razorbackinflorida Member


  • I would cut out the sodas. Not meaning to be preachy but I used to drink diet sodas all day every day. It actually caused me to retain water, and didnt help my weight loss cause. I was doing about 5-6 per day. I started putting water and a tiny bit of Stevia into my water and made lemonade. Gradually I weaned myself off…
  • Roll your muscles out with a roller. IT HELPS SOOO MUCH. Lots of Protein and of course the water. I drink about 120 ounces per day.
  • I had the same experience with C4. I couldn't figure out why the scale wasn't moving. I had my Personal Trainer look at my eating logs and I mentioned the C4. He said stop taking that immediately. He said for some women it can cause fluid build up. My ankles were swollen. You might think it was due to salt intake WRONG no…