joshllb Member


  • Hmm on second thoughts, I think I'll try and better my time by using the 5k pacer app first and go from there! Then hopefully when I go to a 10k I'll be ready to run a little quicker!
  • Yep there's no way I'm giving up or stopping. I will definitely miss the structure though so think ill have to go with another app. I think I'll go with the 10k option rather than the faster 5k. What app would you recommend for the 10k? Is the fitness22 one any good? I notice it starts at "Couch", but I'd obviously be…
  • I've finished! W8D3 complete and ran 5.5k on my final 35 minute run. I genuinely couldn't run for a minute at the beginning of this programme, DO NOT GIVE UP! Now... what next?
  • Ah, I've forgot to update this for a while, but haven't stopped running! Finished W7:D2 yesterday - that 20 minute run is a monster, but feels amazing, considering I was complaining on here a month ago about how I couldn't run for 3 minutes! Looking forward to doing my first 5K and my pace is about 6:20/km, which means I'm…
  • congratulations!! W2D3 done yesterday. Not easy due to suffering with my knees but got it done. Pace was a little slower but as I see it, I ran for 6 x 1.5m - something I couldn't do 2 weeks ago. Let's see how we go from here!
  • W2D2 done and I SMASHED IT. I actually felt good running round, whereas on W2D1 I was begging for it to end. I think I could've gone further - which I suppose is the point! I'm amazed by the progress in what, a week and a half? Maybe I can do this. Also, big mental breakthrough today when I ran when it was still slightly…
  • Hi guys and girls, 26/m with a history of knee problems an absolute hate for running! Used to be in pretty good shape in my early 20's but long hours at a desk job and life getting in the way has seen to that and I need to get back to where I want to be. Have tried and failed different things many times over. Used to love…