Xellercin Member


  • I've gone through many phases of changing the way I eat, mostly due to the relationships I was in at the time with men who insisted on eating certain ways. I've been able to change my palate dramatically many times. If I eat a lot of junk food and sugar, then I crave it like crazy. However, if I mostly eat vegetables and…
  • I have only snacked on hard boiled eggs, raw vegetables and hummus for the past several years. I figure if those things don't sound appetizing, then I'm not legitimately hungry. If I really actually *need* food, then a hard boiled egg or two is tremendously satisfying and filling.
    in Snacks Comment by Xellercin July 2022
  • Here's a quote from Howard Moskowitz, one of the most famous food engineers, who has a background in I believe mathematics and psychology “The mathematical model maps out the ingredients to the sensory perceptions these ingredients create,” he told me, “so I can just dial a new product. This is the engineering approach.”…
  • I stopped cooking meat years ago and switched to legume-based meals and our groceries dropped down to a quarter of what they were. I buy dried beans and lentils in bulk for next to nothing. Budget Bytes has amazing inexpensive recipes. As has already been said, I make a lot of food from scratch. I have a bread maker and…
  • I'm glad you found it encouraging. I get how overwhelming it can be, especially when you don't *know* if something is going to work. Just focus on little, achievable goals for improving your health. Try to figure out what barriers are holding you back and what you need in order to eliminate them. For me, cooking in the…
  • Whenever I feel like it. I change it around pretty much every day.
  • HAHAHA This is so true. I lost weight very slowly, but people often didn't see me every day, so when they would see me, it would look like I had suddenly lost a bunch of weight. In reality, I had only lost 2lbs/mo, but that adds up to noticeable weight loss pretty quickly. They would always ask me with bright eyes "OMG,…
  • When I was working, I had Vega One and plain yogurt for breakfast every single day. It required virtually no effort and kept me full for a solid 6 hours, which was good because I didn't get any breaks at work from 7am-noon. Pretty much every working person in my family now has this for breakfast.
  • This will entire depend on you. The best thing you can do is trial and error and figure out what is easiest in conjunction with your lifestyle. I personally am too fried to cook in the evening, so I prep entire meals that can be pre-portioned and then reheated on demand. But there's absolutely no way I would cook…
  • I think their point was to slowly and easily build new habits. I have never had a diet breaking point because I have never "been on a diet." I lost from obese to very lean, steadily, slowly, with absolutely no regain along the way because I was never on a specific diet. I just made small, easy, incremental changes over…
  • Yes they are. There are many famous food engineering scientists who have dedicated their lives to engineering every little detail of food palatability. Food is an incredibly competitive market, and companies invest astronomical amounts of money into generating products that will slightly eek out the competition. There's…
  • It sounds like you have an all-or-nothing attitude about eating. As though you are either on-diet or off-diet. Try to remember that your diet is always just the sum of your eating choices over time. There's no being off-diet, there are just choices that will on average work out to promote your weight goals or work against…
  • I have a pretty realistic sense of what I look like and I'm quite comfortable with it. But I've done a lot of work on my emotional relationship with my body. Not to like it more, but to just stop investing so much of my energy and self worth into my appearance. It's perfectly okay to not find certain parts of my body…
  • This is a question for a well-trained PT with experience in hip replacements. You are very young for double hip replacement, I'm shocked your surgeon didn't go over in detail what activies are more likely to speed up you needing another replacement. If I were you, I would clear everything with your surgeon/PT team. Signed:…
  • What do you mean by "millet?" It is a word that means different things in different cultures.
  • You're never going to lose weight every day. I steadily, predictably lost weight over a few years and sometimes the scale would stall for well over a month even though the rate of loss *on average* every month stayed exactly the same. So it might look like I would lose a lot one month and then nothing the next, but my…
  • I never talked about wanting to lose weight when I was obese because I never had a weight loss goal. I had a lifestyle goal and I talked very openly about that. Everyone knew I was very focused on nutrition and health overall. I never ever commented on my own weight. Everyone else did, but I didn't.
  • It's totally normal for your weight to go up and down, even if your fat levels aren't changing, even if you are losing fat. The scale never just stays the same, there's a lot more than changes in your body than just fat, and that's what shows on the scale. You have to look at the results on the scale over a long period, ~6…
  • I'm curious, what made you think that your coffee was the main reason you aren't losing weight?
  • Therapy. High quality therapy is by far the most efficient way to build expert level coping skills. You can learn a lot in finding your own resources, but I would go the easy route with a 6-12 week course of weekly therapy to save on time and energy.
  • I've helped A LOT of people lose and keep weight off over the past decade, and I always start with identifying *why* they have excess weight to begin with. It's not because they're weak, or have addictive personalities, it's because their lives are not set up to support the kind of lifestyle they need to maintain a healthy…
  • I'm not quite understanding. I lost a ton of weight drinking coffee with tons of cream every day. If you want to cut calories, then you can cut them from anywhere. If cutting them from coffee is hard for you, then why not cut them from somewhere easier? If you are determined to cut the calories in your coffee, then I…
  • What's wrong with milk?
  • Yes, simply logging what you eat in a food diary has been shown to reduce intake. For a lot of people the biggest benefit of tracking is just to keep themselves honest about what they are actually eating. Knowing they have to write it down can stop a lot of people from choosing to eat half a cheesecake or 17 Oreos. Or if…
  • This is a great approach. I can say from experience that I've been young and stupid and hated my body and felt fat at my thinnest, and I've loved and respected my body and felt beautiful at it's obese heaviest. Guess which version of my body got the best care from me? I became obese through several years of sustained,…
  • People say a lot of stupid crap. This person is not an expert in any way, shape or form. I've seen the job listing for those roles, it's a sales listing, not a weight loss expert listing. She's saying whatever is consistent with the narrative that the program "works" unless there's something "wrong" with the person. That's…
  • I would go to therapy and address the emotional issues that are driving the behaviour.
  • Where you lose fat depends on the person. I happen to lose fat from my belly first. You just have to wait it out and see.
  • I don't think I've learned anything from MFP, I'm already a doctor and have a team of 11 specialists taking care of me. But the most interesting thing I've learned from living with a serious illness is that I would rather be sick but proactive about my health and self care than be one of the many able bodied people out…
  • My neurologist prescribed fasting for me for nerve pain, and it did nothing for me on that front, but has been great for increasing my energy, weight loss, digestion, and general inflammation. Your results will be unique to you, but hopefully you're like me and get a lot of benefit from it. I now couldn't fathom going back…