I was sleeved 10/3/2016, almost a year ago, and I've already lost 119 pounds, best decision I ever made!
I'll try it again because now I think it's working... I got sleeved almost a year ago, 10/3/16 and it was the best decision I ever made! I'm 47 now (46 at the time of surgery) and I've already lost 119 lbs and still losing! I'm not on the discussion boards here much, but I'm very active on Facebook if you want to friend me…
I got sleeved almost a year ago, on 10/3/2016 and it was the BEST decision of my life! I was 46 at the time, 47 now, and had ballooned up to 361 pounds, I've now lost 119 lbs and still losing, but the best part of all is I feel soooo much better! I'm not on the conversations her much, I just stumbled upon here just now…
ok, so apparently I cannot suggest you friend me on facebook... ugh
oh sure... now it works... LOL
I typed a big long reply and now I cannot find it....