I'm having a cop car fantasy lol I gotta go have fun chatters
Screw this ... I'm taking dan home !!!
Dan is adorable❤️
I love cops❤️
Lol slick Ricky I know what's going on under that table and I'll have no part of it !!! Lol
The cops are here I gotta go!
Sorry jo don't really know what that was about Tigger!!!!! Get back to work!!!!
I never said I was at the table!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!
* hands tigger snacks I got a feeling he's gonna be under there for a while
Cause your always crawling around on the floor pretending yo Looks for something
You were looking at my butt again werent you?
Hey don't sneak up on me like that
Go back to sleep
Quick cuff her before she gets away!!!
Lol stop that
lol silly man
No actually I was just trying to get the cop to cuff me :p
* holds wrist out.... pouts... doesn't hurt to try ?
Omg I'm working over here giggles
I'm thinking I can get myself arrested in the next couple threads :)
Omg smh
U agree with what ?
Got something stronger Like a chippendale