let's do this! :)