anfgirl22 Member


  • Research "Dr. McDougall." You might find that high carb isn't necessarily a bad thing
  • I think the problem with cheat days/meals is that they usually occur (with that negative mindset, not in the "I'm going to indulge and enjoy this and not worry about it" positive mindset) because you're not eating enough. Society tells you you need to cut calories to lose weight but it's more about what's in your food than…
  • Stop the cycle by eating enough to feel satisfied and not being restrictive. Don't call them "cheat days", don't plan out your calories for one big meal and the rest itty bitty (it's not a calories in, calories out equation haha all calories aren't equal). Lol just eat what you want when you want it and eat what you're…
  • Carbs and calories are NOT the enemy!! And please don't skip meals. By doing so you are slowing down your metabolism. I used to eat 1300 calories a day, was yoyo-ing in weight the whole time because it was not a sustainable diet. My body was in and out of starvation mode all the time and held onto everything. Now I eat…