BrkNelson Member


  • I'm currently trying to lose 60 pounds and today is my first day of trying a vegetarian diet. I'm seeing everyone is saying the normal diet of a vegetarian is high carb... will it be possible for me to lose weight and try be vegetarian? I'm going to stay within a certain amount of carbs and it will be from sweet potato…
  • Wow thank you guys for all of your suggestions. I was afraid no one would say anything or be the usual rude comments ya know . I'm definitely going to give all these a try. Thank y'all for helping me out !
  • @SoDamnHungry I'm not sure. I've never had it . I have been told I have a semi intolerance to dairy. Usually if it's ice cream ,yogurt and stuff like that . I don't like milk anyways... so it's not a big issue for me : I found a protein powder that's dairy free called Nectar and it tastes horrific so I'm still on the…
  • Wow. It's hard to come by someone that's 4'11 like myself. I'm 27, I weigh 174... started at 185. Like everyone else above has said.. it's important to weigh your food. I know a few years back when I started weighing my food... certain things I was shocked at. As far as such a small amount of a particular type of food was…
  • I want to lose 60 !
  • I'm a stay at home mom. I'm 27 and currently trying to lose 60 pounds. It's going to be tough because I'm barely 5 feet tall lol! But I can do it, we all can! Y'all feel free to add me as well.