Jirachii Member


  • When the rest of your message gets deleted because you used an iPhone emoji on accident. ^^" Stick with your changes and you'll see tons of progress before you know it <3 don't let one day of not working out or a scale get you down, just keep on keeping on
  • Ahhhh I forgot to say happy birthday!!!
  • Piano (First thing that came to mind was river flows in you ^^)
  • It was never my intention to state that red meats were "bad", hence my use of quotations. I was just explaining that most people recommend lean meats. And I don't believe fats are bad at all! Just that red meats generally have more fat. As for carbs, if you're not on a low to no carb diet, eating them in moderation is…
  • I've heard great things about the halo top peanut butter flavor! I want to try them but man they're expensive! Also, good carbs vs bad cards: there isn't really any "bad" carbs, but there are simple and complex carbs. Complex carbs take longer to turn into fat, and that is why they are "good." Plus, the foods that have…
  • I feel like BMI is a good general average, but if you gain a lot of muscle mass, it won't apply to you as much. Some dude I know looks lean as hell at 210. But that's because he has a super low BF%, as Anna was saying. And some people are just built differently. -shrug- One of my goals is to get within a healthy BMI, but…
    in BMI Comment by Jirachii April 2017
  • "the energy and vivacious charm of a damp kitchen sponge" :lol:
  • I see! Thank you for all of the input =) I focused on metabolism because said person doesn't seem to care about muscle deterioration so long as they lose weight. (And muscles increase your CO at rest, so I assumed that could get to them but I guess not.) Reading what you guys have said, focusing on nutrition seems to be…
  • I weigh myself in the morning on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Kind of just out curiosity more than anything else. I'm *really* wanting to be under 200, so inching towards that excites me. I've noticed certain trends, like it's uncommon for the scale to drop in two consecutive weighings unless the drop is .5 or less.…
  • I wouldn't be scared of weighing yourself daily as long as you recognize that it is a trend. I weigh myself three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. I always use the bathroom right after I wake up, and I weigh myself before I eat, always in pajamas, never in full clothes. Often times, even 3 times a week…
  • Well that was an amusing thought. At 209 pounds my matinence is around 2000. Not only would I have to not eat ever, but I would also have to burn 1400-1500 calories in the gym every day. Yeahhhhh no I'm fine with 1.5-2 pounds a week
  • If MFP gave you a goal of 1200 to coincide with your goal per week, it's already at a deficit, and you will lose weight at that amount regardless of if you exercise or not.
  • If you only want to cook big meals, Tupperware and measuring cups are your friend. Pack it all away before you start eating. Label each container certain days, meals, and don't touch them until then. Otherwise, try cooking singular meals. My go to lunch is chicken and broccoli on rice. I have a rice cooker, but the chicken…
  • Thanks for the replies, guys! I laughed at some of the responses, imagining a battle over the sour cream. I wouldn't say I'm suffering any abuse, it's just super annoying. My brother likes to push my buttons, and my step dad I think wishes he were healthier but is just not willing to try, even with 3 stints in his heart…
  • I don't know why we have to compete with eachother, but it's not just women. YouTube has a whole fitness section and a lot of the big (as in sub count) people in that group have videos talking about how their weight loss has made making friends easier, but at the cost of some of their old friends. I know Obesetobeast…
  • Isn't it weird how dynamics change with weight? My mom went from supportive to really bitter about my efforts when I reached the 10 pound mark. She's been blasting me to lose weight for years, and now that I'm trying it, she tries to sabatoge me. I think she likes that I've been stuck at the exact same weight for over a…
  • Ohhh thanks for the recipe :smile: I really like vegetable soups. Knowing my family we would put ground beef in it (like everything else.) Nice and light, seems like it would be good with a warm toasted sandwich! (But really what soup wouldn't be? ;) )
    in Recipes Comment by Jirachii April 2017
  • It's so interesting that for an entire month I never felt a strong urge to eat anything unhealthy or eat more than one serving. Suddenly there's some good spaghetti in my face and I'm like hold my stuff. I even had the leftovers for lunch today and then had a small dinner so I could finish the leftover spaghetti lol. I…
  • Cabbage is a super food dude! I'm excited because we just boiled a HUGE pot of cabbage last night, and if I can get to it before they throw in the butter and salt, I can have pretty much as much as I want :p and I love boiled cabbage so I'm hyped. And I've actually never had curry before. I'm so uncultured D: That looks…
    in Recipes Comment by Jirachii April 2017
  • I've also been stumbling a bit. I'm still eating under my limit, but what I'm eating is not the healthiest haha. I've "only" lost one pound in the past week, but I had a large enough deficit to almost lose two. Everyone got sick with the flu and I ran out of healthy groceries. No one wanted to cook or go shopping, so I…
  • You can try weight lifting! You don't have to go in guns blazing, but if you're worried about your joints, lifting isn't anywhere near as hard on them as aerobics. My knees hurt a bit when I run, but I haven't had that issue doing leg day at the gym. The "bad" side is that you might gain weight in muscle. The good side is…