skotj Member


  • The best thing i ever learnt. Weight loss starts with motivation, but ends with discipline. That is, you cannot keep that motivation that you will lose weight, it requires a level of discipline. Like any skill you are learning...
  • Cheers for all the responses people. I weigh 84 kg at the moment but spend all day at my desk or in the car so don't really burn many calories whilst sitting on my butt. I think i'll save the protein shakes for post workouts and not bother trying to reach my protein targets with the shakes. I guess the challenge is to…
  • My goals are after 180g of protein. I struggle to get to 100, hence the thought of shakes. Its the lowest calorie, high protein item i can think of.
  • I have the same problem. I'm starting on protein powder but i really need to find some high protein low kj snacks....