vivomagee Member


  • HAHAHA! Google Twiggy. Sixties model who started the whole bone-thin craze. We dieted without benefit of "low calorie" or "fat free" or any other specialized packaged foods (we had Tab cola, sweetened with cyclamate--ick) so we had to focus on eating waaaay less. And yes, no Internet, no cell phones, we were way more…
  • I beg to differ, Spliner1969. For over a year I ate 1500 calories a day for 6 days and on the 7th day--my "carrot day"--I ate whatever I wanted to eat for dinner, and did not count calories. This helped keep me on track--knowing that I wasn't totally depriving myself of things I love to eat because I could eat them for my…
  • I can't believe MFP is recommending 1100 calories/day to anyone! That's dangerous; the only time someone should be eating under 1200 calories is when they're losing weight under medical supervision.
  • You're not eating *enough*. 1190 calories is below the absolute minimum anyone should be eating, which is 1200 calories. But even at 1500 calories, with the amount you currently weigh and the amount of exercise you're getting, your body has gone into famine mode--it thinks it has to hang onto every little ounce of…
  • Um, hate to say it, but it's harder for our age group to lose weight (I'm 57). My immediate goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of April, but I think that's WAY too optimistic; I'll be happy if I lose 5. I average 2 lbs/month but sometimes I can go 2 months and only lose 2 lbs. In our case, persistence and looking at the…
  • Um, hate to say it, but it's harder for our age group (I'm 57) to lose weight. My immediate goal is to lose 10 lbs by end of April, and I think that's WAY too optimistic (I'll be happy if I lose 5). I average losing 2 lbs/month, but sometimes I can go 2 months and only lose 1-2 lbs. (I've been yoyo dieting for 35 years;…