TeeElleGee Member


  • Do you ever have those days where you wake up and you just FEEL thinner? I had one of those mornings today. Got on the scale, and it said 260..!! I had to go get my reading glasses because I thought I wasn't seeing it properly. And then I was afraid to step back on the scale because, maybe it was a fluke... or the stars…
  • Started Keto on January 1st. Down 6 lbs?!? What is this sorcery?!? Also, on a lighter note, texted my daughter that I was doing the 'ketogenic diet' and my phone autocorrected it to 'cryogenic diet' She said "sounds expensive, but it worked for Bucky Barnes" (in the Avengers movies, for you none comic book geeks lol)
  • Hello! I started Keto for 'realsies' yesterday. Already I'm struggling to hit my macros. GAH. It's like trying to solve a rubics cube, making proteins, fats, carbs and calories all line up! I have tried (and failed!) so many diets I'm not ready to tell anyone in real life what I'm doing (but strangers on the internet is…