DreamingofGoalDay Member


  • Thank you all so very much! Lookong forward to this journey, and I hope that each and every one of you are successful in your journeys as well! I have friend requested all of you, so if i accidentially missed someone, please friend request me :)
  • It is so refreshing to not feel alone on this journey! I will add you!
  • Thank you partaz! I do need to work on moving more as well! I live in PA and winter is making me not want to be outside. I need to find ways to be active indoors and not just sit all day
  • Welcome back to you! I know all about starting over for the umpteenth time! I feel thats all I do! I go through a similar cycle of starting a plan, then getting frustrated and just give up (eat everything and anything). I will friend you :smile: . I am confident we can do this! Now, if we can keep strong and do it!