manders281 Member


  • @rybo I think the first time I puked was I ate to close to the class(even tho it was a banana and nuts) and nerves, the second time I didn't eat before hand and I felt I even took it easy in the class. Maybe I am just that out of shape, there is another similar program that seems to be amazing and starts people off really…
  • Meal prep is definitely key. For breakfast you can make mini frittata cups, or breakfast burritos freeze them and when you are ready throw them in the microwave. Homemade trail mix with berries, or berries and nuts for a snack. Now for dinner/lunch im stuck on that. I eat the same things all the time and even tho Im sick…
  • Hmm Id love you to put your input in once you have been doing this for a while. Hopefully it works for you, I've never done it but im going to research it, it might be something to change in my diet.