madsandy11 Member


  • Would start out with cable machines just so you can get some sort of basic idea of how to lift without the increased amount of danger that lifting free weights with improper form brings. If you're trying to tone and not bulk, remember more reps, less weight! If you have any questions feel free to message me and I'll try my…
  • Don't worry about weight, and worry more about body fat percentage. You could lose quite a few pounds of water weight and still not look any different. However, if you lose a few percentage points if body fat, that could be the difference between having a 6 pack and not having a 6 pack. There's also nothing wrong with…
    in Help Comment by madsandy11 February 2017
  • What is your fat intake goal?
  • It honestly depends on both your lifestyle and the duration/composition of your workout. Mfp only uses this to calculate your starting calorie goal anyway (you can choose to change this at your leisure btw) I would start by checking your basal metabolic rate (bmr)(quite a few online Calculators will get you close), and…
  • I can only see this working if you have a fairly substantial body fat percentage. I do not recommend this, especially if you are looking to gain/maintain muscle. Usually anything over a 500 calorie deficet is frowned upon due to the body going into "starvation" mode, even if you do have 500 calories during the fasting…