silenieuxevo Member


  • also very true, heavily depends if you're trying to tone, or grow too. I admittedly tried the high rep low weight route for a long time myself and i got no where with it, Cortisol in the body will also have a rather heavy impact on gains/losses as well I also forgot to mention, muscle building, weight loss, etc There is no…
  • There's something here that that also plays a factor in all of this. It's not always about the speed/quantity of reps, slowing down the reps at a mid-high weight will also gain some large benefits, this is done through forcing the muscles to work longer and harder during that time. i can throw out 12 reps easy, but if i…
  • Yep, it can happen, it can be water weight OR it can be muscle, or even fat depending what you're drinking while at the gym and the intensity of your workouts